The WORST binge ever



  • csl5588
    csl5588 Posts: 4
    When I wrote my brain left my body, I didn't even consider that everyone would think I was talking about being drunk because I wasn't. I just meant that I know going to Mcdonalds for 3 days worth of calories isn't smart...
  • dclark566
    dclark566 Posts: 330 Member
    How about you do the world a favor and not drink and drive, k? If your selfish wants are worth putting others at risk, your *kitten* should be in jail. Binge there.

  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    When I wrote my brain left my body, I didn't even consider that everyone would think I was talking about being drunk because I wasn't. I just meant that I know going to Mcdonalds for 3 days worth of calories isn't smart...

    Read the below please:
    Last night things got really really out of control. Around 8pm I had a little under 200 calories left and was stressed out so I decided to have an oversized glass of red wine to finish my day…the first alcohol of any kind since I started. Well needless to say I was pretty tipsy! It started off as a normal binge. I ate a luna bar and an entire cantaloupe. Not that bad. Then I had another luna bar. Then I had a piece of toast with cheese. Still doesn't warrant the title of the worst binge ever right?

    I had another glass of wine and that's when my brain straight up left my body.

    Stay off the freaking roads. FWIW, I call 911 on people like you and follow you until the cops get there in case the people you hit need help.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    When I wrote my brain left my body, I didn't even consider that everyone would think I was talking about being drunk because I wasn't. I just meant that I know going to Mcdonalds for 3 days worth of calories isn't smart...

    you said you were pretty tipsy after your first "oversized" glass of wine...then you went on to have another.

    recognize your negligence here, and MAYBE the thread can go back to what you wanted it to be.

    no guarantees though.
  • csl5588
    csl5588 Posts: 4
    I'm sorry.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    When I wrote my brain left my body, I didn't even consider that everyone would think I was talking about being drunk because I wasn't. I just meant that I know going to Mcdonalds for 3 days worth of calories isn't smart...

    :huh: um, but you said that you were already tipsy. then you said you had another glass before heading out for McD's.
  • algwynt
    algwynt Posts: 76 Member
    look you made two big mistakes learn from your experience and move on we all make them.Learning from them makes us stronger.good luck with your battle,i wish you well
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss so far!

    Hope you can chalk up the rest to a learning experience and move on - don't let it become an excuse to give up.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I'm sorry.

    What happened last night is done, but I hope you realize how serious it really was. The little things in life mean nothing if you hit someone and kill them.

    As far as binging, if you can't make good eating decisions when drinking, I'd recommend just cutting alcohol until you get things under control with your diet.
  • Like the others the drinking and driving is huge concern....most DUI's happen because the person didn't know they had too much. A good way to avoid that is don't drive after drinking ;)

    On the food binge

    I know I didn't gain 100lbs from one crappy day of eating. Heck I didn't do it in a week a month or even a year. You had a bad night it happen now have a good day for the next week. If you think you completely failed and all your hard work you did before is over from one bad night then you will continue to have more bad ones and then give up and come back with 20 more pounds to loose then before you lost what you have. Trust me I have done it! Change your mind change your body!
  • LynneW1983
    LynneW1983 Posts: 1,161 Member
    How about you do the world a favor and not drink and drive, k? If your selfish wants are worth putting others at risk, your *kitten* should be in jail. Binge there.

    Can't believe it was comment six before someone said this. Holy **** binge all you want just don't put others in danger.
  • MrsJennaKwasniewski
    MrsJennaKwasniewski Posts: 204 Member
    I see how you (OP) have back peddled this entire post to retort your "driving while your brain left your body" didn't mean you were driving "drunk". Fact of the matter is 1 drink of ANY alcohol is enough to alter your state of mind to even the smallest amount. You shouldn't drive after drinking PERIOD. It has nothing to do with how much or how you feel or yadda yadda yadda. Maybe you should speak to families of people who were killed by people drinking after 1 glass or wine or 1 beer or whatever the case may be.

    That is really all I can get out of this post. Less drinking would = less binging last night (cause you would have "self control regarding food"). Maybe you should think about that.

    Apart from that HUGE mistake....get over the binge because as everyone else has told you it's just 1 day and 1 day can't throw off your entire plan...unless you make it a habit.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I see how you (OP) have back peddled this entire post to retort your "driving while your brain left your body" didn't mean you were driving "drunk". Fact of the matter is 1 drink of ANY alcohol is enough to alter your state of mind to even the smallest amount. You shouldn't drive after drinking PERIOD. It has nothing to do with how much or how you feel or yadda yadda yadda. Maybe you should speak to families of people who were killed by people drinking after 1 glass or wine or 1 beer or whatever the case may be.

    That is really all I can get out of this post. Less drinking would = less binging last night (cause you would have "self control regarding food"). Maybe you should think about that.

    Apart from that HUGE mistake....get over the binge because as everyone else has told you it's just 1 day and 1 day can't throw off your entire plan...unless you make it a habit.

    Actually, she did say she was sorry and acknowledged her mistake.
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    I don't want to sound mean, but it could have been worse, you could have got a DUI for driving around tipsy. As for your binge, sometimes it happens, but what is important is what you do the next day. It's a process, and if you keep working at it, you can get to your goal still!

    Or, you know, killed someone.

  • MrsJennaKwasniewski
    MrsJennaKwasniewski Posts: 204 Member
    I see how you (OP) have back peddled this entire post to retort your "driving while your brain left your body" didn't mean you were driving "drunk". Fact of the matter is 1 drink of ANY alcohol is enough to alter your state of mind to even the smallest amount. You shouldn't drive after drinking PERIOD. It has nothing to do with how much or how you feel or yadda yadda yadda. Maybe you should speak to families of people who were killed by people drinking after 1 glass or wine or 1 beer or whatever the case may be.

    That is really all I can get out of this post. Less drinking would = less binging last night (cause you would have "self control regarding food"). Maybe you should think about that.

    Apart from that HUGE mistake....get over the binge because as everyone else has told you it's just 1 day and 1 day can't throw off your entire plan...unless you make it a habit.

    Actually, she did say she was sorry and acknowledged her mistake.

    I see that...that doesn't change anything I said though.

    ETA: It was a bogus profile that has already been deleted anyway.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I see how you (OP) have back peddled this entire post to retort your "driving while your brain left your body" didn't mean you were driving "drunk". Fact of the matter is 1 drink of ANY alcohol is enough to alter your state of mind to even the smallest amount. You shouldn't drive after drinking PERIOD. It has nothing to do with how much or how you feel or yadda yadda yadda. Maybe you should speak to families of people who were killed by people drinking after 1 glass or wine or 1 beer or whatever the case may be.

    That is really all I can get out of this post. Less drinking would = less binging last night (cause you would have "self control regarding food"). Maybe you should think about that.

    Apart from that HUGE mistake....get over the binge because as everyone else has told you it's just 1 day and 1 day can't throw off your entire plan...unless you make it a habit.

    Actually, she did say she was sorry and acknowledged her mistake.

    I see that...that doesn't change anything I said though.

    No, it doesn't. Driving drunk is bad. I think we all agree.

    Just saying that she didn't back peddle the whole thread and that she actually has apologized, which is a rare occurrence in these forums.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I see how you (OP) have back peddled this entire post to retort your "driving while your brain left your body" didn't mean you were driving "drunk". Fact of the matter is 1 drink of ANY alcohol is enough to alter your state of mind to even the smallest amount. You shouldn't drive after drinking PERIOD. It has nothing to do with how much or how you feel or yadda yadda yadda. Maybe you should speak to families of people who were killed by people drinking after 1 glass or wine or 1 beer or whatever the case may be.

    That is really all I can get out of this post. Less drinking would = less binging last night (cause you would have "self control regarding food"). Maybe you should think about that.

    Apart from that HUGE mistake....get over the binge because as everyone else has told you it's just 1 day and 1 day can't throw off your entire plan...unless you make it a habit.

    Actually, she did say she was sorry and acknowledged her mistake.

    I see that...that doesn't change anything I said though.

    No, it doesn't. Driving drunk is bad. I think we all agree.

    Just saying that she didn't back peddle the whole thread and that she actually has apologized, which is a rare occurrence in these forums.

    The OP went from "Well needless to say I was pretty tipsy!" to admitting to drinking more then driving ... but her claim of not driving drunk isn't backpedaling? Would you rather we call it the outright lie that it was?
  • Don't feel bad, just get back up and acknowledge that maybe you need to treat yourself a little sometimes :) Once you read about my binge you'll feel better (I hope?)

    I once had a huuuge binge when I went to italy. I woke up and ate a small breakfast, about 200cals. Then I had some hot chocolate, which is when the binge began... I ate half a tube of digestive biscuits, then a couple of croissants, then frappucino-milkshake-coffee type thing, a lot of gelato, a panini, went to the store and bought several huge chocolate bars, drank a bottle of wine, a big bag of chips (crisps) pasta, pizza, then drank a lot of shots of malibu, got halwa from an indian store, then we went out to a huge dinner and it was like 7 courses with lots of dessert and alcohol. I don't know how I managed all that... it was probably over 15000 calories!!!!! It was throughout the day but still....however i had been starving myself at the time and was very underweight so I guess my body was just crying out to me to eat!

    Keep going, you can do this! Don't let binges get you down :D
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I see how you (OP) have back peddled this entire post to retort your "driving while your brain left your body" didn't mean you were driving "drunk". Fact of the matter is 1 drink of ANY alcohol is enough to alter your state of mind to even the smallest amount. You shouldn't drive after drinking PERIOD. It has nothing to do with how much or how you feel or yadda yadda yadda. Maybe you should speak to families of people who were killed by people drinking after 1 glass or wine or 1 beer or whatever the case may be.

    That is really all I can get out of this post. Less drinking would = less binging last night (cause you would have "self control regarding food"). Maybe you should think about that.

    Apart from that HUGE mistake....get over the binge because as everyone else has told you it's just 1 day and 1 day can't throw off your entire plan...unless you make it a habit.

    Actually, she did say she was sorry and acknowledged her mistake.

    I see that...that doesn't change anything I said though.

    No, it doesn't. Driving drunk is bad. I think we all agree.

    Just saying that she didn't back peddle the whole thread and that she actually has apologized, which is a rare occurrence in these forums.

    The OP went from "Well needless to say I was pretty tipsy!" to admitting to drinking more then driving ... but her claim of not driving drunk isn't backpedaling? Would you rather we call it the outright lie that it was?

    First of all, no need to be so angry. Calm down.

    Second of all, I merely pointed out that she apologized for her actions. We all make mistakes. She made a big one and acknowledged it.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I don't like to pile on people once the criticism has already been made, but in this case I feel it's necessary because this is so serious. You admitted to being "tipsy", you have two glasses of wine (one or both "oversized" that's definitely more than two standard glasses of wine, which are 5 oz), and then you drove.

    Seriously, you need to get it through your head that that is not remotely okay. Anyone who still thinks it's acceptable to drive because they weren't "drunk" (yet had been drinking and admitted to a buzz) needs to hear these harsh words if there's any chance they might hit home. Come on, it's 2014, we have all known for years now that having a couple drinks and driving home is stupid, dangerous, and probably illegal. 3500 calories consumed after your alcohol isn't going to sober you up and it's wrong to think so.

    Don't drink and drive. Just don't. People get killed and it's completely preventable. for the binge, log it and move on. Don't use it as an excuse to give up, don't starve yourself, just keep going, drink some water, and maybe do some extra exercise and/or cut your calories by a couple hundred for a few days if you can do it without being too hungry. And finally...stop drinking. You obviously can't make good decisions after you've had a drink, so it kind of sounds like maybe you shouldn't do it. For your diet's sake, but more importantly, for the innocent people on the road. Come on.