Hi drive 10 to 11 hours a day .

sassy1986 Posts: 5
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I drive 10 to 11 hours a day, need food that is easy to have in the car to eat, Now I take chicken and a vegetable and one or two fruit , what else can I take that dont need refrigerated, no place to warm things up or to prepare on a time schedule, and work hours are 12:45pm to 10:30 pm so all my meals are in my car. help


  • aallison85
    aallison85 Posts: 97 Member
    Can you bring a cooler with you and an ice pack? You could freeze a few water bottles also and keep them in your cooler. You could drink the water as it melts and will keep your food cool.
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    How about popcorn? No fat added and air popped. Makes a great snack and it's whole grains.
  • If you got a thermos for hot foods, you could heat soup at home and take it with you. Other than that, I can only think of fruits and raw veggies, low calorie crackers, and hummus or laughing cow cheese wedges. Sugar free pudding cups that are shelf stable would work for a sweet tooth kind of snack.
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    How about popcorn? No fat added and air popped. Makes a great snack and it's whole grains.
  • The cooler is a great idea....also if you go by a convenience store they often have microwaves....don't know if you have a regular route but that could be an option

    If your really bold try a burrito wrapped in foil on your engine block for about 20 min or so

    It sounds crazy but it works....

    sorry if that grosses you out
  • I am interested in other responses as well. I am about to go to college and don't want to bulk back up eating junk on campus.
  • The cooler is a great idea....also if you go by a convenience store they often have microwaves....don't know if you have a regular route but that could be an option

    If your really bold try a burrito wrapped in foil on your engine block for about 20 min or so

    It sounds crazy but it works....

    sorry if that grosses you out

    My dad used to work construction and they cooked in heavy equipment or truck engines almost every day. Just wrap everything really well in foil and place your bundle on a hot spot... it's weird but it works!
  • The cooler ideas a really good one. And you can pick up some small-ish ones if space is an issue.

    I may be a bit weird, but I like making my own stir fry type meal and eating it cold for lunch/dinner.

    My stir 'fry' usually consists of:

    Wholemeal noodles or spaghetti/udon noodles
    Chicken or prawns (steamed)
    Red onion, sweet pepper or red pepper + whatever other vegetables I'm in the mood for (sometimes steamed sometimes stir fried with a spray of olive oil)

    For flavour:
    Freshly chopped coriander
    Freshly chopped chilli
    Clove of garlic
    Freshly squeezed lemon juice (sometimes lime)
    Grated ginger

    If I'm going over on carbs I leave out the noodles, if I'm not in the mood for meat I leave out the meat but to increase calories and protein I may add some pumpkin seeds or any other kind of seeds nuts (depends what I have in the cupboard).
  • How about Protein bars. Some actually taste good now and are really filling. I use the P90X protein bars for breakfast most every day and it keeps me running till lunch. And the best part is MFP already has them in the food database.
  • Here are a few of the snacks I like:

    -Don't know if you like celery, but peanut butter on celery is always a good choice.
    -a handful of nuts (just be sure to stick to 1oz - I get the snack baggies and measure out an ounce into each bag instead of grabbing from the container) along with a piece of fruit
    -if you have a cooler, hard-boiled eggs (peel them before you leave and put in a baggie, that way you don't have to try to peel it while you're eating)
    -again, if you have a cooler, yogurt is a good option - throw in a 1/4 cup of grape-nuts to make it a little more filling

    If you're looking for more meal-like suggestions:

    -salad wrap - put some tossed salad in a baggie or container (add some of that chicken or other meat), put a serving of salad dressing in another container and thow a wrap in a baggie - when you're ready, add the salad dressing to the salad, mix then dump on the wrap, roll it up and viola! lunch :happy:
    -if you like tuna or chicken salad, you could do a wrap with those also - I like to add LOTS of veggies (diced carrots, chopped celery, chopped brocoli & cauliflower) when I make my tuna or chicken salad - take some in a separate container from your wrap so the wrap doesn't get all soggy :sick:

    Finally, I don't know what your financial situation is, but I did a little research for you. I knew there were little fridges that you could plug into the cigarette lighter and that some of those fridges also have the capacity to heat, but I had no idea there were so many gadgets out there, even little ovens that plug into the cigarette lighter! I've posted a few links to some of them below. If you have the financial means, it might be a great investment to get one of them.:drinker:


    Take a look at these sites to get an idea of what's out there, then search on Amazon or Ebay for the best price.:bigsmile:


    Good Luck! :drinker:
  • Thanks everyone ,these are things I have tried and done in the past ,got board of it,( Been driving 21 years) was looking for new receipts also for chicken if any one has them, ( chicken breast boneless).
  • Runlily
    Runlily Posts: 10
    wow thats alot of driving.. hmm.. dried fruit? but i guess thats not really a meal? How about a thermos of hot water, and you can make oatmeal?
  • Thanks I started p90x about 4 months ago and got bigger, ( I built muscle and didnt loose any inches had to buy bigger pants I want to go the other way. I think I will do the cardio one kicking for a while to see if that helps , I go to the gym but its very late at night when I get off so dont like being in it by my self so I will do p90x at home that night.(PS I hate to sweat). Cant have to much protein had kidney stones.
  • I thought I was eating to much on the weekends to why I weighed more on Monday , but after putting my food in the food list to see how much I was eating turns out not enough , so now I'm planning my food in advance to see if I meet my daily count of calories this helps me alot and to see if I still have to eat more or less of the things I like. Day 8.
  • Sounds like quite a challenge and there are some great ideas on here. I would be like you though and probably get bored of eating the same things all the time. The wraps sound really good and I may just do that for work, lol. Wish I had more suggestions for you but I think most have already been covered. Good luck!
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