
pooh3159 Posts: 1
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I am new to MFP and in need of support. I am not supported at home, however I am deteremined to lose weight and be heatlhier.


  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    You'll find lots of support here! I'm pretty new to the site too and already feel the love. Good luck!
  • We will support you here:happy:

    Keep your head up and prove them all wrong
  • Ms_Clay
    Ms_Clay Posts: 17
    Glad you came there is lots and lots of love here!!! I can help you and you can help me add me if you want to!!
  • Renee02918
    Renee02918 Posts: 14 Member
    Good for you! Pooh 3159.. I just took some before pictures and OH boy! these pics are soo my motivation now.. its great to get a push or nudge from outside sources..but you take a couple before pics like they have you do with Body For Life..or other weight loss competitions... for me it was a rude awakening.. but stay positive and take it a day at a time.. set short term goals something attainable and then move forward from there. You can do it!!!
  • pgrady1
    pgrady1 Posts: 11
    I have only been on mfp for 10 days and now i am on here more than facebook. lol. These people are truly encouraging and supportive. Everyone has been very helpful to me. Good luck. If you are looking for support, this is the place to be.
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