Overcoming Anxiety

Hi everyone! I'm pretty new to MFP, I've been here for 16 days now and have already lost 2 pounds. I'm a recent college graduate, 21 years old and am a vegetarian. I'm a nerd- I love comic books, fantasy, sci-fi, and documentaries. I'm a feminist and feel strongly about my views. I also have generalized anxiety disorder with panic attacks and it affects me every day. The medication in combination with the birth control pills I take made me gain a considerable amount of weight and before I knew it, I hated my body and stopped caring about what I looked like. I started to work out and eat better because I noticed that my anxiety gets even worse when I'm just sitting around doing nothing and a lot of my anxiety comes from my body image. I'm on week 3 of C25k and am doing a couple days a week of the blogilates calendar.

I'd love to make new friends with similar interests and goals.



  • QS82
    QS82 Posts: 65 Member
    Hello :)

    Well done on your success so far! And welcome to MFP.
    I'm also a big fan of documentaries, it's pretty much all I watch. I'm a student, albeit a mature one. I used to suffer really badly from GAD and to some extent still do, but mostly these days it's just when I push myself to do new things. It's a tough thing to deal with sometimes though and there are a few of us here who understand so feel free to add me, I log in every day. :). I never took meds for it but gained weight for similar reasons. I did C25K some time ago and have been running for a few years now, on and off, it's such a brilliant thing! Good luck with it.
    And yes, exercise and keeping busy are the best things for anxiety! So keep up the good work and you'll continue to make progress and feel better at the same time!

  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    I also have anxiety, that combined with my OCD is extremely bad at times where i can't control my thoughts. What i found helps me is try my best to calm my thoughts through yoga or just watch TV and try to get my mind off of it, just keep my mind busy, spending time with my parents who also help me get over it helps more that you can imagine. So i understand what you are going through, need anything feel free to message me.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Good luck with your GAD and everything else - did you know that some GAD symptoms may be associated with diet ? Have a look at a site called radiant recovery and see if this fits. For me sugar sends me off but a good quality diet and sensible exercise really helps me control it. Its good that you have strong views about right and wrong as well, there are too many people more interested in soap operas so its good to see people taking an active interest in life :-) Take care
  • maricelbearicel
    maricelbearicel Posts: 9 Member
    Hello :)

    Well done on your success so far! And welcome to MFP.
    I'm also a big fan of documentaries, it's pretty much all I watch. I'm a student, albeit a mature one. I used to suffer really badly from GAD and to some extent still do, but mostly these days it's just when I push myself to do new things. It's a tough thing to deal with sometimes though and there are a few of us here who understand so feel free to add me, I log in every day. :). I never took meds for it but gained weight for similar reasons. I did C25K some time ago and have been running for a few years now, on and off, it's such a brilliant thing! Good luck with it.
    And yes, exercise and keeping busy are the best things for anxiety! So keep up the good work and you'll continue to make progress and feel better at the same time!


    Did you find that working out and your diet contributed a lot to anxiety? It's still an uphill battle for me but I'm hoping these changes will help me out!
  • maricelbearicel
    maricelbearicel Posts: 9 Member
    I also have anxiety, that combined with my OCD is extremely bad at times where i can't control my thoughts. What i found helps me is try my best to calm my thoughts through yoga or just watch TV and try to get my mind off of it, just keep my mind busy, spending time with my parents who also help me get over it helps more that you can imagine. So i understand what you are going through, need anything feel free to message me.

    I've been thinking of taking up yoga but I'm honestly not sure where to start. I find that the internet and tv and things like that don't really help my anxiety but just doing things with my body really works, even if it's something as simple as writing.
  • maricelbearicel
    maricelbearicel Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck with your GAD and everything else - did you know that some GAD symptoms may be associated with diet ? Have a look at a site called radiant recovery and see if this fits. For me sugar sends me off but a good quality diet and sensible exercise really helps me control it. Its good that you have strong views about right and wrong as well, there are too many people more interested in soap operas so its good to see people taking an active interest in life :-) Take care

    I actually had no idea, I'll have to look that up!
  • QS82
    QS82 Posts: 65 Member
    Hello :)

    Well done on your success so far! And welcome to MFP.
    I'm also a big fan of documentaries, it's pretty much all I watch. I'm a student, albeit a mature one. I used to suffer really badly from GAD and to some extent still do, but mostly these days it's just when I push myself to do new things. It's a tough thing to deal with sometimes though and there are a few of us here who understand so feel free to add me, I log in every day. :). I never took meds for it but gained weight for similar reasons. I did C25K some time ago and have been running for a few years now, on and off, it's such a brilliant thing! Good luck with it.
    And yes, exercise and keeping busy are the best things for anxiety! So keep up the good work and you'll continue to make progress and feel better at the same time!


    Did you find that working out and your diet contributed a lot to anxiety? It's still an uphill battle for me but I'm hoping these changes will help me out!

    For me it was the opposite, I find it helps me overcome anxiety and clear my mind of it, I always feel better after working out.

    As for diet, I don't notice anything in particular except for coffee or caffeine, that can set it off, which is annoying as I LOVE coffee! :sad:
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    I have anxiety linked to C-PTSD
    I am also a feminist, and pretty strong on my views.
    I also have can have disordered eating so I have anxiety related to that and health issues...yup I seem a mess.
    I eating better and exercising really does help. I applaud you for being open and honest, seeking help and making changes. I am a true believer that transparency leads to breakthrough.
  • CoralDaisySarah
    CoralDaisySarah Posts: 1 Member
    Hi M. :0) - I went to the docs about anxiety a few months ago. The doc indicated that it could lead to tablets which I wanted to avoid. When I came home, just loading the dishwasher, and there it was, a great rush of adrenalin - shaky legs, fear, weakened feeling. I couldn't identify the reason, maybe a passing thought about health.

    So this leads me to the part of my message I am hoping will help you. During the 'attack' I told myself 'this is me, I have to live with this, I don't want to take a tablet - so I am going to let it wash over me and the next time it happens I will have to let that one wash over me, in an impatient parent type way that is waiting for a child to stop having a tantrum' - I cant explain the massive effect this had on me - I felt the 'attack' dissipating very quickly. The anxiety attacks stopped really quickly - I wanted to share this with you as you could try this and it might work for you :0)
  • Restlessme
    Restlessme Posts: 191 Member
    Hey! I went to my doctor for social anxiety recently (I was recommended a few years ago after being diagnosed with ADHD-PI) and was given paxil to try out. It really helps with my depression and social anxiety like no other, I've never been so happy to have a scheduled pill that isn't birth control :)

    I'm twenty-one as well and going on my fourth year, but sadly gonna be stuck here for another year.
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    I also have anxiety, that combined with my OCD is extremely bad at times where i can't control my thoughts. What i found helps me is try my best to calm my thoughts through yoga or just watch TV and try to get my mind off of it, just keep my mind busy, spending time with my parents who also help me get over it helps more that you can imagine. So i understand what you are going through, need anything feel free to message me.

    I've been thinking of taking up yoga but I'm honestly not sure where to start. I find that the internet and tv and things like that don't really help my anxiety but just doing things with my body really works, even if it's something as simple as writing.

    Writing helps me alot as well. You can try DDP yoga, its pretty easy.
  • Yoga definitely helps with anxiety. I find that having a cool, quiet place to just focus on my breathing and body movements allows my mind to relax and reduces my stress level caused by anxiety. I highly recommend it as an anxiety reliever. Good luck!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I have struggled with GAD my entire life, although I was misdiagnosed with ADHD during college and didn't know it was GAD until age 35. Anyway, what's helped me the most is talk therapy. I went for about a year and a half (twice per month) and it's just really changed my life and helped me to better manage my anxiety and stress levels. The only time I've had anxiety attacks though is when I go through something extremely stressful, like when I was getting a divorce and moving and job hunting all at once.

    To be honest, I haven't found that tracking my food, eating healthier, or exercising more has had much of an effect (positive or negative) on my GAD. I'm sure it doesn't hurt matters. The one thing I will say, is when I was 125 lb heavier I had a ton of migraines and now I don't. I have no idea though if those were caused by anxiety/stress, obesity, both, or neither. But getting your body healthier can't hurt your mental state, it can only help...in my opinion anyway :-)

    When I am feeling very stressed, it helps me a lot to do self-nurturing activities like a hot bath, a good book, at -home spa stuff, etc. Also just lying down for 20 minutes - whether actually meditating, or just relaxing or napping - really helps me, although I have to kind of force myself to do that because when I'm feeling anxious my first instinct is to rush around even more and do all of the things.

    I wish you the best!
  • Hi :)

    Im new to MFP as well and am a fellow anxiety sufferer. Working out and taking care of my body definitely helps me to focus my attention elsewhere and keeps me calm. Sent you a friend request! Hope we can help each other out!
  • Smiling_Sara
    Smiling_Sara Posts: 203 Member
    I just wanted to say welcome, and know you are not alone in having anxiety. I have it horribly. So horribly, that I'm scared to seek out professional help, cause it's scary to talk about with others. ( at least others who don't have it ) i have been able to open up online a little-I can hide the sadness and shame feelings that come along with it.
  • sailindani
    sailindani Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome, I also am filled with Anxiety... it seems like about nothing, I have always been anxious since a child. I get worked up so easliy and stressed out. I need to find time to relax and care about me. I will say recent changed in the way I eat has helped the daily consiant lightheaded and anxious feeling I was having. I still have times but its not daily. Also about a year ago I began meditation with a class.. it was AWESOME. they I began doing it on my own and it really helped. I stopped awhile ago just got busy and stuff but Im starting back up again tonight and cannot wait!!!! You should see if there is anything like that in your area.