Hi! I'm 18 and struggling with my weight (AGAIN)

Hey guys!

I'm pretty alone here at the moment because I prefer to remain anonymous. Basically, I've started using the site and app because I've fallen off the healthy wagon again. I can tell you my story now, without it being too long so I don't bore you!

To start, I've always struggled with my weight, I remember worrying about it since I was 11 years old. I was chubby teen to begin with, I'm a tall girl and have always been a little bit bulky. When I was 13 I was pretty lanky, I was 170cm and about 52KG. This was due to a growth spurt and also I suddenly became aware of calories and stuff and completely obsessed over it.

The year I turned 14 I packed on a LOT of weight due to emotional eating from a death in my family. Suddenly I was 173cm and 69kg, which wasn't obese but was overweight. I was really, really self-conscious and had no confidence, at all. All my friends were skinny and little and were beginning to get boyfriends.

I struggled with my weight for the next three years. The heaviest I got to was 73kg, I had no control. My self-confidence plummeted. I tried to lose it but would end up eating again. Then, last May, for some reason I decided that I am NOT going to spend another summer feeling like a whale in my bikini. In about 2 months, I went from 69KG to 62KG, which doesn't sound like much but it made a huge difference, and I was absolutely delighted. I did this by committing to running and cutting out sugar and carbs.

My self confidence soared and I was the happiest I'd been in a long time. I was finally comfortable in my own skin and bought new "skinny" clothes. I was nearly 18 and never had a boyfriend, and I thought this summer I might be in with a chance. That summer I turned 18 and met the greatest guy ever on holiday, this was last August. He's been my boyfriend nearly a year now, long distance, and I love him to bits. We've met up a good amount of times and we're meeting up again soon.

However, I've come back here today because I've hit a low point. I managed to maintain my weight for half a year, and suddenly school became stressful and I didn't weigh myself anymore (this was around February past). I stepped on the scale one week ago for the first time in a couple of months, heart pounding. I weighed in at 67.2KG (5.2KG gain), which isn't overweight but I'm devastated that I've let myself go again. My clothes had been getting a little tighter but I tried to ignore it, stupidly.

I'm seeing my boyfriend in two weeks and I want to lose as much weight as possible. He tells me I'm beautiful every day, but I know I'll be more comfortable if I've dropped a few pounds, I'll feel sexier. I'm around 66KG today, and I would be delighted to be 64KG in two weeks time. So that's why I'm here, I needed a kick up the butt and a boost back to being healthy! And this time, I know I'll have to stick with it, and I hope to continue using the site to keep track of my progress., even when I get there.

So I'd love to get to know a few people here, because it's daunting doing this alone!

So, that's me, how is everyone?


  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    add me if you like
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    67 kg is still at the middle of your BMI (21) so still a very healthy weight. At 62kg you were at the really low end (19). To me your issues are much deeper than the actual weight I would suggest a visit to your doctor or medical professional to address those issues I get the feeling even if you lose the weight there will still be some problems.

    Good luck
  • dandee1307
    dandee1307 Posts: 15
    Don´t judge yourself on KG alone. Calories and stuff can help you monitor your weight, but should not be your first refeence point. If you (like my btw) have struggled with your weight over lots of years, you should worry about healthy food more than calories. Get you vitamins and stuff in before refereing anything for calories. it helped me monitor and reduce my weight far better than calorie counting did.
  • juliafromrf
    juliafromrf Posts: 106 Member
    Hey :)

    I know how you feel and my story is almost exactly the same. Same numbers, almost same height (if you are still 173 cm?).
    I'm 172 cm and the fattest I have been were 70 kg (really low point) but now I've managed to go down to 59 kg. I still have 2, 3 kilos to lose but I would be glad to support you during your weightloss so add me if you like.
    What is important is that you do not stress yourself to reach your goal weight in a certain time frame. Just start counting calories and watch the weight come off, but remember that weight loss is not linear and if you don't reach your goal by the time you meet your boyfriend, don't be frustrated. You have the rest of your life together. :)
  • hairychestnuts
    Thank you for your comment :)

    I'm aware to eat all the healthy foods and make sure I get a source of a bit of everything every day, like protein, veg, carbs etc. I keep track of calories just to keep me aware of not going overboard which I often do, and I find it helps a lot. However, I know that calories are not the only factor in health and weight loss and your body definitely needs them to function :)