
I went on a diet to get a haircut. My dad wouldn't lemme cut it, unless i lost weight. Now that i have the haircut, I gained the weight back. What can i do to get motivated?


  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    You have to want to lose weight and be healthy for you, not because someone else wants you to be. Make the decision to be a healthy person and own it.

    You are obviously young (if your father is deciding if you get a haircut). The changes to your lifestyle now could affect the rest of your life. Start researching healthy eating. Learn to cook. Start exercising consistently. If you get these skills and habits now, it will help you 10 or 20 years down the line.
  • I know how to cook just fine. See the thing is I've been wanting to lose weight since I was 10. I obviously know how to eat healthy, since I lost 20 lbs without exercise.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I know how to cook just fine. See the thing is I've been wanting to lose weight since I was 10. I obviously know how to eat healthy, since I lost 20 lbs without exercise.

    Losing 20 lbs without exercise is possible without healthy eating just as it is possible due to a healthy diet.

    Needing an external reward for every action, to include healthy living, is an immature way of going through life. The real world doesn't give gifts for doing what you're supposed to do. It does punish for failing to do the right thing.
  • wow...okay thanks..I never said i needed something like a haircut or a soda. Thanks for your rude input. I was wanting like..stories from other people, and how much healthier they feel.
    I did eat healthy thank you very much. I also didn't need a life lesson.
    If I'm coming off as rude, i apologize.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    "I went on a diet to get a haircut. " ... your exact words to start the thread. Then you backpedal from your opening statement. The way you portray the series of events, the weight loss was an ultimatum issued by your dad for you to get the hair cut. By your own admission he "wouldn't lemme cut it, unless i lost weight."

    Seems you only lost weight to get what you wanted from your dad then immediately went back to your old ways.
  • Not going to lie, but I worked for something I wanted for years. Though it wasn't just me. My sister who was dieting with me also stopped. I feel I shouldn't have come here for motivation.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Not going to lie, but I worked for something I wanted for years. Though it wasn't just me. My sister who was dieting with me also stopped. I feel I shouldn't have come here for motivation.

    You should come here for motivation but I don't think you should come here for motivation with the story you told in your OP

    Going on a diet because you wanted a haircut? That's possibly the most bizarre reason I have ever come across?
  • I know...odd...Not going to lie. Lets forget about that...Please..Its causing more issues than it should honestly. I have to add, I was proud of my weight lose. It isnt about my hair, I want to lose weight for medical reasons. I mean I also wanna be comfortable enough to cosplay in public, which is something I love.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    You have got to be motivated for you. . . it has to come from something that's really important to you, to sustain motivation. See this thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1261159-what-is-your-why?hl=what+is+your+why

    I must say that I've seen the person who responded second to this post and has been arguing with you, is often extremely harsh to people on here. It's not just you.

    That said, stating that you had to lose weight or your father wouldn't let you get a haircut is not a reason that will go over well here-- people are very much about being accountable only to themselves, doing this because it's extremely important to themselves for whatever reason, and are quick to point out things that don't make sense to them or that sound off for some reason. I guess your OP strikes one that way. . .

    This is a great place for support and motivation but people can be extremely blunt and sometimes quite snarky. . . but under the sarcasm (in most cases. . . some people are just nasty) is a desire to help somehow even if it is tough love or a figurative encouraging smack!

    Oooh I predict that this thread is going to become quite a mess. Maybe try another post in a couple day's time, OP?
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    What can i do to get motivated?

    I think you should lose weight for the medical benefits as well as so you feel more comfortable doing cosplay
  • cholepapi
    cholepapi Posts: 79
    Motivation things that I do: I see motivational grid be phenomenal on youtube, i wake up to music, i listen to muscle prodigy from iTunes, I make my workouts fun, I try even when I want to quit on a workout, I dance and love to exercise, I learned to Love me and loose weight for me, I use negative things to drive me to work out hard on my workout....No one can drag you down unless you let them....you are your worst enemy.....Find your drive....want it....:D Or just be a statistic :)
  • Thank you. I appreciate your reply. Also thanks for the link.~
  • Motivation things that I do: I see motivational grid be phenomenal on youtube, i wake up to music, i listen to muscle prodigy from iTunes, I make my workouts fun, I try even when I want to quit on a workout, I dance and love to exercise, I learned to Love me and loose weight for me, I use negative things to drive me to work out hard on my workout....No one can drag you down unless you let them....you are your worst enemy.....Find your drive....want it....:D Or just be a statistic :)

    This is what I was wanting. Thanks a ton, and I'll take your advice.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I know...odd...Not going to lie. Lets forget about that...Please..Its causing more issues than it should honestly. I have to add, I was proud of my weight lose. It isnt about my hair, I want to lose weight for medical reasons. I mean I also wanna be comfortable enough to cosplay in public, which is something I love.

    All right, there you go! Two extremely good reasons to be motivated and lose weight, right there! Think about your health, and being able to do cosplay in public, for a while-- then think of the alternative life if you don't lose weight. Ugh, right? I'm sure you will feel more motivated then-- and if you feel scared to keep going, it's OK; feeling freaked out or scared or unsure is OK as long as you don't let it derail you.

    Give yourself small goals (for weight-loss, exercise, and food choices) that are easily reachable. Log your food very precisely. Exercise as much as you are able/have time for. And you'll soon see success!

    ETA: Have a good long look at the "Success Stories" board. That helps many people get re-motivated when they're feeling down.
  • I know...odd...Not going to lie. Lets forget about that...Please..Its causing more issues than it should honestly. I have to add, I was proud of my weight lose. It isnt about my hair, I want to lose weight for medical reasons. I mean I also wanna be comfortable enough to cosplay in public, which is something I love.

    All right, there you go! Two extremely good reasons to be motivated and lose weight, right there! Think about your health, and being able to do cosplay in public, for a while-- then think of the alternative life if you don't lose weight. Ugh, right? I'm sure you will feel more motivated then-- and if you feel scared to keep going, it's OK; feeling freaked out or scared or unsure is OK as long as you don't let it derail you.

    Give yourself small goals (for weight-loss, exercise, and food choices) that are easily reachable. Log your food very precisely. Exercise as much as you are able/have time for. And you'll soon see success!

    Thank you, Really. I'm always harsh on myself is all...So if I can't do something once I find myself giving up.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    I wanted to lose weight since I was 10 too! I didn't really lose any until my early 20s, and then maintained for a year and a half and now I'm trying to get fit with MFP. I worried about it for years and years and didn't really do anything about it other than feel terrible.

    Calorie counting and exercise do work. The motivation, I think, comes from learning to accept that there's no sudden fix and also that being able to eat while losing weight is kind of great! Also, try to find some exercise that you enjoy. Don't stress about it. Just focus on what you want to do and develop good habits, such as logging food every day. I've logged 4000 calorie binges, it doesn't matter, don't let up on the habit. It helps when you want to make good choices. Also, since you know how to cook, look up some recipes to make food you like in a healthier way. Also, try to incorporate veggies. You never really know what you might like. For example, I love broccoli and wouldn't have guessed!

    Also, for exercise, find something that you can do and try to do it with some consistence. Walking is good. The main thing for me was not putting it off. Time passes whether or not we do anything.

    The song 'Regrets' by Mark Fry is an inspiration for me. I realized that even the little things I was missing out on by not getting on with weight loss were adding to my regrets.

    There's no trick to get motivated. You just have to come to a realisation about what you want. And if you trip up, don't fret. Just log it in and keep going.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Losing weight for other people is rarely effective over the long term. I'm pretty sure that we all have different reasons for wanting to be a particular size and that those reasons are different for younger and older people. Now that I'm older, I am less prone to taking my good health for granted. Every day that I wake up feeling strong and healthy, I am grateful. I am over half way finished with my life. I want a very long second half. I have a new grandson. That's my reason to maintain.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Obviously your dad is concerned about your health, that's what the hair cut was about. You're young, and as you age you'll realize Dad was right, and if you do as he wants, believe me you will Thank him later.

    But all in all, your fitness and health depends on you and you alone. It's not fun to be obese. It's not fun to get type 2 diabetes because you're overweight. That's the equivalent of getting lung cancer because you made a choice to smoke cigarettes. No one is going to feel sorry for you, it's all in the choices you make. Hopefully you'll make the right ones.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    You have got to be motivated for you. . . it has to come from something that's really important to you, to sustain motivation. See this thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1261159-what-is-your-why?hl=what+is+your+why

    I must say that I've seen the person who responded second to this post and has been arguing with you, is often extremely harsh to people on here. It's not just you.

    That said, stating that you had to lose weight or your father wouldn't let you get a haircut is not a reason that will go over well here-- people are very much about being accountable only to themselves, doing this because it's extremely important to themselves for whatever reason, and are quick to point out things that don't make sense to them or that sound off for some reason. I guess your OP strikes one that way. . .

    This is a great place for support and motivation but people can be extremely blunt and sometimes quite snarky. . . but under the sarcasm (in most cases. . . some people are just nasty) is a desire to help somehow even if it is tough love or a figurative encouraging smack!

    Oooh I predict that this thread is going to become quite a mess. Maybe try another post in a couple day's time, OP?

    Only on MFP is being direct viewed as "extremely harsh" and highlighting what a person actually says called "arguing" with them. This truly is the land of candy coating everything even when people post outlandish things. This place is filled with people wanting instant gratification, tangible rewards, and external validation but if you look at the successful people they've passed that and internalized goals, developed the discipline required to make serious lifestyle changes, and did things for themselves and because they realized it was the right thing to do.

    A funny thing is how the OP changed from losing weight to get approval for a haircut to now there is some long desired loss for medical reasons ..a much more logical reason which can form a foundation for planned, sustainable loss unlike losing weight for an instant reward which proved unsustainable.

    The next step lies with the OP. She needs to think things through and spell out what her goals truly are along with the whys that go with the goals to mitigate the all to common selection of random numbers that are either unrealistic, unhealthy, or a combination of those.

    Is the target a certain weight? Is the goal a certain BF%? Is it a fitness goal (lift X lbs / bike X distance / complete X event)?

    Fitness and health are not instantly gratifying. They take work and determination. There is rarely a smooth or easy path to reach those goals. They can be a struggle to reach. If one thinks my posts are harsh I shudder to think what they think of the reality of weight loss and improving fitness.
  • You have got to be motivated for you. . . it has to come from something that's really important to you, to sustain motivation. See this thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1261159-what-is-your-why?hl=what+is+your+why

    I must say that I've seen the person who responded second to this post and has been arguing with you, is often extremely harsh to people on here. It's not just you.

    That said, stating that you had to lose weight or your father wouldn't let you get a haircut is not a reason that will go over well here-- people are very much about being accountable only to themselves, doing this because it's extremely important to themselves for whatever reason, and are quick to point out things that don't make sense to them or that sound off for some reason. I guess your OP strikes one that way. . .

    This is a great place for support and motivation but people can be extremely blunt and sometimes quite snarky. . . but under the sarcasm (in most cases. . . some people are just nasty) is a desire to help somehow even if it is tough love or a figurative encouraging smack!

    Oooh I predict that this thread is going to become quite a mess. Maybe try another post in a couple day's time, OP?

    Only on MFP is being direct viewed as "extremely harsh" and highlighting what a person actually says called "arguing" with them. This truly is the land of candy coating everything even when people post outlandish things. This place is filled with people wanting instant gratification, tangible rewards, and external validation but if you look at the successful people they've passed that and internalized goals, developed the discipline required to make serious lifestyle changes, and did things for themselves and because they realized it was the right thing to do.

    A funny thing is how the OP changed from losing weight to get approval for a haircut to now there is some long desired loss for medical reasons ..a much more logical reason which can form a foundation for planned, sustainable loss unlike losing weight for an instant reward which proved unsustainable.

    The next step lies with the OP. She needs to think things through and spell out what her goals truly are along with the whys that go with the goals to mitigate the all to common selection of random numbers that are either unrealistic, unhealthy, or a combination of those.

    Is the target a certain weight? Is the goal a certain BF%? Is it a fitness goal (lift X lbs / bike X distance / complete X event)?

    Fitness and health are not instantly gratifying. They take work and determination. There is rarely a smooth or easy path to reach those goals. They can be a struggle to reach. If one thinks my posts are harsh I shudder to think what they think of the reality of weight loss and improving fitness.

    Hi yeah..In my OP I said I already got my haircut. Yes I do have medical motivations. I didn't realize until I started talking. I have my mohawk. I lost the weight to get it. That was then, this is now. I am not looking to be 121 to 153 lbs like my doctor says I should be, because I'd look like skin and bones. Though this was a messier thread than I would have liked, I understand what I want now.