New Moms/Pregnant

My husband and I started this about a month ago, because we don't want to pass our bad eating habits onto daughter/future kids. I've always felt big, but I wasn't actually overweight until I went to college and gained the freshman 15. Then that turned to 20 and so on. I gained a bit with my daughter as well. Not alot, but enough that is pushed me to a weight that alarmed me enough to take action.

I'd like to find some friends on here that are in a similar place. Understand the struggle of eating for the baby and not gaining too much. I was unsuccessful the first time around and want to do better with baby #2. I have done alot of research and have a general plan, but would like to know what others have found works/doesn't work.

Please no negative responses of not dieting while you are pregnant. There is alot of research out there and I promise you won't be able to send me anything I havn't already read. I am a bit of a nerd that way :)


  • melaniedsm
    melaniedsm Posts: 55
    It should be noted, I am not pregnant now. I am working on baby #2 and trying to get myself in the best starting place possible weight wise.
  • Debssssssssss
    Debssssssssss Posts: 84 Member
    It's funny, I eat WAY more now eating healthier than when I did when I was pregnant with any of my children and not "dieting". I think the term "dieting" is not right, it's a change in eating habits. I eat clean fresh foods and plenty of them, all pregnant woman should be doing the same thing! Just because you are "counting calories" doesn't mean you're being restrictive and not giving your body or baby enough fuel, if anything it helps you to do it more efficiently. Good on you, I think it's the right way to go, wish I had of done it myself.
  • sweetbear45
    If you would like to have a fitness buddy I will talk to you and we can support each other. My husband is my support so I will also motivate you and you can motivate me. I am looking to lose about 25lbs to start. I have baby fat from 2 years ago and need to get myself too into shape to be healthy for my kids. :smile:
  • Jesslane93
    Jesslane93 Posts: 190 Member
    I am trying to get healthy so I can get pregnant with my second the start of next year. From what I read you need to eat only about 400 cal extra for the baby.
    I knew nothing about calories when I was pregnant with my first, so I gained a lot of weight thinking I was eating for two!
  • mommyismynewname
    I am also a new mommy looking to loose 100 + lbs. Would love to have some friends in the same boat. Just sent you a request :)
  • pippacont
    pippacont Posts: 28 Member
    I used MFP right before I got pregnant- probably why it ended up being easy for us. I counted calories with a focus on running to eat back my calories. I was pretty successful at dropping about 30 lbs. I stopped counting calories when I got pregnant, and frankly I ate whatever I wanted. I gained 60 lbs. by the end and luckily 40 dropped off within the first two weeks post-partum. My sweet baby boy is now 10 weeks and I've been logging back in for the past two weeks. I feel it is much easier this time because I saw the success I had last time. I also use a FitBit and try to get my 10,000 steps each day. You can link it with your MFP account and it will adjust your calories based on your activity. If you do get a FitBit- I would get the clip on kind. Mine clips on my bra and counts all my steps, but I've heard from other moms that got the wristband it uses the motion of your arm swing to count steps so it doesn't work when pushing a stroller. I would feel so robbed if mine did that! Good luck and feel free to add me!
  • strwberri79
    strwberri79 Posts: 3 Member
    I feel you! I had two kids, lost 60 pounds, then got pregnant with our 3rd last year. She was born in January, and I'm finally starting to get back into a routine. Which includes eating healthier for me, the hubs, and 3 kids. And now to lose the 40 pounds I gained during pregnancy. I have the hardest time while being pregnant and not gaining extra weight, so I have to deal with it now. In my opinion, the biggest thing to keep doing is exercising. It makes me feel better and I have an easier time managing calories and making better decisions when I exercise (walking, or something more intense countes). The other thing that helped (though I didn't stick with it well) was having good food ready to eat at a moment's notice. LIke, celery sticks washed and cut up, fresh fruit ready to grab, healthy meals ready made, almonds to snack on, that kind of thing. It was so easy when I was tired or not feeling well to grab a frozen something which had more calories than I needed for the nutrition that it contained.
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    You should check out this group here:

    Lots of support can be found there!

    I'm 39w5d pregnant now and I'm really excited to start thinking weight loss soon! (Okay, so not right away obviously, but soon...)
  • megjr8
    megjr8 Posts: 7
    I recommend The Brewer Diet next time you are pregnant. I didn't follow it super strictly, and I just can't bring myself to eat liver, but when I followed the general guidelines with my first pregnancy, I was way better off than during my second. Protein consumption is very important also when pregnant (75-100g per day)
  • melaniedsm
    melaniedsm Posts: 55
    I recommend The Brewer Diet next time you are pregnant. I didn't follow it super strictly, and I just can't bring myself to eat liver, but when I followed the general guidelines with my first pregnancy, I was way better off than during my second. Protein consumption is very important also when pregnant (75-100g per day)

    Thanks for this link, it is super helpful. I was finally able to nail down calories through some research done out of St. Louis. Everyone just keeps saying "healthy," it is nice to have it laid out in such an easy to follow manner. Like how can it be okay to loose weight accidently, but not intensionally. Makes no sense it happens the same way, more out than in. This will help me ensure I am eating the right calories. Thanks again!
  • kenno_girl
    You should check out this group here:

    Lots of support can be found there!

    I'm 39w5d pregnant now and I'm really excited to start thinking weight loss soon! (Okay, so not right away obviously, but soon...)

    Hi ladies, i really want to join the group above for support but it won't let me join? :( I'm wondering if i have to be invited or if theres a place to join it? stupid question i know! lol
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    <<<5.5 weeks post partum with baby no.3.

    I logged throughout pregnancy, except right at the end when I was overdue and fed up. She was born 11 days late. I went to the gym/did classes until 38 weeks pregnant, then went for walks. Unfortunately I'm still bigger. I haven't weighed myself, but have about 5 inches to lose off my waist, and hips, and about 3 off each thigh.

    I lost 66lbs after baby no.2 (she just turned 3)?and was really fit when I got pregnant.

    I'm back to logging and walking, and will be at the gym after my 6 week check.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Due in 6 days with baby #2
    Have gained 25lbs so far this pregnancy and 13 of it has been in the past 5 weeks (stupid water retention.) I am sure you have checked out the sliding scales for how much weight you should gain during your pregnancy based on your starting weight. Don't be mad when you surpass it! My limit, according to those scales, was 15lbs. My doctor gave me a limit of 20. I am going to be closer to 30 when I am done.
    There are two groups on here you should join for support. Lots of support in these :)

    Take care of you, eat healthy, drink tons of water, keep active. You will be fine :)
  • cutiemamma79
    cutiemamma79 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been using MFP since Nov 13. At that time, I was trying to get healthy to get pregnant. I lost close to 19 lbs. Then I had a few health issues that took me out of the gym and I gained almost all of it back! I am now pregnant. I'm trying my best not to be too upset about being overweight (by about 8 lbs) and pregnant. Since my last pregnancy was high risk, I am also a little nervous about over doing it. I started pregnant yoga and ended up having bad cramps after that. I'm only about 8 weeks along but I don't want this to be like my other pregnancies. I want a healthy pregnancy without any issues caused by my weight. I guess I'm just looking for support....
  • remlaw06
    remlaw06 Posts: 20
    I am hoping to start trying for baby number 1 in September. I have lost 33 pounds since 2011 (despite what MFP says :) and would really like to lose at least another 10 before getting pregnant. I can definitely use all the support that I can get and give. I'm on every day and log every day. I have been eating between 1200-1400 calories and try to work out at least 5 days a week. Friend me!
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    I'm a new mom, my little girl just recently turned one. I am more fit now and weigh less than I did before I got pregnant. Here's my advice:

    1. Set your calories depending on your goal. If you are trying to lose weight (not pregnant) calculate your TDEE and subtract 20%. That should be your calorie goal. If you are pregnant, do not subtract anything, that is your maintenance so eat that. I personally choose sedentary since I have a desk job and my workouts are sporadic so then I eat back my calories.

    2. Lift Heavy. Check out some beginner programs like New Rules of Lifting for Women or Stronglifts 5x5. I'm doing SL 5x5, I only work out 3x week for 30 min. The program is just 3 compound lifts each workout that work out your whole body so it is simple. You don't even need to do cardio. BUT, if you are trying to get pregnant right now, it might be a bit late to start this now. I would talk to your doctor about what exercises you can do while pregnant.

    By eating at a deficit and lifting heavy your body will burn fat. If you eat enough protein, your body will retain muscle therefore you will look more "toned". Good luck and anyone can feel free to add me!
  • noeticblues
    noeticblues Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I'm (very newly) pregnant with #3 and really don't want to gain a ton of weight. I lost some weight earlier this year, but when we decided to try for another baby I totally lost all motivation. After baby #1 I got in the best shape of my life...then baby #2 came along and I never really recovered. And here we go again...and the morning sickness has begun.

    My biggest struggle is not actually weight though. It is energy levels!! When I'm fit I feel so much better and accomplish so much more with so much better attitude.

    I have a fitbit and that is a nice little reminder but what I really need are some buddies. I need motivation!
  • xmysterix
    xmysterix Posts: 114 Member
    Hi there! I'm 2.5wks away from meeting baby #2. I lost 12kg (~26.5 lbs) total, going up and down a bit, between baby #1 and getting pregnant with this one. With my first pregnancy, I don't really know but best guess is that I gained around 25kg (55lbs) and ate horribly for most of it as we were living off takeout while moving and renovating houses. This time, I devised myself a plan. No real exercise beyond daily life which is pretty busy, anyway. But I kept counting calories, loosely. As a result of being *mostly* sensible, I've only gained about 13kg (28.6lbs) this time so hoping most of it will vanish by the time baby is 6wks old. Best thing is I've had a lot more energy and a LOT less pain, this time. And am actually expecting a much larger baby (8.5-9lb vs 7lb for baby1) than last time so I must be doing something right if bigger baby is coming from 1/2 the weight gain! Obviously, everyone is different but below are the calories I used keep myself on some sort of track :)

    Pre-pregnancy: 1500
    1st trimester: 1700 (give or take, due to morning sickness)
    2nd trimester: 1900 (was pretty strict about that)
    3rd trimester: 2100 (quit counting at around 30wks as I was just too busy/tired to worry about it!)

    Out of curiosity, I counted today and it was about 2300, so not too far off track :) I plan to start fully tracking again after 6wks or so.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I really liked using MFP while pregnant with my youngest. I didn't restrict calories, but I tracked, and just doing that helped me feel more confident about keeping a healthy diet for my daughter. I gained about 25 pounds, and lost that plus another 10 just from giving birth. Partly that's luck and genetics, though.

    Now my daughter is six months old, and I'm trying to walk the line between nursing and getting down to my goal weight. So far, so good.