How long for your body shape to stabilize?



  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    In for answers. I lost about 70 lbs over a year, have been maintaining for 8 months, and my body is still changing.
  • cathylopez1975
    cathylopez1975 Posts: 191 Member
    I started this weight loss journey 21 months ago and have lost 95 lbs. I weighed over 200 lbs for 30+ years, with some loss and gain along the way. Loose skin aside, my body shape continues to evolve. Even during the times when I wasn't losing weight in the last year, my body has continued to shrink. I'm hoping the re-shaping will continue this summer as I really work in the gym.
  • dcarter1020
    dcarter1020 Posts: 73 Member
    Sam you are AMAZING! Truly inspiring. Thank you.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Crusader Sam,

    Thank you so much for the education and pictures. You look great and are truly inspirational! I hope the workout will help me achieve some of what you've done. Amazing!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Having the surgery was the best decision I've ever made.
    Amylynn, I feel the same way about the surgery. It is such a helpful tool! I'm also 61, but 5'9" and for some reason my skin still seems pretty elastic. If I can get results like Sam with working out, I may not need surgery. (fingers crossed)

  • PLAID1977
    PLAID1977 Posts: 70 Member
    Excess skin really depends on age, weight lost, whether you've been a yo-yo dieter who's lost and gained for years and years, etc. Everyone's different. My highest weight was 272. Today I was 119. I'm 61 years old, 5 feet tall and have lost and gained massive amts. of weight my entire life. I am currently on maintenance. After losing 150 pounds and re-gaining 75, I decided I was tired of the binge-diet lifestyle. (I'd lost and gained 100 pounds at least 3 times). I had Gastric Sleeve Surgery last August. It's a tool to stop the binge eating. For example.... I can no longer eat an entire large pizza in one sitting.... One slice and I'm full. Having the surgery was the best decision I've ever made. I look great in clothes, but naked, I look like a 100 year old woman.... or a Sharpei puppy. My skin isn't going to shrink. It's going to take multiple cosmetic surgeries to remove all my access skin. I'm most bothered by my "wings". I'm currently in the process of exploring my options for surgery. I had my sleeve surgery in Mexico with Dr. Guillermo Alvarez. I'm considering returning to Mexico for plastics, once I've done enough research to choose a Surgeon.

    If you don't mind me asking...can you give me a range/estimate of what can be expected for the cost of a surgery like this? I remember that going out of the country often costs less than in the US. I'd be interested in both options. I'll give myself a year or 2 of weight training before I commit to surgery to remove the skin. But at minimum...I think my upper arms will need it.

    Thanks in advance!
  • sw6709
    sw6709 Posts: 60 Member
    I lost 30 lbs between April 2013 and October 2013, during this time i only went down 1 pants size and 1 shirt size. I have been maintaining (through logging calories alone due to health related issues) since October and have seen my body change considerably. I have since lost another pants size as well as another shirt size and I can tell my skin is tightening.
    DANCERPURPLE Posts: 134 Member
    wow that is awesome weight loss! are you willing to share any information and diary to help me loss weight?
    thank you,