OK, it's on.

sculptedWood Posts: 4
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
:wink: : Although I set up my account on the 3rd, yesterday was my first day of really giving MFP a shot. I'm tired of being overweight and unhealthy! I have been very encouraged by the success of 344pounds.com who recommended the site. He has achieved an amazing weightloss and he is maintaining. Very important, as I don't intend to be a lifelong dieter. Thanks 344pounds!

I entered my food diary and I was so happy to find the food items already in the database. I also downloaded the app to my phone so I can keep up my diary on the go. I love this program - MFP. I was surprised at how many calories I was mindlessly consuming. No wonder I couldn't lose the weight. I have reaped two benefits already: 1. I want to cut down on calorie dense snack foods and appetizers - they can be so deceptive (1 cheddar biscuit=150 cals., tasty but not worth it). 2. I can see the benefit of exercise (I realized I had overdone it yesterday, and although I didn't much feel like exercising( but knew I should) I got up and exercised) I was able to recover some calories, and was motivated to exercise more. For that alone I am grateful!

I believe I can do it this time. I even convinced my husband to sign up. So, with that I say...It's on!!!


  • I could not of said it better... the calorie counter is the best it actually shows you how much you are eating... so when you look at something to eat you find yourself checking the calories of it first... ex. mini milky way bar 190 calories... mmmmmmmm nah not worth it would rather wait and eat a good supper : )

    Can't wait to see your progress..

  • Janell,

    Thanks!!! You have been my first reply. I have used the calorie counter and I was just about to go to it to try to figure out what to have for breakfast today (the items I have down for today were just proposals, I haven't eaten yet). I love it. By the way I grew up in Cleveland and I'm a cougar, too (although I never really thought about it :wink: ). Hubby is a couple years younger ::blushing: Weve been married 15++ years. Enjoy your day!
  • Wow! Cheddar cheese biscuits! Me too. We were traveling this week and ate at Red Lobster twice. the first time I told them to not bring the biscuits. The second time, I accepted the biscuits, ate one with the meal, brought three home. I ate one for breakfast and the other two at night for a snack. No wonder I did not lose after being careful all week. I'm pre-diabetic and cannot handle white flour which metabolizes as sugar, then gets stroed as body fat. Might as well have pasted those biscuits right to my belly!:love:
  • jojoof4
    jojoof4 Posts: 120
    It's a slow journey. There's been a lot of great support here. I was impressed by how many foods are listed in the database. Makes it really great for keeping accurate count. Glad to see you here. Hope you find the motivation and support you are looking for!
  • Oddelly
    Oddelly Posts: 29

    I also found this site through 344pounds. Though my attempt is nothing like his I find it really inspiring. Good luck!
  • Yeah, his journey has been nothing more than remarkable! And it is so basic and doable! Congrats on your weightloss! Keep at it because...it's on!
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