Going from sedentary to active...advice needed

I have been sedentary for way too long and now have half my body weight to lose and my BMI is at 50. I have started slowly and I'm doing 5 mins 2x/day of step ups (at home on the stairs). I had planned 10 mins but the first few days I only made it to 3 mins so I have increased over the past few weeks to where I am now. I have heard I should add some kind of weight training as well. I will be doing this at home until I can save some money for a gym membership. What kinds of weights do I need to start with? How often and how much should I start with? Last time I did any kind of weight training was 25+ years and -100+lbs ago. Thanks for any advice you can give me.


  • BlueHydrangea50
    BlueHydrangea50 Posts: 6 Member
    Well good for you for getting started. Starting out small and building is a very smart idea. You have made an important first step. Have you checked with your Dr. to make sure you are safe to do this? I'm not an expert but I do exercise a lot. Have you checked on line for advice from some of the training experts such as from the biggest loser etc.? They may give you good advice for getting started. Don't give up keep going. When you think of exercising add positive and try to visualize what the exercise is doing for you.
  • Petrina79
    Petrina79 Posts: 29 Member
    You can do it!!! :)
  • Petrina79
    Petrina79 Posts: 29 Member
    I have been sedentary for way too long and now have half my body weight to lose and my BMI is at 50. I have started slowly and I'm doing 5 mins 2x/day of step ups (at home on the stairs). I had planned 10 mins but the first few days I only made it to 3 mins so I have increased over the past few weeks to where I am now. I have heard I should add some kind of weight training as well. I will be doing this at home until I can save some money for a gym membership. What kinds of weights do I need to start with? How often and how much should I start with? Last time I did any kind of weight training was 25+ years and -100+lbs ago. Thanks for any advice you can give me.

    Its always a challenge to getting started. I started my weight loss journey 2 years ago and had lost 40 lbs. Then many different obstacles started popping up one after the other from health, work family. You name it and I was going through it. This started my downward spiral and the 40 lbs I had lost ended up coming back and it bought a few friends with it. I was sedentary for the past 7 months and have recently found my motivation to keep moving. I just started walking. Its summer time so I got a pedometer and just went on really long walks. Uploaded my favorite music that makes me feel good about my self to my phone. Things that reminded me of a time that I felt great about myself. I was walking over 14k steps a day and enjoying myself. In the first week I lost 6 lbs. I have just started adding aerobics to my workouts and next week I will be adding some strength training. I just needed motivation to get started and the walking and 6 lbs weight loss did it for me.

    I just created a group for a summer walking challenge and looking for others to join. You are more than welcome to join if you would like. All you need is a pedometer a and a determined attitude and you can do it. As a matter of fact everyone is welcome to join the group just private message me and I will add you. :)
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    You need to MAKE time for exercise. Protect your exercise time like an infant. Almost 3 years ago, I was 250 lbs with a lot of excuses. I was working as a nurse full time and also doing my BSN online. I had NO time......I made time! I put me first and that is the only way I succeeded at weight loss.

    You need to do cardio AND weight train....even if you have to lift furniture until you can afford a gym membership. Look at garage sales for hand weights and start there. Watch videos online that use normal household items to strength train. They are out there. Get started now before your health declines even further. Lot's of support here.
  • BlueHydrangea50
    BlueHydrangea50 Posts: 6 Member
    http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/guide/fitness-beginners-guide This Website may have some good information for you.
  • Vertisol
    Vertisol Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Littlefoot, you've already got some good advice but I thought I would throw my 2c worth in. Whatever you do, you need to be confident that you can do it week in, week out - don't take a really difficult regime right from the start that you end up dreading to carry out because it's too hard - you will set yourself up for failure. Strength and cardio are a great combination.

    Petrina79's advice on getting a pedometer is very valuable advice. Use it and identify where your most inactive parts of the day are then figure out how to get some steps in them. For me, I try to get a 1 hour walk in each night and I really look forward to it - no music for me, I use that time to unload all of my thoughts and stress for the day and it works wonders for getting to sleep a couple of hours later. I also found that sitting at a desk all day doesn't accumulate the steps (who knew?) and I try and get up and walk whenever I can. I only started losing weight in January and as I got fitter, tried to add some harder core exercises (running up hills, early morning jogs etc) and found that I started to dread these exercises because they were just taking too much out of me, so I just walk more now. So if you get a pedometer and start by moving a bit more - park your car further away from the shops, if you are on the phone, walk around (slowly) while you are talking, if you are watching telly just get up during the ads and take a trip up the stairs and down again (or a weight rep), you will find that every little bit counts. The stairs you are doing are a great idea - if they are taking too much out of you - slow down.

    Regarding strength training, keep a set of dumbells handy - a cheap 20kg set from a big box store is less than $20 around here and plenty to get you started. Combine that with some simple bodyweight exercises such as squats will get you started.

    Final advice, have fun, make sure you look forward to the exercises and don't make it a logistical nightmare. If you need to get to a gym that's hard to get to and you haven't any clean enough clothes anyway and you really think it's not worthwhile unless you spend an hour there which will be too much, then you won't do it. If you start off at home with a few exercises between your existing activities and add some walking, you'll see the benefits within a few weeks and you'll keep going. There's nothing better than adding a bit more weight because the bicep curls you are doing are really just a bit too easy now or figuring out that a little tweak to the day can add another 1000 steps - just do it!!
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    For lifting or resistance training, you can start with things like wall or table pushups, body weight squats, doing curls with gallon jugs with water or milk, etc., or things like that. Use your own body as resistance for the time being.

    As for cardio, walking is superb exercise especially for a beginner. Find a nice park if you don't have a safe area to walk near your home.

    Try to make it a habit, something you do regularly.
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    Thanks for all the advice and suggestions. I forgot I had a pedometer and dug it out of the junk drawer this morning and we have already been for a walk, Actually it was more of a stroll with my daycare kids since I can only go as fast as the 2 and 3 yr olds can walk. I can go for a second walk after supper tonight and make it a little faster. Once the kids go for afternoon nap, I will do my step ups and maybe try something with the Wii Fit board. A friend sent me a msg on FB last night that she has a set of 2lb and 5lb dumbbells that I can have and she will show me some basic exercises with them. I am hoping as more weight comes off that my knee and foot will hurt less and I can do more walking.
    Thanks again for the help and motivation.
  • laney4818
    laney4818 Posts: 73 Member
    Leslie Sansone has some great in-home walking exercise dvd's and firming dvd's using between 1lb and 5lb weights. I would recommend those for begginers for sure! Congrats on getting back into it!