
Hey all, I am starting Medifast today to hopefully shed the last 40 lbs, anyone else doing medifast?


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    You look like you've been doing fine. So why the Medifast?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    You look like you've been doing fine. So why the Medifast?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Catvish
    Catvish Posts: 24 Member
    Hi - I've been on the Medifast program for several months now. Wish you the best :)
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    You will put the weight + some once you stop. Just keep doing what your doing. SAVE YOURSELF SOME $$$$$.
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    Honestly, the fee for the food replacements wouldn't be the issue for me. It's that I wouldn't want to transition out of a regimen and go back to my "regular diet" once my weight loss is complete.

    I don't have a perfect diet now, but what I do have is much healthier than what I was doing before. More importantly, it's something that I can keep doing for the long term since I don't have a special weight loss "diet" now.

    Anyhow, that's just my take on it. Medifast may work great for you.
  • MCLA4mom
    MCLA4mom Posts: 219 Member
    I did it and had great success. I lost 70lbs and have kept it off for over tow years. It's true what the others said. If you use the meal replacements and then go back to your old eating habits you will gain t all back and more. If you take the time to get to the bottom of why you got to an unhealthy weight in the first place, you'll do great. The meal replacements are just a tool. YOu will learn NOTHING from eating them. They work. You will lose weight. It takes the burden off of weight loss off of your so that you can get your head right. Take it as an opportunity to learn about your cravings. Your triggers, examine the stress in your life. Get hydrated. Get enough sleep. Learn how your going to eat when you get to a healthy weight. When I transitioned I had no desire to eat crappy food. I felt sooooo much better! Why would I want to screw that up? I really wanted to fuel my body with whole food.
    That's all i've got!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Save your $$$$$. Once you stop the weight creeps right back on. Don't do it.
  • fitmammajen5
    I posted on another Medifast board, but want to respond to you on this one as well. A little over a year ago, I was skeptical of MF and had no desire to try it. I said I was going to do this on my own, the "healthy" way. However during the past year, I've only gained weight as my life has gotten busier. Meanwhile several people around me have been losing weight on MF. Everyone that I know that has done Medifast has done it through Take Shape for Life, which is a division a MF that gives you a free Health Coach. This way they get the support and the information they need to conquer their habits for life and transition into normal food again. MF isn't for everyone, but for me now it feels like the right choice for the health issues my weight is causing and the many obstacles I've had to losing weight. I see it as a tool and I'm learning life long habits along the way. Good luck!
  • lanskies
    lanskies Posts: 14 Member
    I totally get what you mean! I've tried medifast before and I just gained all the weight back and more. What's more depressing than failure right? Anyway I'm doing it again and I've removed my mental blocks now. I notice a HUGE change in the way I think about food. I'm no longer craving foods, I'm not jealous of people eating pizza, doughnuts and soda. I couldn't care less. You are so right, Medifast is just a tool to get you where you want. Losing weight is a 90% a mental battle and 10% a physical one. This time around, it's going to be so so different.

    The first time I tried, I felt like food was my life. If I couldn't eat, I would be depressed and not have any meals to look forward to. I was starving and constantly thinking of food. I quit after 2 weeks with plenty of cheating along the way although I did lose 12lbs. This next time, I don't feel any of those things. If you want Medifast to work for you, it will. You just have to want it bad enough. If you want it bad enough, any reasonable diet will work for you :) Medifast was just a convenient way for me to get all my meals prepared because I'm REALLY busy and I don't have time to prepare anything. 1 meal a day made by me is doable. I mean, how can you screw that up? I know I'm nowhere near the weight I want to be right now because I just started, but I've gotten to that point in my life where the desire to be thin isn't just a wish anymore, it's been set in stone by changing the relationship I have with food. It's just a waiting game now.

    LONG STORY, SHORT: Medifast is just a tool. If you really want to lose weight, anything will work for you. Medifast is a very convenient diet to be on for people with busy lives. It's not much more expensive compared to how much you'd otherwise spend on food. Medifast will help you learn how to prepare healthy and size appropriate meals for when you do go into maintenance.

    SW: 265
    CW: 257 (8lb) - 5 days
    Age: 26
    Height: 5' 4"
  • bradleesmommy
    I've been on Medifast for almost two weeks now and am very happy with my decision. Sure, there are other ways to lose weight but some people need different tools to help them. I know a few people who have done exceptionally well on Medifast and inspired me to make the decision to join instead of doing another program. If you are on FB, please join my group:
  • AhamPrema3
    Hi guys! I've been on Medifast for 4 months now and I've lost 23 pounds! I went off the program for a couple weeks and now I'm trying to get back into the routine. Any advice is welcome and please add me as a friend! I would love to help you on your journey and I need all the help I can get!!!!