Hey all!

Hey! New to this site. I'm Paloma. I'm 18 years old, and an enthusiastic dancer who specializes in hiphop.

I'm 5'7 and rather thin. I weigh 130 pounds, and have for the past 5 years.

Although I'm at a healthy weight and have been thin all of my life, I still have belly fat that I would like to cut and tighten up. My stomach is just soft and a tad pudgy. I'm interested in getting toned and developing abs to help me further in my dance endeavors and also to lead an even healthier lifestyle.

Recently I've rapidly changed my diet and added in a lot more fruits and veggies. I cut out junk for the most part. To curve my candy cravings I just eat a couple atkins bars a day.

I used to eat a lot of junk, however, it didn't effect my weight. (No idea how..) I've weighed the same for years now, and I think it's time for a change. I wanna sculpt my body more and feel stronger.

I understand that when you're already at a healthy weight, it's a lot harder to cut the fat. I also understand that a certain amount of fat is healthy, however I think I have just a tad of excess. Any tips and guides would be great. I run 3-4 times a week for 40 minutes. (4 miles.) Every once in awhile I'll run with friends but it's usually 20 minutes or so, they'll run with me because they want a good running buddy and aren't quite at my endurance level.

I burn about 100 calories a mile. For example, I ran 4 miles today and burned 408 calories. I kept a 9:50min pace.

After my run what I do first is a 1 minute bridge hold, followed by a variation of crunches/core workouts for about 4 minutes. Each minute I'll switch between regular crunches, to side crunches, to bicycle crunches, to 6 inch leg holds. I'll also do 30 leg raises. (10 straight, 10 the right and 10 to the left) After that, I do a good 40 squats.

I'm not exactly sure how much weight is required to be lost to look how I wanna look, but I figured reaching 120 would be a reasonable goal.

I've heard you can't cut fat and tone at the same time...I'm not sure, so I'll ask you guys.

According to the MFP app, my calorie goal is 1,740.

My BMR is about 1450 give or take (on most sites. On iifym it's 1404.)
My TDEE (according to iifym) is 1930.

I just started using the MFP app to log my food just a couple days ago. I've made my cleaner diet change for a little over a month now, however now I'll keep an eye on my calories. No weight/physical changes yet (probably expected)

Once I get a job and can afford a gym membership, I want to start weight lifting because I think it'd help me out. At the moment, I just have two 10 pound dumbbells at home. (My upper body is wimpy. I don't really use them yet, not sure how I should implement them)

As for my dancing, it doesn't really have organization like my other workout regime. Once I get a job I plan on taking more classes. I'll be practicing at home more, which will be a good addition to getting fitter but there's really no telling exactly how much I burn.

Any guidance on food/workouts/etc would be appreciated!


  • palomster
    palomster Posts: 6
  • palomster
    palomster Posts: 6
  • theoncomingstorm6464
    theoncomingstorm6464 Posts: 116 Member
    Welcome. There are a lot of knowledgable people, I'm sure someone will have some answers for you.
  • Ronni66
    Ronni66 Posts: 43
    As a dancer your core has to be strong for many moves etc etc. I am not an advanced dancer, but my daughter is and from what I understand dancing and doing basic work on the core should tone up the "pudge" on the tummy as you so put it.

    It sounds like to me that you don't need to lose weight..but need to do exercises that target your abdomen muscles and there is no better one then doing straight up crunches OR my daughter said using balance balls will tone and shape you up plus strengthen the core so that you have more control in movement.

    Hope this helps??? good luck.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    My boyfriends always goes on and on about this book by Jillian Michaels. When we get closer to our goals, we will utilize some of her methods to "Make the cut" for the last 10 or 20 pounds, which are supposed to be the hardest to lose.

    He says that stars pay her good money to incorporate these techniques because despite controversial methods, they work.

    But they're not for all dieters or fitness advocate, just those that are already in good shape looking for that last bit of perfection.

    My library has it for free.

  • palomster
    palomster Posts: 6
    Good information so far. Thanks guys!
    Is it possible to post body pictures by any chance?