Late night cravings! HELP!!!!!!!!! :)



  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    I have a cookie almost every night before bed. Not a healthy snack, but I mention it only to say that eating before bed is not a big deal.

    For healthy snacks, I like grapes and blueberries.

    Also, air popped popcorn (with a little butter and salt) is a pretty good snack.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    I always save calories for late at night. I'm a vampire and don't usually sleep until 2AM so I definitely can't make it from dinner at 6:30. I don't think it's a big deal when you eat, just make room and plan accordingly :)
  • 1fatma
    1fatma Posts: 1
    Me too! At night is when I lose control! I have been thinking about it lately.. I think for me, it's because I'm tired and bored.. I should just go to bed! But.. the munchies get a grip and I tell myself I wont sleep because I'm too hungry! I think my new strategy will be to take my vitamins (calcium & primrose oil) with maybe 1/2 cup of almond milk, then go and brush my teeth! I have 2 friends who have never been overweight, and they don't snack at night, but they don't stay up late either. Maybe it's just a mind game we play with ourselves, and we just need new patterns!
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    My best plan is always just to eat if I'm hungry but to ditch the snacks and go for a meal I won't be ashamed of in the morning. It's funny but once the easy junk is out of the house (assuming it can be gotten out of the house), it becomes easier to distinguish between a craving and actual hunger.

    I do pad my calories towards the latter part of the day though so I end up less likely to be hungry when I am most likely to make really bad decisions.
  • Im usually up around 9am. have a snack, workout have breakfast around 10:30 11ish then head to work. I have a snack at around 3pm then eat a meal at 6pm. I really dont have a lunch or dinner. I just try and eat every 2-3 hours ish. I work at a huge hospital and am walking and active all day. I get home and try and unwind and I just wanna eat comfort food lol! Thank you all for your comments they are all so very helpful! Some really great ideas and tips out there. I like that the general thoughts on eating right before bed seem to be that it doesnt really matter. I've always wondered about that. ! So THANKS ALL!!!!!!!!!!