Jillian Michaels Killer buns and thighs, wanna do it?

Hi. I'm a Jillian fan. And I'm planning to start Jillian's killer buns and thighs tomorrow. If you wish to join, do post here. We can keep each other accountable!


  • I'll join you!
  • I am also planning on starting this workout this week!
  • How's the workout going? I'm just about to start it! How are you logging it?
  • corinne1977
    corinne1977 Posts: 142 Member
    I started the Jillian Killer Buns & Thighs yesterday and it was not easy. Would like to know if anyone else is doing the DVD and your results. Does anyone know how long you have to stay on each level?
  • MuriTR
    MuriTR Posts: 11 Member
    I believe you are recommended to work out 5-6 days a week with this dvd and move on to the next level when you feel ready.
    I started this today and found it hard! It's going to take a while for me before I'm ready for level 2 I think!
  • lovingcountry313
    lovingcountry313 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started this dvd up again too! Someone once said 10 days on each level should be good but everyone is different.
  • corinne1977
    corinne1977 Posts: 142 Member
    I started Killer Buns and Thighs 2 weeks ago. I finished Level 1 (very hard) and did Level 2 yesterday for the first time. And I have to say I think Jillian is trying to kill me!! Seriously, this is way harder than I thought it would be. There were moments when I had to stop because I couldn't even catch my breath. I sounded like I was having an asthma attack. However, despite my lungs almost collapsing I am seeing results. My muffin top is slowing deflating and my legs and butt are getting toner. Is anyone else doing this DVD and if so what is your experience?
  • I've done this DVD a few times and will probably be slowly working it back into my rotation. I admire if you can do this workout days in a row! I'm always so sore after that I need at least a day or two in between this workout.
  • I am Jill's fan too! I was searching for a challenge - oh and I found it with this dvd! I loved ripped in 30 but this? omg lvl 1 was "nice", but 2nd, I thought I will die for the first time doing it. Today is 2nd day, it wasn't easier:) to keep my alive I am doing 1 day break between this workout and doing other workout. Hopefully I will see some effects till the august:)
  • LemonLizard
    LemonLizard Posts: 86 Member
    I bought this the other day along with 30 Day Shred, which I started yesterday. Already did my day 2 this morning, so I was thinking about doing the buns and thighs one maybe tonight. Is it a bad idea to layer the two, or would it be ok to mix and match? Either way I hope to hear how it works for you guys - Sounds like it really gives a beating!
  • I have read, that Jillian suggests to do exercises 3 days in a row and make one day break for regeneration and not to focus on one part of muscles only. Following this advice I mix the workouts but the plan stays more or less the same - one day buns and thighs, one day abs and one day shred it with weights/ripped in 30/or similar one. I keep to this since November and I see positive results:)