New job is killing my workout schedule!

Hi all,
I am feeling pretty anxious these days. I just got a new job at a bakery and it is both physically and mentally exhausting. I never anticipated it being this difficult. My days are extremely long and if I get a break it's usually only 10minutes. I'm standing the whole time, lifting heavy cakes, rolling out fondant etc..When I get home I am totally wiped out and just want to vegetate on the couch and put my feet up(everything is aching). Prior to this job I was working out at 5am every morning m-f. While I could still go at this hour now that I have this job, my body/mind has no energy to get up. I worry that if I workout on the days i work I will be less efficient and tired at work. So my workouts have been reduced to m-wed..thurs/fri/sat( I work)..that was until this week. The employer asked me to come in on Wednesday too! So now workouts are reduced to 2days. I am so anxious about not getting my workouts in and gaining my weight back. I've thought about going after work but I have nothing left in me. ;( How do those with similar jobs deal with the exhausting days? I've come so far with dropping 65lbs i don't want to go back..


  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Your dog. :D

    Remember you're burning loads of calories working. Elsewhere on the interweb someone is moaning about how they don't have time to exercise and sit at their desk all day.

    Might be interesting to buy a Fitbit (or even just a stepometer) to see how many cals you're burning during a shift. :)
  • IWILLBelieveAchieveInspire
    Darensurrey..Never thought about that..but that's a good idea. :).
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    The challenge for you is when you're tired after work not overeating. If you can avoid this and instead maintain a calorie deficit, there's no reason why you can't achieve your goals. I bet making cakes is a good arm workout, too.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I agree. You might be getting enough exercise, just by doing your job. I have a fitbit, and you'd be surprised at how much you can burn just by being active at work.
  • rudexvirus
    rudexvirus Posts: 52 Member
    Give it some time, as well. When I first started at my current job, my feet where numb and I couldn't make myself do much of anything when I got home.

    Once your body gets used to it, it gets better. You will find yourself less sore every day, and less tired from an average day/week of work. Stick with it, and your routine should find new ways to survive :)
  • GirlfriendNYC
    Take a wall/jog for lunch- park your car far away- do the stairs case midday- do anything BUT JUST KEEP moving--
  • IWILLBelieveAchieveInspire
    I hope you all are right and my body will adapt. I think i may try to hit the gym at 5am tomorrow before work and see how i feel. Darrensurrey...arm workout is killer at this job..lifting seriously heavy cakes, rolling and kneading pounds and pounds of fondant all day long. If any job is gonna get rid of my big arms it's this I'm thankful I am in the physical condition I am. i am confident if I hadn't lost this weight and exercised I wouldn't be able to do this job at all. I guess time will tell if my body adapts and I can get my workout routine back in.

    As far as doing anything on a lunch hour..well I only get 10minutes..and all I want to do in that 10minutes is sit and take the pressure off my feet. My longest day was 10hrs and it was brutal on the feet.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Does it work your thighs much? If not, you could squeeze in some lunges and squats at the end of the day before crashing out. :)
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Just don't alleviate the stress by eating and drinking badly when you get home.