Seaching for more MFPs Moms and more



  • LMJ39
    LMJ39 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name is Liana, mom of two girls ages 5 and 9, trying to lose about 70 pounds before I marry the man of my dreams! Also working full time at a desk job, with an hour commute each way. :( Any motivation would be awesome - I think the trick is to have friends to be held accountable! I'm not sure If I am adding people correctly, so if you could add me that would be awesome!
  • cwunderlich
    cwunderlich Posts: 35 Member
    I am a working mom, with three wonderful boys ages 16, 14, and 10.....anyone feel free to add me....I can use the support and motivation, and I will give the same to you!
  • Hi, I am 32 and mom of one 2yr old toddler. I was almost in 'obese' BMI category when I started my journey few months ago and now in lower side of 'overweight'. Feels good to have lost over 10 pounds, even though its a struggle to find time to work out regularly. DH travels a lot for his job, so I handle a lot of domestic responsibilities.
    I so want to get into healthy weight and plan our future kids with healthier pregnancy.
    Would love to have support and motivation from moms..and provide the same to you.
  • back2lynne
    back2lynne Posts: 7 Member
    hey, i'm lynne, 27, single mam of one 5 year old girl . feel free to add me :)
  • michellem131
    michellem131 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I'm Michelle, I'm 35, and I have four kids, ages 11, 10, 7 and 5. I have been kind of wishy washy on the weight loss, I need to lose about fifty pounds, and just found out I am prediabetic. So it's time to commit for good. I could use some buddies to help along the way. Thanks!
  • Hey! I'm 28 and a mom of two. Wouldn't mind having some mom friends on here also :) Anyone feel free to add. I am on daily :)
  • AMaverickRenegade
    AMaverickRenegade Posts: 12 Member
    I am a mom of two girls (ages 3.5 and 6 months). I have 15-20lbs to lose and would love some active friends!
  • kristibusque
    kristibusque Posts: 178 Member
    Hello! I'm mom to three awesome (most of the time) kids. Ages 11 (step daughter), 5 and 3. We're done having babes so the weight has got to go.
    Tried WW and MFP - really just need to be more accountable to myself and get of my *kitten* more.
    Have about 20 to lose but 30 would be rad!
    Add me if you want!
    (I've already added some of you!)