anyone lacking in potasium?



  • mjudd1990
    mjudd1990 Posts: 219 Member
    Unless you are on a diuretic for hypertension, take albuterol or insulin, or never eat anything with potassium then you aren't likely to develop any significant hypokalemia. If you're worried about it, eat a banana every couple of days and you should be fine.
  • mikegerber1
    mikegerber1 Posts: 38 Member
    thanks everyone for your posts, it's been a big help!
  • Unless you are on a diuretic for hypertension, take albuterol or insulin, or never eat anything with potassium then you aren't likely to develop any significant hypokalemia. If you're worried about it, eat a banana every couple of days and you should be fine.

    I'm on Albuterol I only take it when I need it. Which is anytime I exercise. I have never heard that before! I wonder if this is what caused my seizures while working out....Not one doctor in the last 5 years has even brought it up. I've been on it since I was a teen so I never looked up the side effects. That would explain a lot though...
  • mjudd1990
    mjudd1990 Posts: 219 Member
    Unless you are on a diuretic for hypertension, take albuterol or insulin, or never eat anything with potassium then you aren't likely to develop any significant hypokalemia. If you're worried about it, eat a banana every couple of days and you should be fine.

    I'm on Albuterol I only take it when I need it. Which is anytime I exercise. I have never heard that before! I wonder if this is what caused my seizures while working out....Not one doctor in the last 5 years has even brought it up. I've been on it since I was a teen so I never looked up the side effects. That would explain a lot though...

    It doesn't make you actually lose potassium, it causes the potassium that is floating around outside your cells to shift inside your cells thus causing hypokalemia without a true potassium deficiency. I'll spare you the lecture on cell membrane physiology but electrolyte imbalances such as this can lead to problems in electrically excitable tissues, namely your heart and nerves. Hence why the main symptoms are muscle weakness and heart arrythmias.