First day of many more to come

Kiki_s Posts: 5
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi to everyone!

I am new to myfitnesspal, my friend recommended it, but I dont know how to find her, so I hope I will be able to do that tomorrow.

I want and need to lose weight! I want to feel more comfortable, healthy, go on all rollercoasters that are around in the world, feel happy to sit on a plane without feeling too sqashed and I want to go on the AJ Hackett Minjin Swing in May (Cairns, Australia)!!!!

Have a great weekend!!!


  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    hi and good luck to you. you will love this site. at the top it says find members and you just put in their name. if you need a friend on here go ahead and add me. and just go through the site. its awesome.
  • Kiki_s
    Kiki_s Posts: 5
    Hi, I found my friend and added you, thank you :). I still find the site a bit confusing, but am sure that it will only take a little time
  • Hi my name is Christine and today was the start of the new me :smile:
    Have you any tips?? food wise...

    Tanx a mill

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