Just joined.

Good Evening,

I have just joined MyFitnessPal after seeing a posting on Diet Chef Facebook pages.

I began Diet Chef 1500 plan on Thursday when my hampers arrived.

I have just imput all my info in MyfitnessPal and am reccomended 1270 calories verses 1967 that Deit Chef suggests?

Imputting my info in MyFitnessPal for the past three days shows a deficit of protein and a average of 1350 intake daily so far so I am either slightly over on this counter or way under on Det Chef plan?

I wish to optimise weight loss and do it sensibly and with fullon energy as I lead a active life.

Can anyone offer advise add more food or take some out?:flowerforyou:


  • tinaloveshotpants
    tinaloveshotpants Posts: 17 Member
    I would say do one or the other not both diets, I like myfitnesspal. Because its just a food diary come calorie counter. The reason I use it, is just remind me how much I've stuck in my gob that day. I don't deny myself any food its just a case of portion control. for me that are my problems I eat the right foods but too often and too large portion. I have lost 3 stone using it. I have put some back on thats why Im back on it. But set your a realistic calorie goal.
  • thanks for your response.

    My issue is that having imput the same information into Diet Chef and Myfitnesspal I get such a differing suggestin for calorie intake.

    My plan was just to use MyfitnessPal as a way to record what goes in my gob!
  • I been on about a wk but new also
  • Don't worry if you go over your protein here, it is set waaaaaaaaay too low to begin with
  • The evening meals have very little protein in them - I am a little concerned about this, may add some more but gonna stick to the way its measured out this first month.
  • I agree with some of the other comments, one or the other! I haven't used Diet chef so can't comment on there process, but I use this site more for generally keeping track of my progress and hugely for support and general ideas to keep me motivated. Good luck and feel free to join me as a friend if you need anything!
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    HI I'm on diet chef, what they provide you with is quite low and they do expect you to add veg and dairy in with it but I have my profile set to lose 1-2lbs and follow that. it links to diet chef so they know what I lose in terms of weight,

    I am losing weight consistently with it so follow it eat the foods, add a little of what you feel you need (bread with soup, veg with evening meals, a little extra cheese, glass of milk) and enjoy.

    It does work to help you control your calories. MFP will allow you to measure that cals in your extra so you don't go too far over the cals you need calculated by diet chef.