law student seeking grad students

Hey everyone. I'm currently studying for the bar, and I thought it would be nice to have MFP connections who understand the ridiculously stressful lives of grad students/law students/med students Exedra. Friend me if you like!


  • lindseydavis07
    lindseydavis07 Posts: 64 Member
    Feel Free to add me!!

    I will be a 1L in the fall... eek! :) good luck!!
  • Tillyecl1
    Tillyecl1 Posts: 189 Member
    Hey, I'm not a student anymore but I just wanted you to know that I lost my original weight (just over 70lbs) whilst doing my PhD. I went from obese to "normal" BMI during that time. I have maintained the loss for nearly 5 years and am now trying to lose a little more (to make running easier). So just wanted to say: It can be done :-)
  • chemmon1
    chemmon1 Posts: 7 Member
    That's way better than I did. I gained AAAALLLL my weight (well, almost all) during my Ph.D. It wasn't until I finished up and was able to focus on myself for a while that I started losing. I started my post-doc at 450+ pounds and intend to finish it at my goal weight! :)
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    Oh...hell no. I don't want any part of remembering that torture on earth.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I've already passed the bar exam...I still remember getting the letter that I of the best days of my life..but I'm glad it's behind me..
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    I did my bar prep a few years ago but feel free to add me.
    I've already passed the bar exam...I still remember getting the letter that I of the best days of my life..but I'm glad it's behind me..

    Massachusetts took so long to grade the stupid exam, I had all but forgotten about it by the time the letter came. I think my parents were probably more excited about the letter than I was (relieved I wasn't moving back in I suppose :laugh: ).
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I did my bar prep a few years ago but feel free to add me.
    I've already passed the bar exam...I still remember getting the letter that I of the best days of my life..but I'm glad it's behind me..

    Massachusetts took so long to grade the stupid exam, I had all but forgotten about it by the time the letter came. I think my parents were probably more excited about the letter than I was (relieved I wasn't moving back in I suppose :laugh: ).


    I opened the letter, saw the first word in bold "Congratulations" and that was all I read.. I ran back to the house shouting "I passed!" My parents were excited. I still have that letter somewhere in the house.
  • julie_emma1
    julie_emma1 Posts: 146
    Med student here! Happy to have fellow student friends to rant with (and support haha). Good luck on the bar exam!
  • ChronicOptimist
    ChronicOptimist Posts: 558 Member
    Med student here! Nice to connect with some other folks who understand the fun of locking yourself in a windowless classroom most days, hah.
  • therealklane
    therealklane Posts: 2,172 Member
    I'm almost at the end of my Master's in Criminal Justice. Two courses left! AHHHHH!
    PhD programs haunt my dreams.

    Send me a friend request :)
  • superhamdi
    superhamdi Posts: 6 Member
    PhD student here... just finished my first year and gained about 25 lb. in the process.
  • Rochester_mom
    Rochester_mom Posts: 100 Member
    My bar studying days are behind me, but I did spend a great deal of time at the gym on the the elliptical reviewing property and contracts flash cards. Good luck!!
  • chemmon1
    chemmon1 Posts: 7 Member
    PhD student here... just finished my first year and gained about 25 lb. in the process.

    Nip it and nip it now! You have GOT at make time for yourself. I know that's hard to say with the course and research load, but it's just something you really have to do. Even if you never step foot in a gym, focus on the food you're consuming.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    Finishing my Ph.D. in December.

    Gained 70ish pounds in grad school then lost it all and had a baby.

    Feel free to add me!
  • jillian_fan2425
    jillian_fan2425 Posts: 167 Member
    Doctoral candidate here - feel free to add me! Always looking for new friends!
  • lisameister13
    lisameister13 Posts: 10 Member
    An other med student right here!
    Glad to see I'm not the only one here who is trying to balance health with their studying demands.
    It's hard to tell patients to work on their diet when mine is out of control !
  • krisny13
    krisny13 Posts: 1 Member
    Med student! About to be an M3. Trying to get some better habits before rotations begin. Feel free to add.
  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    Former med student here. Happy to advise!
  • alychil820
    alychil820 Posts: 219 Member
    About to start my DNP program - terrifying. I could definitely use some friends who are also trying to avoid vending machine meals.
  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    About to start my DNP program - terrifying. I could definitely use some friends who are also trying to avoid vending machine meals.

    Dinitrophenol is too toxic as a dieting aid - no wonder you are terrified. Consider a safer diet regimen!