Need help getting started...

Okay. So I've had weight problems like all my life. At age 11, I weighed 136 pounds. At age 12, I lost weight and weighed as little as 104 pounds. At age 13, I started gaining and my maximum weight went up to 125 lbs. Now, I weigh a plain 140 lbs, at a height of 5 ft 2 inches.
I've tried so many ways, and ended up losing, then gaining. I just want to be healthy and thin again!
Any advice. I want to lose at least 20 lbs by the middle of July. Is it possible or nah?


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    I can totally relate, I was 180lbs when I was 13 and got up to 250 lbs by the time I was 27! Definitely friend me and we can chat but, in short, how I lost 100lbs was to ditch dieting! Seriously! Work on eating healthy, cutting back on portions and try and find a workout you enjoy. You can TOTALLY do this! It may not happen fast but it WILL happen if you stay consistent! Friend me! :)
  • bekahlou75
    bekahlou75 Posts: 304 Member
    To lose 20 pounds in approximately 6 weeks would be a little over 3 pounds a week. You could probably do it but it won't be sustainable. Log your calories, keep a deficit, lift heavy weights. You'll like the way you look better than if you do a drastic loss and become "skinny fat."
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I want to lose at least 20 lbs by the middle of July. Is it possible or nah?
    That's 14% of your body weight! Not likely, and probably not healthy. (entirely non-expert opinion)

    If you are looking for a sustainable outcome, you need to figure out where the fluctuations are coming from. identify your habits, figure out what needs changing, and what you are willing to change. permanently. (this doesn't mean NEVER eat _____ (fill in the blank) anymore. just not as frequently....)

    if you are ok with logging calories every day for the foreseeable future, i'd suggest calculating the tdee of your goal weight, and eating those calories until you reach it, then continue.
    if you know you won't keep it up, look for other solutions, like changing habits, such as only eating when you are actually hungry, having a glass of water with every meal, etc.

    exercise isn't a total must, but it helps.