Anyone on 1200 - 1300 calories / day?



  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm on 1350 a day before exercise is taken into account. A normal day for me looks like this

    10.30am - natural yoghurt with blueberries and strawberries
    12.30pm - chicken breast, vegetables, sometimes I also add quinoa
    2.30pm - apple
    4pm - Protein bar
    6.30pm - varies - usually a lean protein (turkey breast, chicken breast, extra lean steak mince, salmon, tuna) with salad or veg. Sometimes add brown rice or quinoa.
    If I'm hungry/have the calories I will have an evening snack. Depends on my macros for the day but may have ryvita with pb, fruit, carrots sticks, cereal.

    I never go over 1350 with this plan and always stay within my macros (sometimes over on protein on lifting days). I even sometimes struggle to hit my calorie goals, especially on training days.

    FYI - I weigh and log everything religiously.
  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    Well said. I can tell you know how this thing works. I used to be one of those 1200 calorie a day people while trying to workout for 2 hours 6 days a week, and yes I lost weight but then it stopped and I tried to eat even less and workout even more. I became frustrated and binged, eventually gained everything I had lost back times 2. Haha, I lost 80 pounds in 2003 and by 2008 I gained back 120lbs. So here I am again. If I knew what you just said a long time ago my fat gained could have been prevented. I still struggle but with increasing knowledge I am winning the battle.
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    It varies but lately its been a combination of these:

    breakfast: greek yogurt (+berries and granola sometimes) and coffee or tea

    lunch: homemade yumm bowl (brown rice, black beans, yumm sauce, pico de gallo, avocado, cilantro) or veggie burger on wheat bun.

    dinner: big salad (spring mix or spinach, +extra veggies, cheese, a little dressing, whatever sounds good), soup, baked chicken and veggies, or one of the lunch options.

    snacks: fruit, hummus and seed crackers or carrots, protein shake, or almonds.

    I also drink lots of water, I think that helps with staying full throughout the day too. As a general rule, I try to eat as little bread and dairy as possible, so I'll usually skip on cheese, croutons, and milk unless I need it. If I do use milk for something, I try to make it almond milk and If I do eat bread, I go whole grain/wheat.
    Also, I try to eat frequently and in small portions. If I'm hungry, I drink more water and eat something good, clean, and filling. But usually staying hydrated and eating small amounts often keeps me feeling pretty full throughout the day.

    Water is so important! Not just for weightloss, I just feel better in general since I started drinking more water.

    definitely agree water is paramount. I read somewhere "you should drink water like it's your job" - I try to follow that ritual.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    I find it tough, but after a lot of mucking about, the following works for me:

    breakfast fruit and a coffee, lunch a salad (broccoli with something or salad from somewhere), dinner lots of stuff. It's possible to get a pizza with a mozzarella salad for less than 400, for example. The pizza being a tortilla base with tomato sauce and finely grated cheese (optional), and the mozzarella salad being two mozzarella sticks (80 kcal each) with a tomato, some onion, some apple cider vinegar and salt. I also wanted dumplings and chocolate almonds today, so I ended up going over my calorie count by 176, then went for a jog. That really seems to be the trick with 1200 calories, getting some exercise in. I don't always eat back the exercise calories but I often do and it really helps with the motivation to do some exercise :)
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    depends on the day - I have reset to 1300 - I was at 1250 and eating back exercise cals......then I tried bumping up to 1600 and not eating them back - it wasn't working - so back to 1300

    Breakfast usually (not lately tho)- egg whites on toast
    snack - coffee with sugar and fat free creamer (2 cups)
    lunch - 2 oz. turkey or chicken and 1 oz. cheese - sometimes crackers too.
    snack - depends -not daily but if I do its something around 150-200 cals. can be a protein bar or m&ms - whatever
    Dinner - meat, starch, veggie - whatever the family has for dinner - I just eat smaller portions of meat and starch - and eat lots of veggies or salad.

    What I have to watch is alcohol - wine will get me every time!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    All of you 1200-calorie folks, feel free to yell at me and tell me how you're totally full on 1200 calories per day and you gain weight if you eat more than that. I'll be over here eating while you try to convince me that you're a unique flower whose body works totally different from everyone else's. :)

    I agree with your point, but why are you trying to say that everyones' bodies are the same? o.O

    That's not what I said. Everyone's body is different. However, barring any medical condition, women of average height do not need to eat 1200 calories a day to lose weight. All of these girls that are dead-set on these super low calorie diets make themselves feel better by attempting to convince everyone else that they're unique and, even though everyone else can lose weight eating more, they can't. It's BS. They're not nearly as unique as they think they are.
    BARBnKS Posts: 84 Member
    My diary is open & I try to stay under 1270 but do go over occasionally. My breakfast is usually eggs & bacon, sausage or ham OR instant oatmeal & fruit. For lunch I have meat with veggie or salad & fruit and Dinner is meat, veggie & fruit or instant pudding or jello. I try to limit bread, pasta & rice & flour products but have occasionally. There is nothing I do without completely but limit or use portion control. Add me if you would like.
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    My advice regarding calorie amounts you eat is to go by your weekly feedback from weight and body fat and measurements. If your numbers are going in the right direction, keep eating what you eat and doing what you do regardless of what others tell you.

    I'm short. I stay around 1200-1300. A high day for me is 1400.

    For MOST of my meals I mix non-starchy fibrous carbs (veggies) with a lean protein. If my calories allow I'll have a small side of starchy carbs like quinoa or potato. I allow myself 1-2 treats like a fiber one brownie to accompany some coffee. To save calories on coffee and still enjoy a good tasting coffee, I mix 50/50 portions of regular milk and almond milk to pour on my coffee.

    I find that protein is CRUCIAL to satiety when eating at a low calorie like I do. Also combining with fibrous carbs is a good strategy for decreasing calories in a meal.

    Because my TDEE is lower than most people I also ensure to get a minimum cardio burning at least 200 calories. I seek to burn more calories in exercise though if I'm hyper-focused on losing fat.

    With these strategies I'm being successful at losing body fat, inches and lbs at the scale consistently on a weekly basis. Being on a low calorie deficit it is normal to feel slightly hungry, just not so hungry you are out of control. If you do feel hungry eat a high protein food.

    For convenience you may try protein shakes. Mini babybel cheese light has 50 calories and 6 g protein so it's a good option for snacks. Tuna fish is also an excellent low calorie high protein food. Make yourself a 1 slice low calorie bread tuna salad "sandwich" for about 150 calories and 20 g of protein. It's a perfect snack, low calorie, high protein.
  • MrsJennaKwasniewski
    MrsJennaKwasniewski Posts: 204 Member
    I try to stick to 1300-1500 calories a day. I sometimes am under and I sometimes am over a little but that is the general range I shoot for. My diary is open to the public as well but here is what I am having today:

    Protein Shake after workout (12oz Unsweetened Vanilla Almond milk, 3/4 scoop of protein powder (only 3/4 cause I'm running out till Friday payday lol)) 143 calories

    Breakfast: Vanilla 100 calorie Yoplait yogurt, a plum, hot chai tea and a packet of truvia 192 calories

    Lunch: low yolk egg salad 2 servings on 2 pieces of 40 calorie bread with a nectarine 303 calories

    Dinner: Baked garlic/lemon tilapia 6oz, about 30 green beans with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray with garlic salt and a redskin baked potato with a little butter and garlic salt 578 calories

    All together I am having 1,216 calories 109g protein, 28g fat and 143g carbs.
  • pterodactylish
    pterodactylish Posts: 6 Member
    I have my goals set at 1300 because it's a bit easier to follow than 1200, and so far, I'm losing more weight at a higher cal goal.

    Hard boiled egg ~70
    A little yoghurt + granola + berries ~150
    whole wheat toast 78

    Small soup and half a sandwich, usually 450 (I get a lot of hale & hearty)

    Treat: a few sour patch kids or a piece of chocolate

    Half a ham sandwich w/ a little cheese
    maybe a class of wine?

    It's really all about portion size. And starting small. I ate 1400 calories the first week, then 1300, then 1200. Eventually went back to 1300.

    Also, some days I'm just not that hungry and eat closer to net 1000 (often exercise days) and some days I'm super hungry and eat 1500/1600. It evens out, so I really just look at the week average to gauge my progress.
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    Well I don't count my calories on MFP, I prefer the old fashioned pen and paper method, but I'll write out my average day. I've been doing 1,200 to 1,300 calories for a few months now with great results.

    8 AM: bagel thin with an egg white on it- 140 calories
    11 AM: mini bag of doritos- 150 calories
    1 PM: 30 special K cracker chips- 120 calories
    2 PM: 6 oz. baby carrots with 1 Tablespoon light ranch- 105 calories
    4 PM: 3 fun sized snickers bars- 240 calories
    6 PM: 2 oz. pasta with 4 Tablespoons italian dressing- 270 calories
    6 PM: 1 cup fresh green beans- 70 calories
    7 PM: 72 grams Sugar free ice cream with 5 Tablespoons light whipped cream and 2 tablespoons sprinkles- 150 calories

    To a grand total of 1,245 calories today.

    Hope this helps.If you need any hints or tips you can message me :)

    Doritos, crackers, Snickers and ice cream? Where's the nutrition?
    A calorie is a calorie pal. As long as you eat at a deficit, you will lose weight. Now if you'll excuse me, I want some candy. :bigsmile:
  • MrsJennaKwasniewski
    MrsJennaKwasniewski Posts: 204 Member
    I am and I also am vegetarian and eat low carb. I eat pretty much the same breakfast and lunch every day and dinner varies.
    Breakfast is eggs with cheese and coffee
    lunch is a spinach salad with olives, veggies and ranch
    Dinner is veggie burger and a vegetable or I make Mock Mack and cheese using cauliflower.

    What is this "mock mac and cheese" that you speak of!??! Mac and Cheese is my ultimate favorite food and I don't eat it anymore because I can't eat it without having a whole box or plate full etc. I must know your ways!
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    My cheat day was yesterday....but my diary is open. Please don't judge.

    Your cheat day was yesterday! I thought it looked pretty good. All of your days looked really good. I think I would be starving at 1200 calories. It looks like you are making it work. Looks like you are getting your nutrients in.

    The snicker and doritos girl - If it works for you I guess do it. I would love to eat a snicker and bag of doritos. Unfortunately, I have to watch my carbs cuz of diabetes and also eat more protein cuz I would be starving without it.
  • slcooper77
    slcooper77 Posts: 4 Member
    I am still feeling around my 1200-1300 diet, started about 7 weeks ago and I have lost about 13.6lbs with a 1 hour boot camp three times a week (burning on average 400-500 calories per class according to my HR monitor). I always eat a banana pre-workout, and then try to eat something light after. I have found the best way to still eat the things that I love is to just try to eliminate (or minimize) mayo, cheese, sugar, and bread. My saving graces have been the Oikos Greek Frozen Yogurt (150 cal/1/2 cup serving) or angel food cake with fresh strawberries or blueberries in the evenings I don't bust my net calorie goals. (net=food-exercise). I eat a lot of dill pickle chips for a crunchy snack (very low cal!!) and stick to a standard lean meat and steamed veggie kinda dinner. I looked in to the Paleo diet and a gluten free diet - but I found myself stressed out wondering "is this going to ruin my diet?" I love food. I love giant cheeseburgers off the grill on a giant bun oozing with cheese and mayo and lettuce washed down with an ice cold local craft beer (easily a 1500 calorie meal)- and I had to learn to say no more!! I have learned to eat slider sized burgers with just tomato and lettuce and maybe a smear of yellow mustard and be just as satisfied. I am also learning to eat smart when I have no choice but to eat out by following the no Bread (includes fried & battered foods) Cheese Mayo philosophy. I have 2 boys ages 2 & 7 and sometimes for dinner we have to deviate from Mom's healthy plan to eat kid food. I still eat it, just in moderation. I have a long way to go but I am bound and determined. I love reading the success stories and seeing the before & after pics!!
  • pragmacat
    pragmacat Posts: 4 Member
    Average day looks like:
    - 1 cup egg liquid egg whites omelette with salt, garlic powder, pepper, 2 tablespoons chopped onion, and one cup chopped chard. (Sometimes reduce it to 1/2 cup and then add a few tablespoons grated cheddar)
    - 1 cup cottage cheese
    - 1 can tuna with celery salt, pepper, and garlic powder
    - 1 chopped potato, cooked in olive oil or butter, with scallops (also cooked in olive oil or butter), chopped onion, garlic powder, and salt.
    - 1 banana
    - Multivitamin
  • i am on 1330 calories a day and its very difficult. my diary is public if you want to have a peek. i guess the best thing to do is just to figure out what foods fill you up the most of the fewest calories through trial and error. i like things like tomatoes cut up with pepper and a pinch of salt to be a filling snack for under 50 calories.
  • silverstarrlyte
    silverstarrlyte Posts: 83 Member
    Im on a 1200 calorie diet. I'm 5'3 and have lost 20lbs. I have a hard time eating all my calories. It wasn't that way at first. Now its hard to make myself eat more. Makes me feel sick. I run 3-5 days a week depending on time... I am wanting to start lifting weights now so will have to consume more calories. But the way I am now, I am fine with the 1200 calories a day.
  • SiempreBella
    SiempreBella Posts: 125 Member
    Well I don't count my calories on MFP, I prefer the old fashioned pen and paper method, but I'll write out my average day. I've been doing 1,200 to 1,300 calories for a few months now with great results.

    8 AM: bagel thin with an egg white on it- 140 calories
    11 AM: mini bag of doritos- 150 calories
    1 PM: 30 special K cracker chips- 120 calories
    2 PM: 6 oz. baby carrots with 1 Tablespoon light ranch- 105 calories
    4 PM: 3 fun sized snickers bars- 240 calories
    6 PM: 2 oz. pasta with 4 Tablespoons italian dressing- 270 calories
    6 PM: 1 cup fresh green beans- 70 calories
    7 PM: 72 grams Sugar free ice cream with 5 Tablespoons light whipped cream and 2 tablespoons sprinkles- 150 calories

    To a grand total of 1,245 calories today.

    Hope this helps.If you need any hints or tips you can message me :)

    Doritos, crackers, Snickers and ice cream? Where's the nutrition?

    I never claimed to be a clean eater. :P

    Hahaha! I love your response! Some people can be so judgmental!!! It's all about making this work for you, as an individual, so you can stick to a lifestyle! If you are happy, keep doing what you be doing!

    Exactly. When I first started here I only occasionally lurked but I've been reading more of the Community posts to get some inspiration. What I'm seeing is some positive post but there is a lot of judgment, inappropriate comments, and some downright meanness. Thank you for being one of the positive ones.

    This what the above said.
    If it works for her it works for her. Don't hate because it works for her.
  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    I'm around 5'0, and eat 1200 or so calories a day -- more on the days I exercise. According to the Mifflin-St Jeor TDEE calculator, I maintain at around 1450 calories a day, so 1200 calories is a reasonable deficit for me. I personally manage by intermittent fasting.
  • sevPOOTS
    sevPOOTS Posts: 6
    Me! I need to eat 1200 a day to lose 2lbs a week. My Mission is to Reach 60 kilos :) And i notice that my clothes are more loose now
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    Trying to be, been reading really not healthy or realistic, but am trying. Having troubles though as many of my just drinks like coffee in am and iced tea take up a lot of my calories, so changing the things i use in them like half and half and what not. But, generally been keeping under 1200 every day.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I NET around 1200 most days..of course I eat somewhere between 2000 and 2500 calories a day - more if I am hungry, less if I am not. I'm also about 10 lbs from goal so I have to set MFP for 1lb/week loss in order to lose about .5 (which is what I have been averaging since dropping to 1200) THUS based on my 2 years of spreadsheet tracking this is a reasonable goal for ME.

    If we are talking 1200 without eating back exercise then no.. I like FOOD. I only work out so that I can eat more of it which is the way MFP s designed. I would suggest that if you are hungry you start working out more to get a few more calories OR just start eating back some of your exercise calories if you haven't been.
  • jhiqui
    jhiqui Posts: 53 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and am aiming for 1200 calories/day. A typical day look something like this:
    Breakfast: greek yoghurt blended with raspberries and protein powder
    Lunch: A salad with some cheese or an egg
    Dinner: Varies, sometimes I'll cook a veggie curry or omelette or have a veggie burger with salad etc.
    Snacks: Atkins low carb chocolate bar or whipped cream/mascarpone maybe with a few strawberries...

    It does get boring after a while but I find it so much easier to stick to 1200 cals when I eat clean! If I add more carbs I am much more likely to binge!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I sometimes have meals that are around 1200 calories, so I'm probably not going to be of any help to anyone :)
  • NaRmI10
    NaRmI10 Posts: 48 Member
    Thank you everyone for the replies! - I am 5 feet and so far I have been struggling to manager withing 1200 - but doing it.. I do see a progress and my ticker supports it! :) However, I am trying to keep that 1200 calories on the healthier side with more protein...
    As a vegetarian it is a challenge for me.
    Thank you all for sharing your diaries :)
  • christybushellwain
    christybushellwain Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you everyone for the replies! - I am 5 feet and so far I have been struggling to manager withing 1200 - but doing it.. I do see a progress and my ticker supports it! :) However, I am trying to keep that 1200 calories on the healthier side with more protein...
    As a vegetarian it is a challenge for me.
    Thank you all for sharing your diaries :)

    I'm on more than 1200 calories, but here are some snack ideas...

    One snack I like that gives me a lot of protein is 1% cottage cheese with some fresh or frozen berries. It takes a bit of getting used to, but I have come to enjoy my cottage cheese! It is a bit high on sodium though.

    I also enjoy having a meal replacement shake for my breakfast just because it's quick and gives a balance of carbs and proteins. Some people don't agree with this, but it works for me.

    When I first started (19 days ago) I was hungry all the time because of the huge drop in calories from what I was doing. Now, if I start to get hungry and I'm running low on calories, I've been making a cup of tea and find that it works quite well.

    Good luck!

    PS - after posting this, I noticed you are a vegetarian...not sure if that excludes cheese or not...
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    I tend to stick to 1200 Mon to Thurs then use my exercise cals to go up to 1500 - 1750 at the weekends. If you want to add me you can see my diary... This is very effective for me.
  • qmmanager69
    qmmanager69 Posts: 71 Member
    Just got back from vacation, so last week was a bit "off", but my calendar is open and I'm doing 1200.
  • lalawaterlala
    lalawaterlala Posts: 56 Member
    Hi, I usually try to eat 1,200 a day for my weightloss goal. I just started logging on this account because I forgot the password for my old one with all of my old diary entries on it.
    I think my diaries are public though if you want to take a look.

    For breakfast I either have nothing, or I have something really small. Like today I had half a waffle with peanut butter.
    For lunch it's usually not until about 2:00pm so I'll have something pretty large, usually homemade. The calories usually come out to like 400ish for lunch.

    For dinner it's the same, usually homemade and about 400 calories.

    Then I have fruits or low calorie cheeses and crackers for a snack which is like 200ish calories.

    So yeah! That's how I try to stay under 1,500.

    I try not to eat any ice cream or fast foods because those totally just raise my caloric intake through the roof!!
    If you want to be buddies and help each other stay by our calorie goal that would be cool with me :)