When did you REALLY stop caring about the number on scale?

I'm down 56 pounds and currently weigh 168lbs. I know that weighing 168lbs at 5'4 is not a good number (I'm only just out of the obese category) so I'm still looking to the scale to watch the numbers drop. I know, I know, it's not all about the number, but currently the number still matters to me. BUT since I entered the 160's I've noticed myself care a little less about the number.

I'm curious about others experiences. At what point did you truly not care about the number on the scale?


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I still care, but at 183 this morning's weigh in I'm more concerned about the trend, still. I had a MEGA indulgent weekend over Memorial Day and saw 188 briefly and that made me feel unhappy...I never want to see 190+ again. I have a feeling that I'll always care somewhat about the number on my scale but not to an obsessive extent (IMO).

    FWIW, my goal weight at 5'8" is probably in the high 160s or 170. So for me 183 feels just fine.
  • archuvs
    archuvs Posts: 9
    I think I am already there. I have lost only about 15-16 pounds and the scale seems to be stuck. I take body measurements every other week and they are changing so I am going to be ok with that. My goal weight is still 20 pounds away but I lose only about 0.5 pounds a week so maybe in a few weeks, I will start being bothered if the numbers on the scale arent moving. Right now, as long as I fit into a lower size jeans, I am happy :-)
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I still care about the number, but just in the fact that it needs to be trending the right direction. I still have enough fat to lose that if that scale isn't moving, then I probably need to look at my calorie goal again and make sure I'm logging accurately. I'm not at the place where I should be recomping, and I also shouldn't be putting on muscle (ie bulking). So if that scale isn't trending down, something's wrong.

    Do I care what I weigh? Not really. I'm trying to lose body fat, not weight. At the same time though, if that's numbers not going down, then my body fat isn't going down either at this point.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I don't think we actually ever stop caring.

    But I don't put as much stock into a single number as I used to.

    I use all sort of measurments to guage success...

    Such as scale weight, BF%, BMI, inches and plates (on my bar) along with clothing size, how I feel and if I do better the next time.

    They are all important as a whole but as a singular measurment none of them make or break me anymore.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Just recently. My size 6 pants are getting too big. I haven't been smaller than that since adolescence.

    I still care a little about that number, but not as much as I used to.
  • CoachDanJudge
    It's about how you feel day in and day out. Body fat percentage is what you should be analyzing! Don't get hung up on the number quite yet.
  • dclark566
    dclark566 Posts: 330 Member
    Hasn't happened yet, still a slave to the scale!
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    My weight hasn't dropped in awhile. A couple months at least. However, when I tried on pasts last week I discovered I was down two sizes even at the same weight. This has helped me stop caring about that number. I must be dropping some body fat because my calf, arm and shoulder muscles are really starting to show.
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    When I started lifting and noticed my body changing but my weight wasn't dropping as fast as I thought it should be when I stepped on the scale. I still weigh in and watch it b/c the loss is definitely a confidence boost, but I'm not relying solely on that number or caring as much about it... so long as it doesn't go up astronomically
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    I care about it. Not because I see it as a value of self worth, but because my old *kitten* knees can't carry the extra weight anymore. If I want to avoid hip and/or knee replacement that single variable has to be kept in check.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    I'm not there yet :( Edging slowly as I don't weigh myself daily anymore. But if I don't get what I feel is a good loss then it makes me sad. I'm working on it though!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    I still care and I'm three years into maintenance. But I don't weigh myself daily anymore. Just weekly now. :)
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    I still care about the number, but just in the fact that it needs to be trending the right direction. I still have enough fat to lose that if that scale isn't moving, then I probably need to look at my calorie goal again and make sure I'm logging accurately. I'm not at the place where I should be recomping, and I also shouldn't be putting on muscle (ie bulking). So if that scale isn't trending down, something's wrong.

    Do I care what I weigh? Not really. I'm trying to lose body fat, not weight. At the same time though, if that's numbers not going down, then my body fat isn't going down either at this point.

    This post right here. I'm at the "okay, seriously, log religiously again" stage after two weeks of no movement on the scale. It's not the number that I'm worried about (though 239 is certainly not where I intend to stop), but rather the fact that we're sitting here without movement.
  • dschassie
    dschassie Posts: 192 Member
    I am 5'4" and currently weigh around 145. I have between 138 and 145 for the past 8 months and I have been trying to figure out why on earth I can't break through this "plateau" because I really do want to lose another 20 pounds. I found the answer about 3 months ago, I am at a point where I am comfortable. Comfortable with the way I look in my clothes, comfortable with my eating.

    I am however not comfortable in my underwear or in my bathing suit so just two weeks ago I decided to "re-dedicate" myself to get rid of these last few pesky pounds. So I guess I am not done with the scale yet :ohwell:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Still care. Still weigh myself every day, even if I'm mostly maintaining by now (although not on purpose). For me, if I stop caring, it's the first step of denial.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    I'm down 56 pounds and currently weigh 168lbs. I know that weighing 168lbs at 5'4 is not a good number (I'm only just out of the obese category) so I'm still looking to the scale to watch the numbers drop. I know, I know, it's not all about the number, but currently the number still matters to me. BUT since I entered the 160's I've noticed myself care a little less about the number.

    I'm curious about others experiences. At what point did you truly not care about the number on the scale?

    I've always cared about the number on the scale so that will never change. I do keep in mind though that weight is only one health modality so while it is important, there are other numbers that are of equal or greater value.
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    I'm about 155, and I still care. I don't really see myself not caring. My goal is 136-140.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    I'll never stop caring. Been there, done that, got fat.
  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    I think I am already there. I have lost only about 15-16 pounds and the scale seems to be stuck. I take body measurements every other week and they are changing so I am going to be ok with that. My goal weight is still 20 pounds away but I lose only about 0.5 pounds a week so maybe in a few weeks, I will start being bothered if the numbers on the scale arent moving. Right now, as long as I fit into a lower size jeans, I am happy :-)

    Totally in the same boat as you 18 down and no more since but losing inches. But still wanton to see a change in a few weeks