I am amazing!

No im not bragging on myself (this time) this is something everyone here should say about themselves whether you have reached goal or have a long long way to go. Many times we get upset about how we let ourselves go or whatever and say negative things about ourselves and we shouldnt. Or maybe we compare ourselves to other people and get depressed cause we dont have what they have etc. truth is you are wonderful as you are ladies you are already beautiful, fellas you are already well built. The bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made lets not argue with it. So you may have work to do but the fact that you are here speaks volumes! Take it day by day and realize how amazing you are!


  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    Thanks for the motivation. I do feel amazing today! Up early getting some exercise and feeling FINE!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,424 Member
    Bravo! I agree. I count my blessings every day (makes those bad days a little more bearable) and one of the things I am thankful for is that I have my health and a body that lets me do what I want to do (may not be lovely in a bikini yet but that's a different animal). And for those of you who don't feel you have that yet, remember, you are making changes now to affect that and there are people out there who are worse off than you and always will be.
  • ina1975
    ina1975 Posts: 20
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Love it! Thanks marius!

    Here is one of my motivational quotes I like to look at when I am needing the extra pick me up.

    "You make everything glorious, And I am Yours. What does that make me?"

    We should all remind ourselves that we are all awesome and all masterpieces.....whether you believe in a higher power or not....the human body is a work of art. Look at that person in the mirror....he/she thanks for for all the hard work you have put in over the last few weeks, months or year(s).

    There's my little pep talk! LOL

    Dani :flowerforyou:
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    So true....So here it goes...Your amazing, Im amazing... we are all amazing!!!!
  • page68
    page68 Posts: 220 Member
    LOVE. That is all.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Wish I could feel good bout myself. Never have, never will. Truth is I've never felt beautiful and I doubt that I ever will. That's hard one for me to try n tell myself differently. But that's just me. Ya, gotta know me personally to understand me.
  • jayshann
    jayshann Posts: 39 Member
    Yo mrmarius,
    I needed that one today. i started working out again on the 17th of Dec. and I have felt pretty good about it. I have been trying to workout 5-6 times a week and really watching my calorie intake. So last night at the gym I weighted myself (I said I was only getting on the scale once a week.) In the past week I lost 1.8 pounds. First thought "I'M PISSED" here I am killin myself 5 days a week eating right and down deep knowing I need to lose about 120 pounds.

    Then starts my negative math (1.7 pounds a week, 56 weeks in a year, maybe 70 pounds in 2011 if I am lucky). It was the first day since i started working out that I didn't feel good about where I was. After I had worked out at the gym I used my phone to enter my calories burned on the treadmill. I had dinner and signed on to MFP (STILL TRIPPIN ABOUT MY LACK OF WEIGHT LOST...) to enter my meal. I started to read the comments people left about how good a job I did with my +900 calories burned yesterday.

    Then I said to myself Jay you are killin this!!! I has only been 3 weeks. Why are you letting the scale change how you feel about your progress. So this morning I got up went right back to the gym and hit the treadmill again you are right. I AM AMAZING.

    I am not in this for the scale my plan is to change my life.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    Yes all of you are doing great work keep it up
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Ok, found it! Great stuff man! We are all amazing. Kinda goes with my post. Odd.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    Well said! You have to believe it for it to happen! If only we all realized our potential for greatness. It's been awesome watching so many people make that discovery here on MFP. :)
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    Yo mrmarius,
    I needed that one today. i started working out again on the 17th of Dec. and I have felt pretty good about it. I have been trying to workout 5-6 times a week and really watching my calorie intake. So last night at the gym I weighted myself (I said I was only getting on the scale once a week.) In the past week I lost 1.8 pounds. First thought "I'M PISSED" here I am killin myself 5 days a week eating right and down deep knowing I need to lose about 120 pounds.

    Then starts my negative math (1.7 pounds a week, 56 weeks in a year, maybe 70 pounds in 2011 if I am lucky). It was the first day since i started working out that I didn't feel good about where I was. After I had worked out at the gym I used my phone to enter my calories burned on the treadmill. I had dinner and signed on to MFP (STILL TRIPPIN ABOUT MY LACK OF WEIGHT LOST...) to enter my meal. I started to read the comments people left about how good a job I did with my +900 calories burned yesterday.

    Then I said to myself Jay you are killin this!!! I has only been 3 weeks. Why are you letting the scale change how you feel about your progress. So this morning I got up went right back to the gym and hit the treadmill again you are right. I AM AMAZING.

    I am not in this for the scale my plan is to change my life.

    Jay, you ARE killing this! Of course we're all here to lose some weight and gain some muscle (and come out lookin' fffiiinnnneeee) BUT I think the healthy lifestyle is the single most important factor. The fact that you are working out, making the change and eating right is testament to your greatness. We could all still be sittin on our rear's doing nothing and eating bad food but we got up and decided to make the change.

    The best weight loss of all is the slow loss... Because at the end you will have worked like a dog to achieve it and it won't pile back on as fast. So keep it up and tell yourself EVERYDAY that you are amazing!
  • No im not bragging on myself (this time) this is something everyone here should say about themselves whether you have reached goal or have a long long way to go. Many times we get upset about how we let ourselves go or whatever and say negative things about ourselves and we shouldnt. Or maybe we compare ourselves to other people and get depressed cause we dont have what they have etc. truth is you are wonderful as you are ladies you are already beautiful, fellas you are already well built. The bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made lets not argue with it. So you may have work to do but the fact that you are here speaks volumes! Take it day by day and realize how amazing you are!

    Great words of encouragement, thanks for this man!
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    more selfless bumping!!
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    more selfless bumping!!

    what can i say i'm very selfless ;)
  • heligal79
    Thanks! That was a great way to start off the day!
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    mfp is amazing