eating back exercise calories

hey guys,

im just wondering what is the point of eating back calories that you burn through exercise? i thought the whole point of burning off calories was to lose weight...


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Hi. You'll notice that this is a question that comes up quite a lot on these message boards. So a few helpful posters have tried to explain it over the years. I really like this post to help explain why the site wants you to eat back the calories you burn through exercise:
  • alexagia
    alexagia Posts: 37 Member
    Never eat back you calories, but if you do, don't eat them all back.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    because when you set up your MFP account you answered questions about your current weight, height and activity levels. MFP calculated how many calories you are burning and built in a deficit alreay to achieve the goal you selected (lbs/week loss). Therefore not eating back your exercise calories would put you well below your calorie goal.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Never eat back you calories, but if you do, don't eat them all back.

    It's really okay to eat back your exercise calories if you're using MFP's calorie goals. The site was designed for you to eat them back. That's why it adds them to your calorie goal after you log your exercise.

    The only reason that many people don't eat them all back is because it's hard to get a good estimate of how many calories you burn. Gym machines and MFP may overestimate certain activities.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Well there is no need to not eat back all your calories as you already have a calorie deficit anyway which causes you to lose weight. Eat back all of them, don't understand people that don't....
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I think you've hit it right on the head. I don't see the point in eating back extra calories either....especially if it's just for, say, housecleaning, or whatever.

    I'm very much a believer in the "burn more calories than you consume" theology. But there is a converse side to that.

    My husband has been doing P90X, and walking and running. Yesterday afternoon/early evening, he had burned something like 2000 calories, but had only eaten 1200. I laughed at him and said, "It's that right there that's the reason you'll be hungry/famished!!"

    If you know your numbers, then you can more appropriately review your data and tell if you need a snack and what sort of snack (protein, carbs, whatever).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    hey guys,

    im just wondering what is the point of eating back calories that you burn through exercise? i thought the whole point of burning off calories was to lose weight...

    Interesting because I've been maintaining for over 12 months now and I exercise for fitness...I ride 80 - 100 miles per week and lift 2-3 days per week and throw some swimming in there for ****s and giggles...maybe I should stop considering exercise is only about weight loss...


    How about read the stickies..pretty much the instruction manual on how this tool works and why you would eat back exercise calories with MFP.

    Here's a little for weight control; exercise for fitness...once you figure that out, you'll be well on your way to great things. You need to do a little research on how your body works and how to properly fuel it given certain activity levels.
  • hey guys,

    im just wondering what is the point of eating back calories that you burn through exercise? i thought the whole point of burning off calories was to lose weight...

    Interesting because I've been maintaining for over 12 months now and I exercise for fitness...I ride 80 - 100 miles per week and lift 2-3 days per week and throw some swimming in there for ****s and giggles...maybe I should stop considering exercise is only about weight loss...


    How about read the stickies..pretty much the instruction manual on how this tool works and why you would eat back exercise calories with MFP.

    Here's a little for weight control; exercise for fitness...once you figure that out, you'll be well on your way to great things. You need to do a little research on how your body works and how to properly fuel it given certain activity levels.

    oh ok lol thanks for your advice

    btw your profile says you're a female =/
  • I think you've hit it right on the head. I don't see the point in eating back extra calories either....especially if it's just for, say, housecleaning, or whatever.

    I'm very much a believer in the "burn more calories than you consume" theology. But there is a converse side to that.

    My husband has been doing P90X, and walking and running. Yesterday afternoon/early evening, he had burned something like 2000 calories, but had only eaten 1200. I laughed at him and said, "It's that right there that's the reason you'll be hungry/famished!!"

    If you know your numbers, then you can more appropriately review your data and tell if you need a snack and what sort of snack (protein, carbs, whatever).

    yeah, its very counter intuitive. i understand that exercise has benefits other than just weight loss but i'm pretty sure it's used to help burn up stored fat as well which is why it doesn't make sense to me that people on MFP keep insisting that you should eat back your calories.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    doing exercises doesn't just burn calories at the time you're exercising - doing regular exercises raises your metabolism so you can burn more calories all day. also chances are unless you're in really good shape or doing a very slow walk, you'll burn some more calories for a little while after you exercise.
  • WendylovesSteve
    WendylovesSteve Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for responding to this topic. I realized this yesterday as I came in below my caloric intake and MFP nicely informed me that I was eating less than I should be. I love MFP!! :happy: