Zumba anyone?

andreadawn1012 Posts: 52 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
So a coworker of mine was talking about doing zumba with her daughters and I wanted to know who else on here does it and if they like it? I don't have time to go to classes, but I will probably invest in a good dvd workout as well...I would like to do something else after I get done with 30 day shred because after that 25 minutes, I may be winded, but I feel like I need to keep going with something else...


  • I can't recommend a good dvd because I take a class but I can recommend the exercise itself. I started this past Monday -- in a class of about 60, all ages and levels of fitness. I feel like I have two left feet at times, but it is so much fun it doesn't feel like exercise. It feels like a great workout -- next week I'll wear my heart rate monitor so I can track the calories burned. I hope you're able to find a dvd you like!
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I take a class 2x a week and love it. Its very fast paced but doesn't feel like a workout--just dancing :) I haven't used any dvd's though but I here the Wii and Kinect (xbox) games are really good-if you have one of those systems you can try that as well.
  • I recommend "Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System DVD Set" sold at Amazon.com. Here is the link:


    I love it! Here are the spcifications:

    Product Features-
    -4-DVD, 6-workout fitness set designed to work your body from head to toe
    -Loaded with red-hot dance steps, pulsating rhythms, and easy-to-follow routines
    -Comes with maraca-like toning sticks to add muscle to your sculpting workouts
    -Includes basics workout, 20-minute express workout, and sculpt-and-tone workout
    -Also includes "cardio party" workout and flat abs workout
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Love Zumba!! Very fun workout and the time flies by.
  • AngelRae83
    AngelRae83 Posts: 60 Member
    Im going to try to videos to see if i can do them :)
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    Have a look on you tube to get a sense of what it's all about, you can also get rumba foe nintendo wii and ps3. It's my next purchase once I'm bored with just dance2
  • andreadawn1012
    andreadawn1012 Posts: 52 Member
    My dear sweet fiancee bought Zumba Fitness for the Wii and I just did the beginner stage and it was pretty fun! It definitely made me sweat (even though I couldn't breathe worth a darn lol) I was so excited to open the box and play!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm going to try a class with my sister in law, nieces and some of their friends on Monday. We'll either have a blast or get kicked out for being troublemakers.
  • I love Zumba..such a fun work out - I have been going to classes once a week - but recently went to Bali and bought 2 x zumba DVD's which I haven't tried yet - but will next week

    Go for it - I;m sure you will luv ZUMBA :)
  • IsraaQ
    IsraaQ Posts: 60 Member
    I am a big fan of zumba's. I know someone who literally lost 40 lbs in less than nine months by only doing zumba. It's fun you don't feel like working out at all.. The dvd is def not your stereo-typical workout DVD. It's basically a dancing routine. The DVDs are nice because you can do them at home but the classes are more fun as you have different choices of songs, movements, types of dance, and instructors. I go to classes 2x/wk and I go to two different instructors just to ge the most of it and have more variety

    It def works and I wear a heart monitor device when I work out and find that each class I am burning a minimum of 500 kcals depends on how much I putt in effort.. Each class is an hour long.. Hope that helped
  • I am starting Zumba on Monday night! I hope I like it, I live in a small community and they are offering it two times a week at the Community Center for $5 a class!!!
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