lactose intolerent anyone?

PinkPanther318 Posts: 81 Member
anyone have this problem? what do you eat? what do you avoid?


  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    i avoid.... dairy.
    if not, then i take lactaids. those are one of my best friends, especially as i love cheese and yogurt.
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    I just avoid it.

    If I want a latte or something, I get soy or almond. Usually I drink black coffee/espresso and eat dark chocolate.

    It's not that difficult and usually means you get less calories (i.e. no cheese on burgers). I tend to just ask for meals without the dairy component (different sauce or simply remove). I often go for vegan choices because those are guaranteed dairy free.
  • wolf39us
    wolf39us Posts: 163 Member

    yuuummmm :-)
  • Not all cheese has lactose, so check the labels. Hard cheeses are usually safe. Cheddar is good, and muenster is lactose free though it's not really a hard cheese. Maybe it is in a brick, I don't know I just get the slices. Yogurt does not bother me as long as it's a small serving of plain yogurt with a little honey but it does bother some people that are lactose intolerant. Forget ice cream or frozen yogurt, that tears me apart. Soft cheeses and regular milk or cream - nope. I love mozzarella, it does not love me. If I need milk I buy Lactaid or almond milk. The other thing I noticed is the better I eat the less it bothers me when I have the occasional piece of pizza. Good luck!
  • KatMarieLivinG
    KatMarieLivinG Posts: 42 Member
    I never noticed how bad of an effect dairy had on me until I gave it up for a few months. Then I thought i'd treat myself to a real cream ice cream! OMG! Within 30 mins my body turned on me. So now I avoid dairy as much as I can. My new favorite treat is can coconut milk with mashed banana and chai seeds. Tastes like banana cream pie pudding!
  • edisonsbulb
    edisonsbulb Posts: 93 Member
    Didn't you just post this?
  • PinkPanther318
    PinkPanther318 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks everyone great ideas. This is new for me so we will see how it goes but giving up yogurt will be hardest.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Kroger carbmaster skim milk. Lactose free, 11g protein and only 60 cal a cup. Also comes in vanilla and chocolate
  • andrapse
    andrapse Posts: 1
    I don't know if you can get this, but I love plain Alpro soy yoghurt. I mix it with fruits, cinnamon etc.
    LINIA Posts: 1,159 Member
    Hi Panther,

    Did you recently find out that you are unable to digest lactose ? Well i use the methods above BUT if i really want, for example, Kilwins or Godiva dark chocolate ice cream, i take lactaid pills and eat the dairy product.

    The exact brand " lactaid" can be costly but GNC has a very inexpensive chewable that works fine and Family Dollar stores sell their own brand of the lactese enzyme in tablet form.

    If you are new to this, please PM me.....i can add more info but overall, you can figure out a method that allows you to eat most foods.

    GL, Linia
  • leannej75
    leannej75 Posts: 4 Member
    I love yogurt too and it is one of the things that I find hard to give up but Yoplait does make a lactose free yogurt but it is hard to find... it has a green label. I have found it at Kroger stores and Martins food stores. I just found out a few years ago that I am lactose intolerent and it has been a learning experience! Good luck!
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    Yep same here. I could careless though. I just take lactacid fast act caplets if I want something with dairy in it.
  • fullersun35
    fullersun35 Posts: 162 Member
    Yep same here. I could careless though. I just take lactacid fast act caplets if I want something with dairy in it.

    Same with my husband. He buys the lactaid pills in bulk from Sam's Club.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    Meeeee! No milk, no ice cream, no sour cream, and when it comes to cheese I can generally only eat brie and goat cheese.

    I like goat milk yogurt. I don't drink any type of milk, I don't need it. If I *really* want ice cream, which I rarely ever do, I eat soy based OR fruit based ice cream.
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    Yep same here. I could careless though. I just take lactacid fast act caplets if I want something with dairy in it.

    Same with my husband. He buys the lactaid pills in bulk from Sam's Club.

    They work extremely well.
  • flutterrshy
    flutterrshy Posts: 2 Member
    everybody has a different tolerance.
    I mean, I can tolerate alll the butter, but I cannot tolerate even lactose free yogurt (well, I can but you don't want me to eat it, trust me). And forget about anything not lactose free. Some people can't tolerate milk but are ok with fermented milk products (cheese, yogurt).

    Also, lactose is water soluble but is not soluble in fat so typically more fat and less water = less lactose.