Losing 'vanity pounds' - go hungry?



  • Goldilukes
    Goldilukes Posts: 45 Member
    I'm coming up to this stage now. I started at 190lbs and I'm 137 lbs now female 32 5'4 and I'm on 1200 calories per day. I walk lightly and I'm still losing but slowly, the rest shot off me but it's getting harder now and I think that's because yes those are vanity pounds which nature doesn't give a toss about for us. It wants us females robust and ready to have children at any time during our fertile years so it has no interest in helping us to be even smaller to fit in with society.

    We've really got to step up our game if we want to go against nature but I do believe with heavy weights it can be done so that is my next game i will be playing in my weightloss journey.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I net 1200 (eat 2000-2400) 5'6,145ish. Down to my last 10 or so. I'm losing a little less than .5/week. I eat at LEAST 100g of protein and 60g of fat per day and normally I'm not starving by bed time. I'd suggest also eating more protein, fat, fiber and dropping your wine&cheese to only an occasional treat. You're wasting your calories on things that aren't really helping you.
  • itsjustmish
    itsjustmish Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 5"2, and in the healthy weight range for my height but trying to lose a few pounds to get back down to my preferred weight after gaining gradually over the last year or so. I wouldn't say I feel hungry at all, to be honest. I'm eating around 1500 gross calories a day presently, doing Ripped In 30 six days a week, You Are Your Own Gym three days a week, and walking an average of at least 6 miles per day. I think the foods you choose make a massive difference. I've cut out stuff like chocolate, cake, sweets, biscuits, ice-cream and alcohol and reduced portion sizes of pasta and rice so that I can fill up on stuff which is high in protein, fat, and fibre - I eat at least 100g protein and 50g fat per day. I eat something every few hours and have had no trouble sticking to my calorie goal without feeling remotely hungry for the last three weeks.
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    I am 5ft 8 and I am aiming for the weight you already are :)


    I know I am not fat, but it feels that way when I was almost 20 lbs lighter before. And my build isn't very big, especially my upper body. One of my best friends have always weighed more than me, even though she's same height and doesn't do weight training - it's just the way her body is.

    A few years ago when I first started gaining weight I was actually lighter than I am now and my dad told me to lose it :(
  • bubaluboo
    bubaluboo Posts: 2,098 Member
    I'm pretty much the same stats as you (5' 9.5 and 145 lb currently), however, at age 46 my metabolism will be significantly lower so you should be able to eat more than me. To lose at 0.5lb per week (proven) with absolutely no exercise I have a limit of around 1430 calories. If I burn 300 cals, that gives me 1730 cals allowance. at your age this would be closer to 2000 cals. I found that once I was close to goal, I could no longer lose weight when I pushed for more than 0.5lb per week. As a scientist this didn't make sense as seems contrary to cals in cals out (and I didn't diet in such a severe way as to reduce my metabolism) so I can only assume that eating less actually impacted my activity levels without me realising and so not burning as much as I thought. If you haven't already, set your goal to 0.5lb a week...it's slow but it's sure and sustainable.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    I sometimes feel like the exercise isn't really helping me. If I don't exercise as all I might stay within 1500 calories. But if I walk in the morning and burn say 2-300 calories, I am super hungry the rest of the day and I want to eat MORE than those calories back, i.e. I struggle to stay within 1800.
    Exercise is supposed to help but I feel like it's better not to, anyone else feel this way?

    Keep in mind that:

    calorie deficit = weight loss
    exercise = fitness

    You can lose the weight without exercise simply by eating at a calorie deficit. Exercise is added to many weight loss programs to help you transition into a healthier lifestyle that includes fitness. If you lose weight without exercise you can end up being skinny fat. Exercise helps tone and shape the body, strengthen muscles, and make maintenance easier. Many folk especially women tend to do too much cardio when trying to lose weight. Cardio is important but too much is counterproductive for weight loss. Strength training is your friend when it comes to weight loss because it helps to tone, shape and reduce muscle loss during calorie reduction. A good exercise play will include cardio and strength training at least 3 times a week in addition to your normal activity. Boost that a little by adding in a goal of 10,000 steps per day every day. You might have to play around to find what works for you. If being healthy is part of your overall plan then working in exercise is key to success.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    I net 1200 (eat 2000-2400) 5'6,145ish. Down to my last 10 or so. I'm losing a little less than .5/week. I eat at LEAST 100g of protein and 60g of fat per day and normally I'm not starving by bed time. I'd suggest also eating more protein, fat, fiber and dropping your wine&cheese to only an occasional treat. You're wasting your calories on things that aren't really helping you.

    Above is the right idea.

    How I've done it, when I've gone really hard:

    Take BCAAs before workout (this will greatly help preserve muscle mass). Lift on an empty stomach. Eat lots of protein and fat. You feel fuller this way, and those two macros are being healthy requirements. Only carbs should be veggies and dark leafy lettuce. Maybe one serving of fruit per day. Aim for 50g or less of carbs per day (Carbs are not evil. This is only temporary for those last couple pounds of fat loss). Low carbs will keep your blood sugar levels lower. You'll be a fat burning machine. No steady state cardio (to preserve muscle). If I feel like running, 10 sprints in an open field with cleats (stimulates natural HGH). Aim for 100-200 calories below maintenance. Have one day a week where you're over maintenance by a few hundred calories. Get tons of water and sleep. Aim for .5 lb / week.

    Fat melts off.

    This is obviously not sustainable long term. Try it, or some of it, for a month if you're having trouble cutting those last few pounds.
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    I'm pretty much the same stats as you (5' 9.5 and 145 lb currently), however, at age 46 my metabolism will be significantly lower so you should be able to eat more than me. To lose at 0.5lb per week (proven) with absolutely no exercise I have a limit of around 1430 calories. If I burn 300 cals, that gives me 1730 cals allowance. at your age this would be closer to 2000 cals. I found that once I was close to goal, I could no longer lose weight when I pushed for more than 0.5lb per week. As a scientist this didn't make sense as seems contrary to cals in cals out (and I didn't diet in such a severe way as to reduce my metabolism) so I can only assume that eating less actually impacted my activity levels without me realising and so not burning as much as I thought. If you haven't already, set your goal to 0.5lb a week...it's slow but it's sure and sustainable.

    I will try 1500 or 1600 for a week and see how it goes. I binged this weekend so that is probably why I had not lost today. Really I should be losing at about 1500.
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    I see wine every day. If you really want to lose vanity weight you need to cut back. I would decide if you would rather just have one glass of wine a night or less often but stay at the two or three glasses. Wine is empty calories and often causes you to eat other junk. Drink lots of water, eat more veges and lean protein.

    No need to cut out wine. If it fits your goal, that's fine. But, if you are forgoing food to fit it in, that's problematic.

    Eat more filling foods and don't waste calories on alcohol if you don't feel full.
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    As for lifting weights, check out the book "The New Rules for Lifting for Women"

    I recommend lifting weights not just for how it will make you look, although it WILL give you the figure you want. I recommend it for how it will make you feel. I've only lost 40lbs but I am SMALLER now than when I weighed LESS. I feel so much stronger since I started lifting weights. It is an amazing feeling. Don't use the barbie weights. Lift heavy. Your body will love it.

    As for hunger, as others have said, carbs will make you hungrier. Eat more protein and fats and you will feel fuller and satisfied for longer. It doesn't have to be meat. Cottage cheese, peanut butter, and quinoa are all good sources.
    Preach! Seriously, starting to lift was the best decision I've ever made. I LOVE LIFTING!!!
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    I'm coming up to this stage now. I started at 190lbs and I'm 137 lbs now female 32 5'4 and I'm on 1200 calories per day. I walk lightly and I'm still losing but slowly, the rest shot off me but it's getting harder now and I think that's because yes those are vanity pounds which nature doesn't give a toss about for us. It wants us females robust and ready to have children at any time during our fertile years so it has no interest in helping us to be even smaller to fit in with society.

    We've really got to step up our game if we want to go against nature but I do believe with heavy weights it can be done so that is my next game i will be playing in my weightloss journey.

    Exactly what I've been thinking. There is natural and healthy and there is society thin. Unfortunately I do want the latter.
  • CariS001
    CariS001 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm working on the last few vanity pounds, and have finally gotten to under 18% body fat. I found the best way to make progress has been increasing protein and fat and decreasing carbs. It also seems to "even out" my scale weight (less fluctuations). Looks like you've been upping the protein lately, which is great! The lifting is so so important too. A good lifting session w/ metabolic conditioning popped in will up your metabolism throughout the day.
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    I want food so badly now. I've reached my daily calories and decided not to eat my walking calories back.

    I've done my weekly shop and all good foods, no fast food, bread, pasta or candy. I really want to drown that bottle of wine and pesto filled chicken with some cheese and mushrooms and ice cream..there is a part of me that want to binge and just puke after. Which I can if I have enough food and wine. I don't want snacks or chocolate, just a lot of food.

    I hate myself, I'm so uncomfortable at this weight but nothing else to cheer me up Friday night.