If you use Flax how much do you easy and how?

juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
I really like flaxseed and prefer to use it whole and not milled. But I've been reading that we only get the full nutrients if you eat in grinded. There is a lot of contradictions about the amount to eat.
Because I've just started I am eating a tablespoon a day of it as whole. I roasted them though, I really like the nut taste of it.
So how do you eat, what is the best way and how much do you eat whole and ground?


  • No idea but I do like how you have set yourself some good goals. Good luck with that! :)
  • LisaSaysHi
    LisaSaysHi Posts: 19 Member
    I always read to grind them but I never thought to wonder why! I keep a little container of ground flax seed in my refrigerator and I stir a tablespoon into oatmeal for breakfast to add protein and omega-3.

    Try this for breakfast: Make one serving of oatmeal using skim milk. After it's cooked, remove from heat and stir in the following: 1 tablespoon toasted coconut, 2 teaspoons honey and 1 tablespoon ground flax seed. It's really good! Serve with a side of fruit and you have a complete and filling meal. :-)
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I've always mixed mine in with my morning oatmeal (1 tbs flaxmeal to 1/4 cup dry oatmeal). I used to use whole and crack it myself, but I found the flaxmeal actually keeps longer (the whole seed would go rancid before I could eat all of it).

    We also use to increase the fiber of our baked goods. Our general rule is if it has flour in it, we can add flaxmeal. Typically I'll use about 1 tbsp flax to each 1/2 cup of flour in the recipe--including yeast breads, quickbreads, brownies, cupcakes--you name it!
  • I use ground flaxseed 1 teaspoon in my protien shake!!!!!
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    I always read to grind them but I never thought to wonder why! I keep a little container of ground flax seed in my refrigerator and I stir a tablespoon into oatmeal for breakfast to add protein and omega-3.

    Try this for breakfast: Make one serving of oatmeal using skim milk. After it's cooked, remove from heat and stir in the following: 1 tablespoon toasted coconut, 2 teaspoons honey and 1 tablespoon ground flax seed. It's really good! Serve with a side of fruit and you have a complete and filling meal. :-)

    Yummm I like it!!! I will try!!
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Everything I've read regarding flax seed says that the body absorbs it better and more evenly when milled. It stays fresh longer if you mill it every time instead of a lot at once. I bought my first bag milled and the use by date gives me plenty of time. I put a half tbsp, in a protein powder drink using 4 oz. water/ 4 oz. 2% milk. I mix it w/ one of those mini-blenders that fits in the glass. Drink it down straight because it settles. What I read says not to use more than 1 tbsp per 200 pounds body weight per day. Excessive use causes digestive trouble. You can sprinkle it on a salad or spread it on your peanut butter toast/bread. Milled makes it possible to sprinkle it on anything. The brand I use is in the database also. It is a great source of the EFAs though---omega-3s and -6s.
  • sunsetwest
    sunsetwest Posts: 199 Member
    I mix about a teaspoon pre-milled into pasta sauce and oatmeal, but as the others have posted, it mixes easily into any liquid. I keep a Bob's Red Mill bag in the fridge in a baggie to keep it fresh. I have a hard time finding enough use for this whole big bag, though. I have seen those small individual packs. Even though they have a lot of packaging waste, I would rather waste that than the flax itself because it goes rancid before I can use it!

    I recently found this recipe for a flax bread, and I can't wait to try it. I might swap the sugar for stevia to bring the cal down.


    I'm interested to find out what you end up doing.
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    I'm considering using this also for the fiber benefits but I'm also taking fish oil atm. If I were to get flax should I stop with the fish oil?
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    I mix about a teaspoon pre-milled into pasta sauce and oatmeal, but as the others have posted, it mixes easily into any liquid. I keep a Bob's Red Mill bag in the fridge in a baggie to keep it fresh. I have a hard time finding enough use for this whole big bag, though. I have seen those small individual packs. Even though they have a lot of packaging waste, I would rather waste that than the flax itself because it goes rancid before I can use it!

    I recently found this recipe for a flax bread, and I can't wait to try it. I might swap the sugar for stevia to bring the cal down.


    I'm interested to find out what you end up doing.

    In making bread the sugar controls the yeast by keeping it in check so it doesn't go too fast and quit early. My bread recipes have like 1 -2 tbsp for up to 4 cups of flour. I'm not worried about the calorie count when I cut a loaf into 10 slices. Especially when I put fruit preserves on it or butter w/ cinnamon-sugar. I have trouble eating ENOUGH calories with the huge exercise defecit I make every day. (800 - 1000 cals. currently)
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    I use it in damn near everything lol. I mix it ground in my smoothies and into pasta sauces and soups for a little extra hidden goodness. Also, I don't eat eggs so I use it as an egg replacement in baking. Whole, I'll mix it in my oatmeal, sprinkle it on salads and as a garnish in veggies.
  • moderationiskey
    moderationiskey Posts: 7 Member
    I mix 1T into my yogurt daily
  • I put 2 tablespoons (cold milled kind) into Quaker high fiber oatmeal. I am usually in a rush in the mornings so the instant oatmeal is a good option for me.
  • nickeymhughes
    nickeymhughes Posts: 115 Member
    Where are you getting flaxseeds???? I'm new to this and I looked at Walmart but I don't know where to look I guess.
  • GNC, there is usually one close to Wal-Mart where I live anyway...supposedly the "true cold milled" variety is what you want to get.
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    I put 2 tablespoons (cold milled kind) into Quaker high fiber oatmeal. I am usually in a rush in the mornings so the instant oatmeal is a good option for me.

    Once I start to grind I think this is the way I will use everyday and sprinkle a extra Tbsps in soups and stuff I cook so my family can get some too.
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Where are you getting flaxseeds???? I'm new to this and I looked at Walmart but I don't know where to look I guess.
    I did some researcha nd they say it is better to buy whole and grind as you go if you are not going to use a lot. But you can also buy milled. I bought it at my local grocery store (HyVee) they have a organic section and it was there. I don't if walmart has it. Try the GMC or whole foods store, or maybe your local grocery store has some.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Where are you getting flaxseeds???? I'm new to this and I looked at Walmart but I don't know where to look I guess.
    I did some researcha nd they say it is better to buy whole and grind as you go if you are not going to use a lot. But you can also buy milled. I bought it at my local grocery store (HyVee) they have a organic section and it was there. I don't if walmart has it. Try the GMC or whole foods store, or maybe your local grocery store has some.

    My Super Walmart has milled flax seed. I've read the same about grinding your own but the "use by" date is like a year out from when I bought it and I'm using it up pretty fast.
  • thremoore
    thremoore Posts: 3 Member
    I use it in Smoothies and Oatmeal. I've found it at Costco and Trader Joe's.
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    I buy it in the organic food section of my grocery store
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    Mix two tbsp ground flax seeds and 6 tbsp water for an egg substitute while baking. Super good.
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