Set to 1300 cals and I'm STARVING!!!

DoralisM Posts: 80
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I need help... I'm only supposed to eat 1300 cals but I'm still left hungry at night (typically around 10pm-1am.. Im a late sleeper) I drink water and try to get my mind off food but I'm soo unsatisfied. I get moody when I'm hungry ugggh! Should I suck it up and continue with the required amount or bring it up a little and exercise more?


  • escobar9300
    escobar9300 Posts: 15 Member
    What I usually do, is about 20 minutes before bed I drink a protein shake. Its only 90 calories and it helps me meet my protein goal for the day anyways. It almost always kills any night time cravings I might have. You can also just eat something like a banana, that way you are getting SOMETHING to eat, without undoing your whole day. Good luck :)
  • Buy 100 calorie snacks and leave enough calories to have one or two of them late night
  • It's never good to eat late at night, especially if you're going to sleep. Eat an apple or piece of fruit, it'll help with the cravings. Also, you can try a protein smoothie/shake. Stay strong! LOL. I know its hard! Good luck. Let me know how it goes!
  • whitles8
    whitles8 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey there,

    It sounds like your body is telling you that it needs more. Have you tried protein drinks? Maybe for your last meal of the night or for a snack increase your protein intake. If you don't want to go over 1300 then yes I would suggest getting in more exercise. But overall I wouldn't "starve" or be unsatisfied.

  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    I took a quick peek at your food diary, and I'd recommend watching the carb intake. I feel like MFP sets the carb limits pretty high, and eating too much in one sitting will cause your blood sugar to spike, which in turn kicks in your body's automatic response to lower that level. Insulin is not released at a 'measured' rate, so generally too much is produced, which drops your blood sugar too low and makes you hungry again.

    Focus on eating more protein and fiber with your carbs. Hang in there, you're doing very well!!!
  • i know its hard, but goign to bed early is definitely going to help your diet. Everyone knows that the later you go to sleep the hungrier you get.

    If you REALLY cant go to bed early, you can try eating a granola bar. There are some that are only 80 calories and have a lot of protein.

    Also another good light snack are almonds or peanuts.

    Try it and see how it works out

    <3 much luck
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    What do you usually eat for dinner? High protein foods at night will keep you full longer.

    Also, make sure you are getting enough fiber - MFP doesn't give you enough in your goals and women should shoot for 25 grams/day. Fiber helps you feel full longer and has a zillion other health benefits as well.

    My goal is set to 1350 and I am almost never hungry, even when I stay up late (feel free to look at my diary for ideas).

    If you simply must have more than 1300, then exercise more to earn some extra calories.
  • I am a late sleeper too, and drink a lot of water. But when I do get hungry I just grab a weight watcher's yogurt and eatthat with another glass of water and it fills me up. They are only 100 calories. I rather do that than catch myself being tempted and eating something worst and with more calories. Also a friend says, she eats popcorn (of course with no butter), with a glass of water. (They also come in 100 cal packs) You will fill full after this. I hope this helps!
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    How quickly are you trying to lose weight? If you are trying to lose 2 or 1.5 pounds a week, maybe you should set your target lower so you have a calorie target that works better for you!
  • I am drinking protein shakes ... Slim Fast and I love it. Fruits, umm I'm already eating banana for breakfast so I'll try grapes at night.. i guess. Thank u all for the tips :)
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    First lose the slim fast.... you do not need that crap!!!! Try to find a better quality protein shake .Eat high quality food. I eat 1200 cals a day before exercice cals and I feel like I am eating all the time.

    You can also up you cals a day by changing your goal to 1 or half a pound. It's better in the long term then to starve then binge

    Good luck
  • I'm trying to loose 1 lb per week and I work out 3 times a week.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I'd exercise more and boost fiber intake, be sure to drink plenty of water. Eating brown rice and veggies is supposed to be a good way to curb hunger pangs - and I've found that it works very well for me. I steam the brown rice with just a thin coating of olive oil in the pot, and don't add salt. Add steam in the bag veggies and I'm a happy camper. If you can find things like that to work for you, you've got it made. Good luck!
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    If you are feeling hungry you need to eat to keep your metabolism up. BUT you need to make sure you are actually hungry and not just bored. If I find that I'm just bored I chew gum. The Extra Desert Delights (especially the ice cream one) is a life saver.

    In the evening if you gotta eat it's best to eat simple carbs that are easy for your body to digest like an apple or a banana. I have mine with a glass of water. Stay away from complex carbs like bread.

    During the day make sure you are eating a lot of lean protein with your meals (turkey, chicken, fish, beans etc). Eat small portions and eat frequently. I usually have about 4 small meals a day with a yogurt or fruit between if I feel I need it.
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    I have a hard time with 1300 also. Sleeping is tough when the stomach growling wakes up the neighbors! :laugh: I try to exercise 200 calories a day (for me that's walking 35 minutes) so that I can eat at least 1400 calories and still net 1200. It's amazing what a difference those 200 calories make at 9pm (like half an apple and a serving of Trader Joe crackers).
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I glanced at your food diary as well. I would recommend eating a meal for supper that is high in protein and fiber (I noticed you've just had Slimfast the last few nights). Also, it always helps me to have some kind of after-dinner snack planned, even if just a glass of milk, piece of fruit or some light popcorn. If I stay up late, I tend to get hungry too... so one of the things I am focusing on is trying to get to bed at a decent hour!

    I also agree with other posters -- I wouldn't aim for more than 1 pound a week since you don't have much left to lose. (Though, since you don't have much to lose, I'm guessing you aren't trying to lose more than that a week anyway. Most people trying to lose more than 1 pound a week get 1200 calories allotted by MFP, which is the minimum).
  • MsSaturday
    MsSaturday Posts: 89 Member
    I like the protein shake idea, I have been having a granola bar if i have to eat something, keeps me from raiding the fridge for left overs :)
  • Sherri71
    Sherri71 Posts: 208 Member
    I agree with the other posts. Try a protein shake! If you want something to eat, maybe a piece of string cheese works for me! Good luck :)
  • Escobar is right, also try eating a hardier breakfast or lunch. Alot of times when people diet they eat furits and veggies alll day and you need to eat more protien and not just shakes.
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    I think you had a great idea in your post - set your calories higher and exercise more to have the same net calories. I am much happier on the days I workout because I get to eat more. Just adding a few extra hundred calories goes a long way in making meals and snacks that are more satisfying. On my days off exercise this week, I ended up going over because I was so hungry - then I had to exercise to burn it off anyway!
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