Worried about not logging

I realise how stupid this sounds. Normally things sound better in your head than they do out loud but no this sound stupid in there too.
I am apprehensive about going on holiday. There you go, I said it.

I have decided that for one weekish (Sunday – Friday) I am not going to count calories, I am not going use my fitbit and I am not going to log into myfitnesspal at all. The main reason is I don’t want the stupidly high roaming charges that connecting to the internet abroad on a mobile phone brings and secondly while I am going to try and be “goodish” this holiday by making good food choices and walking around sight seeing, this is one of my special events I have been using as motivation and inspiration (I am going to visit my mom and dad in France and I haven’t seen them since Christmas) so I actually want to go and have a great time without worrying about having to weigh my food and syncing my fitbit.

Over the last 6 months I have got so used to weighing and logging everything that goes in my mouth, tracking my steps and logging my exercises that the thought of not doing so for so long is worrying me a little.
I know that I am not going to undue all my 30lb loss in 6 days.

Does anybody else feel like this at all or am I mental?


  • shellymeister
    shellymeister Posts: 17 Member
    Hey! I know exactly what you mean :)

    Honestly, it's only one week and you will be completely fine. Even if you gain 1 lb, life's not all about the number on the scale. It's about enjoying youself! Do lots of walking and opt for healthier options but don't limit yourself from that fantastic french food either!

    I just came back from a 2.5 week trip to the Dominican Republic and while I would like to say I chose the healthiest options, I didn't. I had dessert everyday! I gained about 2 lbs and was a little disappointed but I lost it even faster when I got back. Just remember to stop eating when you're full and listen to your body :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    This is the perfect time to practice intuitive eating, portion control, and moderation. Calorie counting and keeping a diary should ultimately be viewed as a tool to help you better understand what your body needs to go...it really shouldn't be viewed as the actual "lifestyle"...you should be wanting to eventually not do this at all and be able to make good nutritional decisions on you own...you should be learning what proper portions are and what moderation means.

    Beyond that, you really can't do much damage in a weeks time. You are likely to gain some airplane weight (yes, this is a real thing...it is water retention from air travel) and that's about it. I've never actually gained weight (fat) during a holiday/vacation...I'm generally more active on vacation than I am at home where I sit at a desk most of the day and even though my meals tend to be a bit larger than they are at home, I snack less so it all nets out.

    Just enjoy yourself...ultimately a week is nothing in the grand scheme of things...it's a drop in the bucket.
  • Teenie71
    Teenie71 Posts: 52
    if you find that you really need to keep track, then do it old school with a pencil and paper. Write it down, no roaming charges LOL
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I know where you're coming from. But I think it's good to practice making good choices without counting calories. As others have said, you'll probably retain some water from the travel, so don't be too upset if your weight is up by a few pounds when you get back. I just got back from a week in Amsterdam (mostly work, so don't be too envious!), and I am up about 2 lb. from my pre-trip weight. There's no way I ate 7,000 calories over maintenance, so it has to be water weight.
  • lsecula
    lsecula Posts: 19 Member
    I also don't log when I travel (usually twice per year). It's partially that I don't want to pay for wifi and partly that to truly relax/vacation does not involve me over thinking every food choice I make. I easily make up for any over-indulging the week or two following my vacation!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    If I was going to France logging would be the least of my concerns! Have fun...enjoy your time with parents and did I mention Have Fun? When I take off there is no computer or apps for me. In fact last Vac. I went on I managed to Lose 5 pounds.

    Just remember the basics. Don't overstuff yourself. Walk as much as possible.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Thank you all =)
    I think I just needed reassurance that I am not the only one that worries.
    I am just going to leave fitbit and phone at home and enjoy myself, then worry about the consequenses when I get home =)