hi new here

hi im cherly and im new to the site i have been following a lot of the posts


  • ItsFunnyCauseHesFat
    ItsFunnyCauseHesFat Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Cherly. Welcome! :flowerforyou: There are some very entertaining people on this site...that keep me coming back day after day. I'm definitely finding it easier to stay committed to this site thanks to some of the friends I've added...and follow every day.
  • elisamckenzie700
    elisamckenzie700 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Cherly.
    I'm Elisa. I'm also new to this site.
    I have been on and off diets nearly the whole of my adult life......
    I'm 5ft 1in and weigh 179 lbs.
    I have already lost 12lbs but still have a very long way to go.
    It is telling me that I need to be eating 1200 calories per day, but am finding that very difficult.
    I'm not addicted to alcohol or cigarettes or drugs. I'm addicted to food.
    I just love it. All kinds, all shapes, all textures....
    Whether it's main meals or snacking or turning to it for comfort when emotional.
    What are the best things to be snacking on / grazing throughout the day.
  • inayah97
    inayah97 Posts: 2
    Hi everyone,
    My name is Inayah and I'm new to the site.
    Cant wait to start losing weight :)
  • shweta802
    shweta802 Posts: 1
    hi all
    I am Shweta and i m a newbie :) . looking fwd to loose some weight .:happy:
  • Soulsputnik
    Soulsputnik Posts: 4 Member
    HI everyone, nice to meet you all!!

    my name is Udemma, I am 6ft tall and did weight approx. 20.5 stone. Now I weight 19 st 11lbs. Trying to get to about 14.5 stone, but if I make it to 15 stone, I would be happy with that.

    My weakness is sweet stuff - I have always loved cakes, chocolates.... I used to binge on these, hence the enormous weight.

    I am 40 and I have three lovely children. Had my last child in 2013, so some of this weight is baby-weight, although most of it is due to cake ha ha. I work full time too so getting to workout is very difficult and stressful - and high stress leads me to comfort eat

    I love myfitnesspal so much - like others have said, it has been instrumental in my weight loss so far and I don't intend to stop using it ever.

    For me this is not just about weight loss, for personal reasons its also about nutrition. I have been green juicing too, and have tried to do a raw-til-4 regime although haven't managed to be strict with this.

    Anyway, I am talking too much - am just very very pleased to meet everyone !!!
  • green_fairy
    green_fairy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Elisa.

    I'm not new, but never made part of any group.
    Last year I was very successful and lost quite a lot of weight.
    I strongly believe that any addiction is related to a type of self-defense.
    In my case, I believe that, deep inside I don't like myself, and eating all the time means I'm hiding that terrible feeling of not deserving all the good that I am and want to be.
    When we were children we were told off so much, that we believed we were really bad.
    Children are so vulnerable and so pure, that everything you say they strongly believe as truth.
    Unfortunatelly this is the way our society is, but we have the power to change that, at least to ourselves.
    Knowing that what we feel isn't true is a good start, and it will give us great power to take control of ourselves, and what we eat.
    Every time I go to the kitchen, I ask myself: Do I really want that? Sometimes it helps, but sometimes I just eat whatever I find.
    I also found a good way to prevent me from finding something to eat: I just don't buy bread, sweets and don't have anything that is easy to eat. I only have vegetables, fruit, tea, rice, beans and that means I will have to prepare something to eat, which most of the time it's not the case.
    Keeping a record of the calories is really motivating. If there is a day I had extra calories, it's like I am betraying myself, and I feel really dissapointed, so I decide I will do it right the next day, and I just do it. So, everyday there is a new good challenge, and I think that this challenge is to love myself.
    I'm just sharing what I do and I hope it can inspire you to love yourself and enjoy every moment of your life.
    Look at the mirror and tell the person you see in front of you how much you love her.
    All the best
  • elisamckenzie700
    elisamckenzie700 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks Wanda.
    I agree with parts of what you say and welcome the support.
    The shopping part wouldn't work though. With a husband and two kids, they would go ape....
    I'm the only one in the household who has the weight problem. It's amazing how we make sure our kids eat healthily and then ignore ourselves... Onwards I go to the new slim me...