The H family fitness challenge

simpleliving Posts: 17
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Randall and I decided to start this thread for our immediate family members to support and motivate each other over the next four months to a healthier and fitter lifestyle. Some family mmbs are already way on their way to loosing weight, keeping fit, and being motivated. Others like ourselves need an extra kick in the pants and accountability to keep us going. We thought that who better to keep us motivated and accountable then the people that we see on a regular basis. We are hoping that most of them will join and kick off 2011 as the fittest year ever with us!!! We are looking forward to joining other threads and getting to "know" and learning from new people as well.

So H family join us on here by January 15th and on May 15th we will find out who logged the most activity points. Remember one activity equals 1 point and we will post the points on a weekly basis (Sunday), Randall and I will keep track of them for the finale!!

Tips, comments, inspirational stories, and challenges are welcome!

Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools


  • Looking forward to the challenge and winning it all in 4 months!!!
  • hit the treadmill first thing this morning with energy and motivation, but found it a challenge intially to stay on for 30 minutes. usually when i go on the treadmill it is for 20 minutes - so i had to push myself mentally to not shut down after that. watching sports highlights on the tube helped to distract my mind. i did a combination of walking and running and made a point of "running through" the 20 minute mark.

    i used to train hard in my younger years - for a good ten years - but over the past three to four years i have done relatively litte in comparison. the bulk of the training had been with free wieghts. wear and tear on certain parts of my body - right shoulder, right elbow, left knee, and lower back - have made it easy for me to have an excuse not to exercise. even as my interests changed from weights to cardio, i still found it easy to make excuses not to exercise. i have tried to run on occasion over the past few years but i usually did not sustain it for more than a few weeks. THAT CHANGES IN 2011! Stick around for more posts.
  • I am really looking forward to the H crew getting on here and am happy to hear that everyone is in! Chinese food for supper tommorow and then Monday morning I will be serious and ready to go. I have found it difficult to get in my veggies/fruit (7 servings) as recommended until I discovered "green smoothies" now I want to learn more. So far my fave is 1 cup 100% orange juice, 1 cup blueberries, 1 bananna and 1 cup parsely/spinach/kale (one of these - sooo refereshing) I think Gen has been juicing and doing smoothies so maybe she has some combinations to share.

    I decided that i will attempt to learn to run, i found an 8 wk training program and want to give it a try!

  • learn to run aleks, you were born to run baby. i hit the treadmill again this morning - 20 minutes in a combination of walking and running. let 'er fly at 6 mph for 90 seconds - sweat was flying off like clothes at a lady gaga concert. i find it best to do my work out as early in the morning as possible and before breakfast. that way my body needs to go straight to fat cells to get the energy to do the work and my metabolism burning at a higher efficiency for several hours afterwards. now if only i could bring myself to drinking aleks' "grass shakes."

    don't sing it Hoebers, bring it. i think i will be a formidable competitor in this fitness challenge. but i will need to stay sharp as i am sure the competition from Gen, Jamie, and the Matriarch will be equally formidable.
  • My morning started off with drinking a Curves Protein Shake(I use skim milk). I sometimes use that as a breakfast replacement if I'm in a hurry. I usually have a shake for my snack. I'm currently following the Curves weight loss program, I have lost 7 lbs of body fat and 5 lbs of body weight by following the High Protein weight loss plan. This occurred over 3 weeks. I am now into my fourth week. I've had a couple of setbacks with Christmas and New Years but today I will get into focus and adhere to my diet and exercise program. Today I plan on taking a 30 minute walk, and tomorrow I will get back to Curves for my 35 minute workout.
  • Hello Lynn!

    It's so great to see you made your way here! You have done fansastic at staying motivated and on track I think I speak for all when I say way the go! :flowerforyou: I think you look as great as you did at our wedding, I always think of you in that picture from alaina's first birthday - wow-your now half the size!

    Do you mix your protein shake with fruit or drink it just with the skim milk. I bought some at the vitamin store and want to start using it a bit more.

    Have fun on your walk! bundle up its cold out there.


    For Foods
  • thanks to my wonderful wife, who "suggested" or "inquired" today as to whether i was going to work out or take a day off, i spent another 20 minutes on the treadmill this afternoon. wasn't really planning on it, but....hey she inspired me to git at it. six more days to the start of the fitness challenge, looking forward to it.
  • Yesterday I walked for 45 min instead of the 30 I was going to do. It was actually not to bad out so i just kept walking. Today I did my usual 35 minute Curves workout. I'm glad to be getting back into my routine. I'm looking forward to Saturday when Curves will be starting a new routine once a week called Zumba which will be integrated into our Curves workout.
  • 45 minutes Lynn that is great. Is Zumba part of their resistence training or something totally new? I walked again today on the treadmill - 30 minutes. Much easier watching TV then reading the time went by really fast. Bought a new blender and it has power, it is really loud but it can make smoothies in no time. The kids are really into soya milk, strawberries, yogurt smoothies lately. It's their night time snack almost every night and yesterday I broke our blender it was almost the end of the world for about 5 minutes but a good reason to buy a new one. Tried a new recipe today instead of mashed potatoes we had mashed cauliflower made exactly the same way - 80 calories for 1 cup I thought that is a pretty good deal. The only problem was that they were a bit runny and next time I would probably skip out the milk.

    Good Job Randall for getting on that treadmill I thought you were going to quit on me so if you win the cash you will have to share it with me!

    Lynn i'm really excited to hear how the new workout goes on Saturday.

    This week my challenge is to drink 8 glasses of water/day - going back to work tommorow believe it or not it can get so busy I forget to drink it sometimes.
  • Way to go Aleks. I will not quit on you in this, but if i win the money is mine, all mine baby. I like the fact that at 5:45 am today you quickly hopped out of bed and onto your workout, no complaining or rolling over. Keep it up!

    Way to go Mom on the 45 minute walk. All I can say is if you can do it, i certainly can do it.
  • had an outstanding work out tonight. let 'er rip on the treadmill. must have a lot of energy to burn, although after running for 7 straight minutes my mind was ready to slow down to a comfortable walk. but then i looked at the wall beside the treadmill where i have a large picture of the stanley cup and stared at it for a few moments and thought to myself "those guys never quit, neither will i, **** that" and ran and ran. every time my mind said slow down and i looked at that picture and refocused. total of 30 mintues on the treadmill running for 23 minutes straight, 2.36 miles, and 287 calories burned.
  • :bigsmile:
  • It was a truly beautiful day yesterday. I really enjoyed my 35 minute walk. Today is weight and measurement day at Curves. It will be interesting to see how many inches I've lost in a month. Aleks, Zumba is a type of dance step that will rev up the cardio segment of the Curves workout. There will be 1 minute workouts on the resistance machines and 1 minute Zumba. Sounds exciting.
  • Wow, curves has come a long way since I was going proabably 8 years ago. That sounds like it is going to be fun! How is your Curves diet coming along? Is it in phases. I remember when you stayed with us there was a diet you were following and I thought that it had to do with different phases.
  • Hi, Aleks- yes the diet is in Phases. I'm still on Phase II until next week when I'll go onto Phase III for a couple weeks. MY weight loss is at a stand still right now so I need to give my metabolism a boost. However my body measurements and body fat are decreasing.
  • Hi Aleks, I have to remember to log on to here daily. Thanks for the invite, you reminded me.

    For the smoothies, which the rest of the house-hold thinks is 'gross', I usually use:
    Organic field greens
    Broccoli sprouts/ wheat grass
    Mixed berry blend (frozen)
    English cucumber
    100% fruit juice of choice, preferably something with good vit. C %

    You'll have play around with the ingredients, quantities & ratio of each. I don't mind mine a little bitter or tart. I sometimes use celery, beets & zucchini also in the mix, depends on my mood. Don't skip on the greens, pears, or berries, they have great fibre & nutrition. Hope this helps a little. I have more recipes if this one doesn't work-out, but so far, this one makes me feel the best, & keeps me full for long periods of time.
  • Hi Lynne,

    This is usually what happens when lean muscle begins to get stronger & bone begins to create new cells. You've finally arrived where you need to be, CONGRATULATIONS on all your hard work!! Maybe yoga or pilates will help kick things up a notch?!
  • That's awesome!! Love Zumba!
  • Great to see you on here Gen! YES please log in daily if you have time. I am going to give it a try so far my favortie green has been parsley or kale (not a lot of it though) I will give the mixed greens a try. Love the berries and pears that is not the problem at all. I find it that I like it the most in the mornings it gets me going for the day and keeps me full too. I wanted to change it up a bit so thanks for sharing all the items on here.

    Lynn - can't wait to hear about how the Zumba work out goes tommorow. Have FUN!
  • Nothing like waiting till the last minute to join, but our family is excited to join (not to mention all the health benefits that will come with it!) I'm still coughing up a storm so there has been no 'pretraining' on my part:) Here's hoping that this flu will lift soon! Rox
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