Daily calorie intake - am I setting my activity incorrectly?


When I first started MFP, I set the activity level to "active" since I workout 6 days per week (running, weights, pilates) and I'm taking care of my 2 toddlers when I'm not at work. However, I was browsing my settings and thought maybe I should put sedentary since technically, I work at a desk during the day, even though I get up a lot for meetings, going from floor-to-floor in my building to meet with people, etc. So I changed the setting and now it says 1200 calories. On days that I run a few miles and earn up to 600 extra calories, it's not an issue. Days like today, where I'm resting from working out, it's a challenge; I'm starving! It's 5pm, and I'm already 145 calories over.

So my question is, should I be putting "active" because I exercise so much? Or am I correct in going by the fact that M-F for about 8 hours, I'm in an office? I'm not looking to lose a lot of weight, just 3-4 pounds that I gained back from all the holiday eating - and after that, I want to maintain.



  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Here is what I did. I set mine at light active referring to my daily life work cores ect. Then I add my workouts in when I do them. I work out 6 days a week at a high rate. That should help with keeping your calories in check
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I work out 6 times a week (running, strength training, p90x, yoga) and I have a desk job and am working on my masters. I have my settings set at sedentary since I do not move much during the day between work and studying. Make sure you are eating filling foods on the days where you don't exercise. I have to start my rest day off with granola and Greek yogurt or I tend to over eat. I also try to watch my sugar intake on my rest day. Once you get into the habit of eating less on non-workout days it gets easier. I you are really hungry (like DIZZY) then eat something, but generally its mostly mental. Best of luck.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Your activity levels have to do with your daily routine that you are not tracking as part of your logging. So you are correct to list yourself as sedentary, and then log your workouts separately. If you set it to active and log your workouts, you are essentially logging your workouts twice.

    How fast do you have it set to lose weight? If you are only trying to lose 3-4 pounds, I don't think you should be going any faster than half a pound a week. This might give you some extra calories if you find yourself being hungry a lot.
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    Isn't there something between active and sedentary?

    I would go with the sedentary, even though you aren't (especially if you have a ways to go until your goal). Better safe than sorry. But since you do such tedious workouts, make sure to eat the calorie deficit so you aren't short changing your body. Good luck!
  • micmar924
    micmar924 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks so much everyone, very helpful. I think I will go with the sedentary for sure. I just have to figure out how to eat better on my off days. Not easy!!

    Nightowl, good point - I have it set to one pound per week; I should try 0.5. Thanks.

    Thanks again!