help please!!

Hi im 25 and I started my journey 3 months ago at 226 im currently at 200 so 26pds down.. yayy... Im stuck, going on 3 weeks with no results... please help me, tell me what tou do, what you eat ect to help you lose weight. My goal weight is 150...Im just slacking on good healthy cooking and need guidance..

Thank you, Amber


  • zoegator
    zoegator Posts: 165 Member
    It would help if you opened up your diary so that we could see what you eat to help make suggestions. How much are you eating a day? If you're following the 1200/day that MFP frequently puts people on, you might have plateaued because your body is going into "starvation mode." Look up your TDEE and your BMR (there are calculators online, just Google it), and what usually is good for people is to take 20% off their TDEE and stick to that many calories each day. Make sure that whatever number you come up with is higher than your BMR. Your BMR is basically what your body burns each day just by existing. You need to eat that many calories, no matter what, every day.

    If you have any questions, feel free to message/add me.
  • BreeJaxon
    BreeJaxon Posts: 128
    Do you incorporate any HIIT in your training regime? It's a great way to break a plateau and jumpstart that metabolism~
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    Keep going... when I started it actually took 2 months before I saw alot of anything...then I lost....then I platued...then I I am at another platue...keep pushing you will get there...
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Do you take measurements? You might still be losing inches.
  • arnelson0530
    Im sorry im new to all this whats HIIt
  • cpollack710
    Try adding something new to your routine - try a new machine, a new exercise DVD, a new class, add some weights, circuit training, etc. If you're looking for some new recipes, I cook a lot of things from Ellie Krieger and Cooking Light cookbooks. Plateaus happen... and you may need to re-adjust by upping the calories and upping workout times or trying something new that gives a different burn. I went and hit golf balls for the first time in years a month or so ago and was sore in new places despite being active.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I would take the time to really double-check the accuracy of your logging. That's what causes the majority of stalls and plateaus that we see around here.

    Would you be comfortable opening your diary for us to take a look? It really can make a difference to have an extra set of eyes check it over.

    Are you logging everything you eat? Including any cheat days, condiments, cooking oils, veggies, etc?

    Are you using a food scale, measuring cups, or eyeballing your portion sizes? Most people are off in their estimates by 20-40% when they eyeball portions. Measuring cups are better, but a food scale is always going to be the most accurate.

    Make sure that you've recalculated your goals since you've lost weight. Your body needs fewer calories to keep itself moving so you may need to re-figure your calorie goals.

    If you're exercising and eating back your earned exercise calories, be sure you're using accurate estimates of your burn. MFP and gym machines have a tendency to overestimate certain activities, which can cause you to eat back more calories than you need to. Even a heart rate monitor isn't 100% accurate. If you're eating those extra earned calories it might be a good idea to eat only 50-75% of those.

    In the grand scheme of things, remember that 3 weeks isn't very long. Some people will stall out for a couple of weeks (due to water retention from hormones, TOM, stress, sodium, cheat meals, exercise, etc.) and then see a big whoosh of weight loss. Stalls happen sometimes even when you're doing everything right.
  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    Im sorry im new to all this whats HIIt

    High Intesity Interval Training
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I would take the time to really double-check the accuracy of your logging. That's what causes the majority of stalls and plateaus that we see around here.

    Would you be comfortable opening your diary for us to take a look? It really can make a difference to have an extra set of eyes check it over.

    Are you logging everything you eat? Including any cheat days, condiments, cooking oils, veggies, etc?

    Are you using a food scale, measuring cups, or eyeballing your portion sizes? Most people are off in their estimates by 20-40% when they eyeball portions. Measuring cups are better, but a food scale is always going to be the most accurate.

    Make sure that you've recalculated your goals since you've lost weight. Your body needs fewer calories to keep itself moving so you may need to re-figure your calorie goals.

    If you're exercising and eating back your earned exercise calories, be sure you're using accurate estimates of your burn. MFP and gym machines have a tendency to overestimate certain activities, which can cause you to eat back more calories than you need to. Even a heart rate monitor isn't 100% accurate. If you're eating those extra earned calories it might be a good idea to eat only 50-75% of those.

    In the grand scheme of things, remember that 3 weeks isn't very long. Some people will stall out for a couple of weeks (due to water retention from hormones, TOM, stress, sodium, cheat meals, exercise, etc.) and then see a big whoosh of weight loss. Stalls happen sometimes even when you're doing everything right.

    ^This. All of this.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Lots of water, more protein, more fiber.
    Of course I say this without having looked at your logging.
    SO: Log everything down to the condiments, and definitely be as accurate as possible - NO Guesstimating!

    It's usually when I start guesstimating and not really paying attention to portion size that causes the plateau's.

    If you're going to have a carb, make sure you have a protein with it. My kids LOVE to have a snack bag (1 serving) of pretzels with a JIF to Go cup - protein and carbs....see? It helps better stabilize the sugars.

    Also: to help bump up my fiber and protein numbers, I have chocolite bars from There are coupons available from I also have light string cheese and greek yogurt available for more protein.

    Always go to protein first when you're deciding something to eat. The fats/carbs will take care of themselves. A nutritionist told me that and I've found it to be true.

    For what it's worth....
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    Hey Amber,

    That's great that you've lost 26lbs in 3 months- averages out to 2 lbs/week which is AWESOME!!

    Don't get freaked out if you stall for a week or two. I've had weeks where I've stalled or gone up, but I'm down 22 lbs in 4 months with less to lose than you. Could be hormones, sodium intake, lack of fiber, water retention, stress, etc, etc, etc. It sounds like you are eating at a deficit if you have had sustained losses every week for 3 months but this one, so don't freak out.

    Just continue with what you're doing, but remember to recalculate your calorie requirements after every 5lb loss since it does change. Also, keep in mind weight loss slows as you have less to lose. And... strength training will help you get the look you want faster, but it may slow the scales. Your body gets used to workouts after a while, so make sure to mix it up and stay calm :)

    PS- It may be worthwhile to keep progress pics if you haven't started already. Certainly motivation to keep going :smile: