Super frustrated

jojoof4 Posts: 120
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I feel like I'm losing and gaining the same few pounds. I've done well with tracking my input and staying below my recommended amount, but am not seeing very impressive results. Should I be cutting back even further? I have been making it to the gym, but only about 4 days a week. I work 12 hr night shifts and it's too much to work out on days that I work, especially since I work my shifts all in a row. For three days, I pretty much work and sleep; the rest of the week I live a normal life. I realize that weight loss is a long, slow process, but I guess I feel like I should be seeing some sort of results! Anybody have any words of wisdom for me? I really do want to be successful this time. I've been playing this gain, lose game for about 10 years now. Am ready to take care of my health once and for all. Thanks in advance!


  • Pups22
    Pups22 Posts: 14
    Are you getting enough sleep?? I find that when I don't get a solid 8 hours every night, my body just seems to magically pack on a few pounds! Gah.
  • I am not sure what kind of a diet you are one but I found even if I stayed within the allowed calories, fat, carbs, protein of what it recommends for me I wasn't really losing. I know my body works better at weight loss if I up my protein and lower my fat and carbs, so I manually adjusted mine and I find a higher protein diet works better for me. I also found a great website geared towards diabetics, although I am not diabetic, that gives really great recipes and they have them broken down to the ones that are low carb, lower carb, higher protein etc and include all the nutritional info you would need to enter them in the food diary here. You don't have to be diabetic to eat these recipes and they are so easy to maneuver and are all entirely free. Hope that helps.

    Here is the web address: :smile:
  • bskb
    bskb Posts: 8
    keep pushing on- i am 52 and the beginning was very depressing; but now i am losing approx 1 1/2 lbs a wk :) watch your sugar & salt intake; they are the enemy! DON'T GIVE UP- it will happen if you remain steadfast :) best to you :smile:
  • jojoof4
    jojoof4 Posts: 120
    Sleep??? What's that? lol I'm lucky if I get 4-5 hrs of sleep on the days that I work. The rest of the week I am able to sleep quite a bit, but during my work stretch, I don't sleep much at all. When I do sleep, it is broken up into a few hours here and a few hours there.
  • jojoof4
    jojoof4 Posts: 120
    keep pushing on- i am 52 and the beginning was very depressing; but now i am losing approx 1 1/2 lbs a wk :) watch your sugar & salt intake; they are the enemy! DON'T GIVE UP- it will happen if you remain steadfast :) best to you :smile:

    Thanks for the support. I'm not planning on giving up.... Can't wait to see some positive results.
  • mistydk
    mistydk Posts: 15 Member
    Maybe add an extra 30 minutes of exercise to the days you do work out and I agree with the other posters who said try to eat a lower fat content. I totally understand your deal with lack of sleep. When I work a lot sometimes I get just barely enough sleep. I wish you luck!
  • jojoof4
    jojoof4 Posts: 120
    I am not sure what kind of a diet you are one but I found even if I stayed within the allowed calories, fat, carbs, protein of what it recommends for me I wasn't really losing. I know my body works better at weight loss if I up my protein and lower my fat and carbs, so I manually adjusted mine and I find a higher protein diet works better for me. I also found a great website geared towards diabetics, although I am not diabetic, that gives really great recipes and they have them broken down to the ones that are low carb, lower carb, higher protein etc and include all the nutritional info you would need to enter them in the food diary here. You don't have to be diabetic to eat these recipes and they are so easy to maneuver and are all entirely free. Hope that helps.

    Here is the web address: :smile:

    Thanks for the site. Will definitely check it out. I haven't paid much attention to what I've been taking in, just counting calories and making sure I'm below the level. Maybe I should check out the protein-carb-fat ratios. Thanks!
  • I have a friend that is a Diet Support something or another at a local gym. Although you do not see the difference on the scales, are you seeing any change in measurements. Reason being is that Muscle is heavier than fat. So if your working out 4 times I day you may be burning the calories, and actually loosing the inches but replacing the weight with muscle. Hope that made sense to you?
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    HI there. I used to work shift work (5 days off - 4 days on - 2 days then 2 nights). I only gained weighed because of the nights shifts. And I can relate to sleep not being solid... Your body's all screwed up. Not sure how long you have been doing night shifts, but I would recommend googling "effects of night shift on the body" it might help explain to you how it's just screwing you up. It took me like 2 years to get out of that pattern of not sleeping solid.

    Other than that, if you watch what you eat and get the most sleep you can, it may help you seeing the best results. Have you tried working out after your night shift - before you go to bed for the day? It might even help you in sleeping longer... I had such a hard time sleeping during the day - everything had to be absolutely pitch black and no sounds at all - I lived in an apartment then and sleeping in the daytime was close to impossible with the noise... I finally had to get a noisemaker (fan at first then upgrade to the machines that play all sorts of sounds that are constant).

    Anyway, I would guess that the sleep is what's throwing you back and forth. Are you drinking LOTS of water?
  • Don't be too frustrated...I had to restart due to the holidays and social events but am starting fresh today. I find it wise to go with your own body and see what works. Everyone is a little different. I myself have to cut back on the sugar and salt and eat more protein and fruits and veggies. Sugar seems to be my enemy and because my daily caloric intake is basically what they require anyway...I need to cut back somewhere so I try to limit the sugar as much as possible. I do not deprive myself however...or I would be defeated from the getgo. Sweets are my weakness and I pretty much have to rid the house of most of them and keep only a few handy...I like the weight watchers desserts because they give you calories, fats, protein and even points. They are small but tasty and help curb the need for sugar.
    Hang in there...I am beginning again so hoping for the best too!:wink::wink:
  • idivadi
    idivadi Posts: 222 Member
    Hang in there. I have been stuggling with the same issues you are. I work only nights 12hr shifts. 4-5hours sleep per 24 hours during worktime is max I get ..... My weight loss has been slow to start but I believe that if we stick with calorie counting--exercise and sleep when we are able then eventually it has to balance in our favor. As I said HANG IN THERE.......It will happen--Good things will happen!!!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I work graveyard hrs and get crappy sleep. broken chunks. only on my weekend off work do I get a nice 7-9 hrs. straight sleep. everyones given great advice. it takes time. I've been @ it for over a year and I'm reaching 100 lost. keep going at it, you will see results.
  • bucky17h
    bucky17h Posts: 120
    Are you taking your measurements every couple weeks? Sometimes you loose inches rather than pounds. Is it possible to for a walk on days you work, even if only 20-30 minutes? They do say sleep is important to weight loss 8 hours a night although that is not always possible.
  • lrk93101
    lrk93101 Posts: 37 Member
    I agree with upping protein, and reducing carbs - especially refined carbs. Also try changing exercise to intervals or HIIT (high intensity interval training). You can google it for tons of tips. Your body adapts to what you are doing so you have to mix it up. Also, I'm sure you know this, but you need to get more sleep! Find a way, you can do it. Don't quit
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Are you eating enough calories? Your body needs at least 1200 calories. It is a hard concept for me and I had to get use to eating to lose weight. In high school and 20s I just starved myself and exercised all the time to stay thin. Just start trying a few different things. Make sure you are drinking your water while you are at work, too.
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