Getting Started... again

I started with MFP 4 years ago, and then I quit after about 3 months. Since then, I've tried Weight Watchers, the Fast Metabolism diet, going it on my own, etc., etc., etc. I've quit them all.

As a result, I'm now 30 lbs heavier than I was at 9 months pregnant. Some health issues have cropped up, and I'm having self-esteem issues. With the support of my sister, I'm trying this again, and I intend to stick to it. For the last 7 months, I've been consistently working out 4 days a week thanks to a workout-buddy that keeps me accountable, but I've noticed that even with just working out, nothing is changing. When I was in my early 20's I could work out and drop the lbs and inches. This is not the case at the moment. It seems the closer I get to 30, the harder it is to get the weight off.

I KNOW that diet is the problem. I know how important diet is, and I'm ready to make the change. I'm looking for like-minded people to support and be supported by. Thanks for reading!


  • katelouiseoz
    Hi there!
    Sounds very much like me!
    I'm 27 now and the last 3 years have seen me put on an additional 10kg.
    I gave up smoking 2 years ago and moved the other side of the world with my partner. We both love to eat great food and drink maybe a few too many glasses of vino!
    I have been a member for a while and have done nothing in forms of exercise for the last 6 months.
    I am commiting myself to 2 classes a week and 2 runs!
    I have started logging my food again (from yesterday) which I find really helps me.
    Wishing you luck on your journey - here is to fabulous at 30!!
  • Missyclaire1974
    Sounds like me too, glad I'm not the only one.
    I turned 40 this year and I'm finding weight is definitely harder to keep off the older I get.
    I moved to Dubai from the UK 4 years ago and have steadily put on about a stone since moving here, which might not sound a lot but I'm only 4'10 tall and that extra weight makes my BMI much closer to being obese than id like and I feel awful.
    I don't help myself by eating good food with friends, cooking and eating treats for the kids and drinking a few too many glasses of vino too.

    I have high blood pressure and need to lose the weight and exersise to bring it back down to a safe level.
    I'm useless when it comes to exersise, I'm okay for a couple of weeks then something will come up, I'll miss a day and then before you know it I'm out of the habit and haven't exersised in months.
    I've also read and tried so many different health articles and what to eat/avoid I'm honesty confused about what's good for you nowadays.
    I could really do with some support to keep me on track too :)
  • BusyCyclist
    BusyCyclist Posts: 41 Member
    Same here :) I've done MFP in 2011 and again in 2012, both times I was quite successful. Afterwards I moved around a fair bit and things got stressful with work and studying, but I gave up smoking for good(!) Also I fell in love and my boyfriend just loves food :D

    So here I am over 10kg heavier than I feel comfortable with. I've been exercising regularly since November and not much is changing on the scales. So I will have to track what I eat again. Now I'm doing the 30 day shred (exercise DVD). I'm on day 3. Who wants to join me?
  • JulieDee14
    Hi everyone!

    Same here as well! I've started again a couple of months or so ago and told myself this time I will stick with it! I've started walking again, using the elliptical and some free weights. I also want to start 30 Day Shred ...again...and finish it this time!

    Like others have said tracking every single thing I eat helps but what I really need is to be accountable! There is no reason I should be losing AT LEAST 0.5lbs per week if not more.

    I was even considering signing up for WW again just to go to meetings and get weighted in by a stranger but I don't want to spend the money and like MFP so much better than their site!

    Please feel free to add me and we can help keep each other in line!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • The_Godwin_72
    The_Godwin_72 Posts: 102 Member
    Same but not! lol- I went from 249 to 175 and have stayed RIGHT THERE! I have stayed on workouts and went down in size but not scale. I think I am ok with it.... I would like to lose what I have in my belly.
  • emilyc30
    emilyc30 Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the same boat! I started today. When I got on the scale, I just about cried. I have never been this heavy in my life! I have about 80 pounds to go...
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm going through that too!! It's tough but we can do this!
  • amy_louise_hart
    amy_louise_hart Posts: 4 Member
    Me too! I was doing really well with MFP - eating better, walking to work instead of driving - then it all just stopped (because I got lazy and complacent) and i've piled on the weight again. Starting this properly again and determined to make healthier lifestyle changes that I can stick to!
  • RJenxi
    RJenxi Posts: 31 Member
    Tried Light life, weightwatchers, slimming world the list goes on now 1 stone than my heaviest after children need to loss a min of 4 stone seems such a huge task ahead of me. I have taken the day off work to get my head in the correct place plan my next few weeks. I am taking it one day at the time with small goals. I want to go skiing with my kids at Christmas and need to start now to have a realistic chance of getting the weight off. Support and love to you all.
  • clovergirl1024
    clovergirl1024 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm right there with all of you!! In the past I was always successful with Weight Watchers, but the last few times I start and just give up. I have tried MFP a few times but never stuck with it. Now summer is here and none of my clothes it's time to get on the ball!! I have close to 40lbs to lose..and with the goal of getting off BP medication...again. Wishing you all the best of luck!! Let's do this!!