
So there is something I was wondering...

When I had a membership at my school's gym, I used to lift really heavy.

After spending a few months not working out, I decided to get back to it about a week and a half ago though this time, I can only workout at home with bodyweight exercise or in the park. The only dumbbells there are in my house are 2lbs - so not much useful.

What I have come to notice is that after the first three days (before I had my first rest day), I was sore. And then, every day following that rest day, still nothing. I've tried to change my routines and all but it never seems to do anything different. Before my membership finished, I already had this problem, no matter how heavy I was lifting - yes, my form was good, according to the trainer.

Is there something wrong with me? Have you got any advice to "counter" that?

I know that soreness is not an indication of progress and all, but since I am never sore, it does make me wonder!

Thank you :)


  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    you look young

    a young person can do a heck of a lot of recovery with good nutrition and a single night's sleep

    you'll have plenty of pain later n life, don't be out looking for it

  • mcspiffy88
    mcspiffy88 Posts: 90 Member
    I doubt there's anything wrong with you. If you took a break from working out and you expect to go back to the same weights you used before, you are gonna have a bad time :)

    It happens to all of us when resuming training, just keep at it it shouldnt last more than two weeks to readjust. Other than that remember to eat plenty of protein and take plenty of SLEEP. I cannot stress enough how important sleep is to recovery. but all in all my guess is your body just needs a bit of a readjustment to your former exercise intensity and volume.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I never get sore either and I'm doing the StrongLifts 5x5 program. I can count on one hand how many times I've been sore from a workout in the past 3 months. I used to get sore after almost every workout, but those were basically cardio/HIIT routines. I thought I'd be more sore from lifting heavy, but that hasn't been the case. I don't worry too much about it. I'm obviously building strength if I'm going up in weight.
  • KillaKaliKrackerKilla
    Your right soreness is not an indicator of progress, that being said you can be making good progress without being sore. Sone people feel like if there not sore then they must not have been working out hard enough which couldn't be further from the truth. Ive been working out for two years and I dont really get sore anymore and I still see positive gains, but if i take a week break or do a new exercise my body isn't used to I will get a bit sore. I recommend doing new exercises, always switch it up atleast every 2-3 weeks, the human body is very adaptable and will adapt to the same old exercises and routines that you are doin, thats why you must switch your exercises up then circle back to them in time. Another thing you might want to consider is make sure you are pushing yourself 100% really challeng your body, push yourself in every set and rep, if you feel like your just blowing pass your exercise with no problem chances are your not pushing yourself hard enough, if easy add more weight or do more reps. If you are pushing your body I promise you will feel the burn during the exercise which is usually followed by soreness the next day.

    So there are my tips im sure this will help you just try and you will be thanking me when you are laying in bed sore as hell lol.
    1. Switch up your routines 2-3 times a week witha couple different exercises, then circle back to the one you started with.
    2. Push yourself 100% in every set and rep or whatever exercise you do.
    3. Challenge yourself try something you've never done before.
    4. Add weight if your doing your sets-reps with no problem then its time to add weight or do higher reps
    5. Make sure you feel the burn when you workout " no pain no gain "
    6. Keep in mind sorness is not progress, so if your not always getting sore dont beat yourself up you should consider yourself lucky some people would love to be in your shoes ;)
    GOOD LUCK!!!