law student seeking grad students



  • alychil820
    alychil820 Posts: 219 Member
    About to start my DNP program - terrifying. I could definitely use some friends who are also trying to avoid vending machine meals.

    Dinitrophenol is too toxic as a dieting aid - no wonder you are terrified. Consider a safer diet regimen!

    but death by extreme hotness sounds like such an appealing way to go!
  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    About to start my DNP program - terrifying. I could definitely use some friends who are also trying to avoid vending machine meals.

    Dinitrophenol is too toxic as a dieting aid - no wonder you are terrified. Consider a safer diet regimen!

    but death by extreme hotness sounds like such an appealing way to go!

    I like you!
  • alychil820
    alychil820 Posts: 219 Member
    About to start my DNP program - terrifying. I could definitely use some friends who are also trying to avoid vending machine meals.

    Dinitrophenol is too toxic as a dieting aid - no wonder you are terrified. Consider a safer diet regimen!

    but death by extreme hotness sounds like such an appealing way to go!

    I like you!

  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Awesome! I'm a law student, just finished 1L year and started my summer internship yesterday. I don't envy you for having to study for the bar but I do envy that you've almost made it to full on lawyer status! I totally understand how hard it can be to stay healthy at such a stressful time, too. I'll send a request your way :)

    And any friend requests from people in this thread are totally welcome!
  • HollyDee14
    HollyDee14 Posts: 21 Member
    I'll be finishing my doctorate in Clinical Psych in August! (So close!!) I'm always looking for positive friends, especially anyone who has a more than a bit to go. :)
  • Tillyecl1
    Tillyecl1 Posts: 189 Member
    That's way better than I did. I gained AAAALLLL my weight (well, almost all) during my Ph.D. It wasn't until I finished up and was able to focus on myself for a while that I started losing. I started my post-doc at 450+ pounds and intend to finish it at my goal weight! :)

    Well done on finishing though! Hard work, late nights, no sleep, waking up panicking about the thesis, I loved every minute :-). I used to exercise as stress relief and was very very strict with my meal/thesis writing times. It was HARD and required more discipline than I thought I had. But got there eventually. Hope your post-doc is going well :-)
  • foofyq
    foofyq Posts: 42 Member
    I just finished my 1st year of grad school and ended up gaining 8 lbs this year because of it :(
    I'm working full time and in school full time so it's hard, but I'm determined to get as close back to where I was last summer before my next semester starts.
  • spikrgrl503
    spikrgrl503 Posts: 247 Member
    I'm a 7th year PhD student. I absolutely feel your pain
  • douglasedward
    douglasedward Posts: 20 Member
    I've been out of law school for five years.

    All you grad students -- get your act together now, because trust me, your life does not get less stressful or busy when you're in the workforce. I know that you have a lot of reading to do and papers to write and tests to study for ... but your schedule is almost entirely flexible. Just wait until you're trying to get to the gym between conference calls with Asia.
  • jtm4210
    jtm4210 Posts: 108 Member
    I finished law school (UK) 5 years ago - loved studying law, hated it in practice, and now I work in healthcare!

    I studied part time postgrad and worked 2 jobs to pay for it, so used this as an excuse to avoid eating well and exercising... having said that, commuting in London was much worse than studying for unhealthy eating due to the extreme proximity to fast food and hours spent slumped on trains.

    Good luck future lawyers!
  • StatsGuy99
    StatsGuy99 Posts: 35 Member
    I gained 60 lbs in grad school (lots of drinking with other stressed-out grad students). I'm currently writing my dissertation while working full time and trying to return to triathlon training. I've made no progress on my dissertation in the last week or two...
  • NancyKhuu
    NancyKhuu Posts: 87 Member
    Pharmacy student here :) during undergrad I basically lived off frozen meals and cheesecakes. Thankfully I only gained 7lbs but I always feel so week and fatigue. Feel free to add me but please leave me a message :)
  • littlebrownbat3
    littlebrownbat3 Posts: 54 Member
    Biology Masters student here, actually came in as a PhD, and now, 4 years in, have decided I've been working crazy hard for a life I didn't want. Hopefully just one more year to go now.

    Feel the pain of trying to fit in fitness, simply because in (science) academia there is not a lot of respect for activities outside the lab...