I never introduced myself?

hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
Hi everyone---I have been an active person ever since my 30's and really never had a problem with weight. I hit my 40's-- well a couple of pounds was O.K. my BMI was just fine. Then I hit my 50's what the heck a few more pounds wasn't bad right? Then late 50's everything just O.K right? Wrong. I was one of those people that refused to get on the scale. In fact I was so bad that when I would go to the doctors office, I would tell the nurse to not tell me how much I weighted. But my doctor made sure I knew. She wanted to test me for type 2 diabetes, and I thought what an insult, I am no where close to being at risk for diabetes. I am not obese. So I refused to take the test. Then I watched a show called Weight of the Nation, and realized you don't have to be considered obese to get this horrible disease, just a few pounds overweight, and that's where I was at. 25 pounds I wanted to lose.

That was 2-1/2 years ago, and a couple more grand kids later. It was my cold bucket of water over my head. So I re-joined my Jazzercise class and took off about 18 pounds in the first nine months. And then I got stuck on a weight plateau that seemed to last forever. I joined MFP and finally realized how easy it is to track calories consumed... I had never been a calorie counter.. Then I purchased a Jawbone UP that sync's to MFP and it worked. Only 4 more pounds to go to hit my goal weight--(which is what I weighed in my 30's). I am currently well within my BMI range, no longer at risk for diabetes, and my doctor is super happy with me.

I am fortunate, I have lived in Colorado all my life, so it's kind of like if you don't work out here, you're the odd ball out. That keeps me motivated to exercise, and with MFP I'll be tracking my calories consumed for the rest of my life. I feel decades younger, more lively, with a lot more energy, and now I can actually catch the grand kids.

Good luck to all of you, you're never to old to make a change!


  • What an amazing story! You should be really proud of yourself. Good luck with those last four pounds!