Maintaining my weight on Vaction

I am going on vacation for 10 days. The goal is to stay even. Can/Will someone tell me how you went on vacation for at least 7 days/a week and didn't gain any weight? Thanks!!


  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    I find it easier to work out on vacation. Depending on the schedule, I'll go early or when nothing else is going on. Not having the stress of work and everyday life probably helps. I also have a silly personal goal to work out in as many different cities as I can. Working out on vacation helps me fight off the pounds.
  • TRD66
    TRD66 Posts: 310 Member
    I find it easier to work out on vacation.

    This makes sense. It's much easier to burn some extra calories on holiday (when you're likely to be more active than normal anyway) than to watch what you eat.

    But also important is that you have to find time to enjoy yourself. You are on holiday and it's only 10 days. Provided you're not going mental at an all you can eat every night, you might put on a few pounds - but you'll enjoy it more if you're not constantly watching the scales.

    Plan some additional exercise when you get back to help ease the few extra pound back off.
  • Katleskin
    Katleskin Posts: 111 Member
    I LOST 2lbs when I went for a week in Spain so it is possible. I ate *really* well but the hot weather and a lot of walking obviously worked wonders.

    I'm a little worried that my imminent 14 day cruise is going to derail my progress but I intend to walk at least a few miles each day on the ship (in addition to whatever walking we do in the ports) as well as getting in the pool/gym when I can. The restaurants offer 'healthy' choices so I will choose them as and when. All this said, if I want Rib Eye or ice cream or a cocktail I'm blummin' well having them, it's a holiday after all.

    If I put on less than 6lb over the fortnight I will be totally fine with it, I lost it before and I'll lose it again. It's not a race and at least I now have the knowledge and determination to lose weight, unlike before when the pounds would go on and stay there!
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    Just relax and have fun. I tend to walk a lot to go sightseeing. Load up your plate with veggies first when you eat.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I take the opposite view - enjoy your vacation and don't stress over temporary weight gain.
    Posted my experience here if you are interested....

    Cliff Notes:
    Gained 9lbs in a week, 8lbs was temporary bloating (water etc..) which went in a few days of getting home.
    The other 1lb was fat which I lost again within a week of getting home.

    I would say relax a little, eat for enjoyment and stop when you are full.
    Stay active. Enjoy the break.
  • Alastair007
    Alastair007 Posts: 673 Member
    Agree with comment above. Enjoy enjoy enjoy your holiday. If you put on weight quickly, you can generally get rid of in quickly by doing the right things when you get back home.
    When on holiday there are always good food choices and bad food choices. Mostly make good food choices but throw in a few nights of pure indulgence. Walk, hit the gym, swim, etc. when the urge takes you.
    two weeks of hard work when you get back home and you will be back where you started , with fond memories of a great holiday.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    A weight loss plan that does not include a plan for dealing with special days and short-term alterations is a diet and not a lifestyle change. Factor in vacations and holidays and don't worry about a pound or two... Just don't make a habit of it. Of course, for a ten day period don't totally throw caution to the wind and eat the house... but do enjoy yourself. Choose foods that are lower in calorie (I love seafood and we go to the beach so I order boiled and baked/grilled as much as possible. Do I gain during vacation? Usually but it comes right off...
  • jfstick
    jfstick Posts: 10 Member
    Last year I went by myself! Not a problem maintaining the diet, and no one to talk me out of going hiking, walking etc.... But there were many times I wished I could share the experiences! My advice, if you really want something "bad" for you, wait a few minutes before jumping.