Eveyones goals for the future

Hey everyone, was just wondering what everyones goals are for the future, long term or short term? Im sick of setting myself unrealistic targets that i cant stick to so setting myself a sensible goal of 1lb a month. I know its not alot but for the time being i just need alittle something to boost my self esteem as suffering alittle after my xmas binging so acouple of easy targets that i can achieve will do my confidence the world of good.


  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Short term goals

    - lose lb per week for the next 4 wks.
    - lose another 1/2 an inch around my waist by the end of Jan

    After achieving those I'll set myself some more mini goals :smile: :heart: :smile: :heart:
  • dhill_84
    dhill_84 Posts: 67 Member
    in 6 months i want to be down 40 lbs, 15 inches between bust/waist/hips and i have a fitness goal
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I want to lose 5 pounds in January. 1 down 4 to go.

    I want to be at my goal weight of 140 pounds by Mother's Day. 21 more pounds to go.

    I'd lose to be able to run a 5K possibly in July during Kent Cornucopia Days.
  • Plumpaluscious
    I think that I've made reasonable short term goals this time. For example, exercise 15 minutes 5 days a week & lose 2 lbs a week for the next 4 weeks. I'll reassess these goals in a month.

    Here are a few of my other (longer term) goals:
    Drive my convertible this summer, hair blowing, feeling & looking good.
    Being healthy & also able to see my toes when I stand up straight.
    Having my bathroom scale not say "OUCH" when I get on it. LOL
    Fit comfortably in the regular restroom stall instead of "Handicapped". Hope this last one is appropriate to add here.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Unfortunately I can relate and have failed so many times.... But not this time!
    I have broken the year down into months... I will lose 5 lbs a month.
    I have committed to being active for at least 25- 30 mins a day.

    In order to meet these goals I have also given myself rewards to look forward to:
    10 lb loss: Trip to the spa ( I love going for the day to Le Spa Nordik; Swedish baths with a massage too!)
    15lb loss: Use a gift certificate I received for Christmas
    20lb: Spa
    30 lb:Spa
    40 lb:Spa
    50 lb: Spa
    60 lb: Leather coat (Christmas 2011!)
    I am hoping that by setting these mini goals I will be sucessful.
  • Rachel_Leigh84
    Well my long term goal is to be 119lbs by the time i get married which is beginning of May 2012 so ive got 22lbs to lose in 16 months. Definatley do-able but just need to stay focused. I fall off the wagon quite easily ha! Good luck to you all with your goals.xx
  • srsimon
    srsimon Posts: 60 Member
    I want to learn a healthy lifestyle. I'm 5'3" and currently 140ish. I've been down to 115lb before and loved how I looked, but I gained it back (boyfriend fat!). I'd like to learn how to live healthy so that I can take off the weight and not gain it back. I want to be fit and toned and enjoy being physically active.
  • nancym221
    Well, we are starting a Weight Loss Challenge at my work plac; there are 12 iof us- My goal is 30 lbs in 6 mo. I am moving for 30min daily-something I have never ever done. Good luck to everyone!
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Funny you should post this topic, I just got done setting goals for myself for the public to see below my ticker! I would like to lose at least 10 pounds a month until I reach my goal, total of 150 pounds by the end of Febuary 2011. I'm down 25lbs so far so hopefully that will fly. If it doesn't and I'm off on my dates, I'm not going to stress it but I'm going to shoot for the stars anyway and hope for the best! Good luck Everyone!
  • Sunny_Skies
    I'm glad that you posted this, because I was thinking about mini goals to set for myself and now I know what I'm going to do!

    Goal 1: Lose 2 lbs by the end of January.
    Goal 2: Lose 8 lbs total by the end of February.
    Goal 3: Lose 12 lbs total by the end of April.
    Goal 4: Lose 15 lbs total by the end of May.
    Goal 5: Lose 20 lbs total by the end of June. (GOAL! BIKINI!)