
  • MichelleNicole93
    MichelleNicole93 Posts: 89 Member
    @sodakat yessss its so frustrating, Ive been logging faithfully and its sad to say I could NEVER go out to eat with my bf or anything because otherwise my body HOLDS on to it for weeks... and It just stays. I work my butt off and to see no results its reallllyyyyyyy starting to kill me. Im going to get my thyroid checked and I'm hoping that will be what it is. I just don't understand how 1200 cal helped me get 30lbs off and it just stopped and adding on 200 more my body is GAINING even with exercise it just doesn't seem right!
  • ksmits
    ksmits Posts: 4 Member
    Up your exercise intensity. Try doing HIIT - high intensity interval training. Go online for videos, join a bootcamp, or take a class. Do it two or three times a week. This will rev up your metabolism. Then cut back to 1200-1300 and no cheating. Take off about 20% of whatever calorie burn your HRM tells you. Increase protein to 22-25% and cut out all convenience food and sodium. Make most of your calories from veggies and lean protein. Drink at least 1-2 liters of water a day and try and get a good sleep every night. Do this for three weeks and see what happens.
  • karmasays
    karmasays Posts: 82 Member
    Since you're now closer to your goal, I would redo your goal to lose .5lbs to 1lbs a week.

    Figure out your BMR and your TDEE and try eating between your BMR and your TDEE for a few weeks and see what happens.

    1200 calories is pretty low, so don't be surprised if you do gain a little weight when upping your calories...it happens, but your body will readjust and should drop the lbs.
  • lwestmill
    lwestmill Posts: 91 Member
    Here is one more thing you might want to research in you diary.

    Do you have a Family History of heart problems?
    I have found that I am salt sensitive after using MFP. USDA-United States Department of Agriculture recommends 2,000 grams of salt per day. That is way too high for anyone for Americans to be heart healthy. The American Heart Association only recommends 1,200 grams (as per my doctor). Therefore, I can only eat 1,200 grams of salt a day. Too much salt gives me headaches body aches, and my hands, feet and ankles swell. Let alone a water gain of 3-5 pounds. If I eat any amount higher than 1,200 grams of salt, I retain water weight for almost 3-5 days. I have to wash my system with water to rid my body of water. I realized after ***28 days ****of not loosing weight, I found I had this water retention problem. Yes, I do understand your frustration. I feel for you!

    After going over only a few days of your diary, I noticed you did have a high salt intake. I didn't have time to go thru but one week.

    On May 30th, you had Applebees boneless wings, spicy chili and cheese Nachos. The cheese nachos were 1,245 grams of salt. The total day was 3,505 grams of salt. Which is over.

    On June 2, you had Jack Link - Beef Jerky for 1,180 grams of salt. Dill Chip Pickles 2oz for 780 grams and Kraft cheese slice for 320 grams. Making a total salt intake for that day 3,434. Which is really over.

    On May 26th, you went again to Applebees and had a Cowboy burger for 1,084 grams and Applebees french fries for 385 grams. That day you had 2,284 total grams of salt. Again over.

    I agree with many of the suggestions that were written but you may want to try to eat clean for awhile and cut the salt to see if that will help. I noticed you have no drinks listed in your diary. What are you drinking? You probably need to push H20. It takes water to flush out the salt and rid yourself of water weight. (tea and coffee do not count as water)

    Just one more thing to try. Good luck!
  • I may be way off but a few years ago I could not lose weight no matter what I did. On top of that I had yellowing around my eyes and I was getting mild panic attacks. These we all signs of hypo thyroidism. Once I got on synthroid to balance my hormone the weight melted off fast. If you think this could be the same for you then your doctor can do a quick blood test. However, most people with hypo thyroid also suffer from celiac desease. I am lucky not to have celiac desease.
  • MichelleNicole93
    MichelleNicole93 Posts: 89 Member
    @lwestmill... I drink water with lemon all day minus drinking one vitamin water in the am to start my day... I tend to not like water first thing in the am... the salt may be it but regardless of bloating I think that you would still lose SOME weight even if it was slow... this is like up or just staying the same NOT EVEN a POUND down ):most of the time minus a few days every few weeks I eat clean... Although i do add himalayan salt into my food... i should try to stop but its so hard lol
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have not read the other replies, so here's my feedback:

    You're allowing MFP to estimate your calorie adjustments through some app of theirs, and MFP is notorious for overestimating calories burned. Also ,in addition to this MFP app adjustment, you are entering your exercise calories, which look overestimated as well. I think when you allow calorie adjustments you don't include your own exercise calories.

    I get the impression that you don't weigh your food because you use words like slice and cup. Believe me,weighting your food is a good idea because the volume usually i not the same as the weight. Not all medium bananas, or apples, or a cup of anything are created equal. I learned through trial and error that weighing food is about as accurate as it gets.

    The bottom line is that through these errors you are eating more than you think you are.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I use a scale and measure everything! Im kinda active, I don't know if Ive been eating too little and that messed up my metabolism or if its just an issue somewhere else...
    This is doubtful. :smile:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    shock like change up ur cardio maybe try hiking biking dancing jump roping.. or when weight training try alil crossfit style by throwing in high knees between each move some to raise ur heart beat and kick in fat burning
    No, this is not necessary. You don't have to shock your body at all. If you are eating at a calorie deficit, you will lose weight even if you do the same exercise all the time.
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    See a dr. you might be hypothyroid.
  • lwestmill
    lwestmill Posts: 91 Member
    @lwestmill... I drink water with lemon all day minus drinking one vitamin water in the am to start my day... I tend to not like water first thing in the am... the salt may be it but regardless of bloating I think that you would still lose SOME weight even if it was slow... this is like up or just staying the same NOT EVEN a POUND down ):most of the time minus a few days every few weeks I eat clean... Although i do add himalayan salt into my food... i should try to stop but its so hard lol

    I went 28 days with out loosing a pound bec of salt. When i cut it down, it dropped after 5 days. You might want to try it before you spend a lot of money on doctor's tests. Those can be expensive. Just saying. Also, I had the same conversation with my my best friend, she was NOT too happy with me either but she noticed a significant loss after cleaning up her salt intake. Come on, you know that pepperoni, olives have salt.

    What's funny, is people will put salt on their food before they even taste it. LOL
    It always puzzles me that they know what its going to taste like before they douse it up with salt. My dad says he HAS to have it. I try to tell him all the time,to at least taste the food before he puts salt on it. But when you are 80 years old, its hard to change habits. He has got the big old dad hard belly too. But ya gotta love him!!! : )

    Its not always about the calories that you eat. Its the whole package. And you do have what it takes to get healthy.
    Let me know how it goes.
  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    Maybe you're overestimating the number of calories burned during exercise. MFP's values are usually too high, in my experience. Even more accurate devices, like HRMs, aren't perfectly accurate. Maybe try not eating back exercise calories for a while, or only eating back half, and see if you start losing. If you do, then you're probably overestimating calories burned.
  • ksmits
    ksmits Posts: 4 Member
    I can almost guarantee you don't have a thyroid or any other issues. The reason for no weight loss is you are not in a calorie deficit. Your weight loss slows down as you progress. You just have to get more aggressive with your efforts now. You don't burn as many calories as you did when you first started, so up the intensity and the amount of exercise, and reduce the amount of your food you are consuming.
  • LKC1882
    LKC1882 Posts: 1 Member
    Research "Flexible dieting" and "If it fits your macros". I suggest doing less cardio and eating more calories of protein. I know everybody is different but I eat between 2200 and 2400 calories a day and weight train 5 days a week, do 1 hour of yoga and bike ride occasionally. I am still waiting for my body to stabilize. I am 5'7" and weigh 121 pounds right now. When I started MFP I only wanted to make sure I ate enough protein because I was really tired and I stay at home with three children.(I weighed 130) I started feeling great when I started eating more meat, eggs, and a protein shake at breakfast. Then I started weight training so I could better lift my kids into the car etc. I started losing weight, because I was only eating 1800 calories. I have been upping my calories about 200 or so every other week so I can stabilize and so far I haven't. In May I weighed 122 and I lost a pound over last month, so I am going to add more until I stop losing.

    When you burn fat cells the body sends out hunger signals. This affects insulin levels, and tells your body to store energy instead of metabolizing it. Cardio-based activities at too much of a deficit will also teach your body to store energy. See what happens if you up calories, but make sure you are eating more protein and healthy fats, not processed sugars. When your body knows it will be fed, it metabolizes energy. If you are hungry, follow your body's signals.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I have not read the other replies, so here's my feedback:

    You're allowing MFP to estimate your calorie adjustments through some app of theirs, and MFP is notorious for overestimating calories burned. Also ,in addition to this MFP app adjustment, you are entering your exercise calories, which look overestimated as well. I think when you allow calorie adjustments you don't include your own exercise calories.

    I get the impression that you don't weigh your food because you use words like slice and cup. Believe me,weighting your food is a good idea because the volume usually i not the same as the weight. Not all medium bananas, or apples, or a cup of anything are created equal. I learned through trial and error that weighing food is about as accurate as it gets.

    The bottom line is that through these errors you are eating more than you think you are.

    This and join the group Eat Train Progress and ask them for help. Also what ksmits said,

    You're right that you cannot gain muscle in a deficit. Also as you lose weight you have to be much more accurate in weighing your food and estimating your calorie burn, it makes a huge difference.

    As far as wearing a HRM for 24 hours, I did an experiment where I wore mine for two weeks, except when taking a shower and sleeping. My experiment showed that my HRM was within 10 calories of online calculators and the results I got from a bodpod test for my TDEE on normal days and rest days. But those are just my results and I will not guarantee the accuracy of those results. I just did it for fun.
  • eatonize
    eatonize Posts: 6 Member
    I can almost guarantee you don't have a thyroid or any other issues. The reason for no weight loss is you are not in a calorie deficit. Your weight loss slows down as you progress. You just have to get more aggressive with your efforts now. You don't burn as many calories as you did when you first started, so up the intensity and the amount of exercise, and reduce the amount of your food you are consuming.


    As your weight comes down it becomes more of a fight.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I can almost guarantee you don't have a thyroid or any other issues.
    No offense intended, but just how can you "almost" guarantee this? You don't know this person.

    Whether or not she has thyroid issues, she's still not eating at a calorie deficit. Thyroid issues usually means it's harder finding the correct number to lose weight, as the calorie limit is lower.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I can almost guarantee you don't have a thyroid or any other issues. The reason for no weight loss is you are not in a calorie deficit. Your weight loss slows down as you progress. You just have to get more aggressive with your efforts now. You don't burn as many calories as you did when you first started, so up the intensity and the amount of exercise, and reduce the amount of your food you are consuming.


    As your weight comes down it becomes more of a fight.
    Not necessarily. It was never a fight for me to lose the last pounds.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Heavy lifting burns a lot of calories, and you are NETTING 1200-1400 calories a day? Your calories are too low IMO. Fuel your body and you fuel your metabolism. Increase your calories and I think you will see the scale move.
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    When you all say eat between your BMR and TDEE..Do you mean between your BMR and your TDEE-20% because your TDEE is what you eat at to maintain your weght...Correct?
    Since you're now closer to your goal, I would redo your goal to lose .5lbs to 1lbs a week.

    Figure out your BMR and your TDEE and try eating between your BMR and your TDEE for a few weeks and see what happens.

    1200 calories is pretty low, so don't be surprised if you do gain a little weight when upping your calories...it happens, but your body will readjust and should drop the lbs.