Favorite Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinners and Excercises

Hi, I would like to hear about your favorite weight loss meals and exercise routines to help me get started. I think once I get some ideas, I can get more excited to stay on task.


  • thummell
    Hi, I would like to hear about your favorite weight loss meals and exercise routines to help me get started. I think once I get some ideas, I can get more excited to stay on task.
  • rperr30
    rperr30 Posts: 35
    Hi thummell!

    No matter what i always try to drink as much water as possible. It is good for you and it makes you feel so much fuller. As i am so small i am only allowed 12000 calories/day to lose weight.

    I have a low fat and calorie cereal bar for breakfast and yoghurt allong with 2 glasses of water

    I then just drink water until dinner time where i have a weight watchers meal. These fill me most dinners!

    Then for my tea i usually have something like a large jacjet potato with beans and tuna.

    I drink most water in the morning and tend to slow down through the day. Try not to drink too much close to bedtime as you will be up all night at the loo!

    The only thing i struggle with is cheese cravings im still trying to work out how to get rid of them!!!
  • jessjess
    I LOVE to eat...so several small meals throughout the day works for me. Something like this:

    Breakfast: oatmeal or cereal
    Snack: yogurt or fruit
    Lunch: tuna/crackers or turkey sandwich/wrap, soup (GREATEST food EVER), vegetables
    Snack: granola bar
    Dinner: chicken breast, soup, vegetables, rice
    Snack: granola bar or fruit

    I've become addicted to soup! A good broth-soup (no creamy ones) is low in calories and so good for you...and EASY to make.

    An hour a day of cardio (I switch up the machines) and about 3 days a week of weight training. I like doing the cardio....only because I burn more calories and can eat more! :laugh:

    Good luck!
  • koneill
    koneill Posts: 26
    I'm a cheese addict too!! It can really be a problem but I love me some cheese.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Working out-I try to change week to week to keep my body from getting used to it. I am doing 4 days weights and 5 days cardio. When doing weights, I try to rotate between two machines sometimes three. Doing one set on one and switching to the other. No breaks.

    Breakfast-If I am having eggs-Whites with sauteed onions and veggies. uuummm:love:
    Lunch-Tuna wrap or chicken salad or whole wheat pasta-What ever I am in the mood for. I try to focus my carbs during Breakfast, snack and lunch and limiting to the minimum at dinner
    Snack-peeled and corded apple with peanut butter ( I cannot swallow the skin)
    Dinner-Last nights was good-Extra lean turkey meatloaf-stuffed with green, fresh veggies and a nice salad.
    Dessert-Sugar free, fat free popsicle
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    favorite breakfast is yogurt with a little granola, lunch I like to get my fiber in so it is usually a good size salad. I fell in love with basalmic vinegrette for dressing. Dinner I would have to say grilled chicken marinated in teriyaki sauce, brown rice and broccoli.

    I really like walking for my exercise but now that winter has hit I am trying snowshoeing. I am just starting out doing yoga for stretching and am undecided yet as to whether I like the stability ball. I love any cardio that has to do with dancing. I just love dancing period.
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    Breakfast: Oatmeal w/ cinnamon, and one chopped apple.
    1st break: Apple or Orange. sometimes with yogurt that I dip the apple slices in.
    Lunch: Salad or steamed veggies with salsa, one slice Whole Wheat toast with a spoonful of Salsa on top.
    2nd break: another piece of fruit.
    Dinner. Grilled Chicken (that I started marinating at lunch) in EVOO, Apple cider vinagar and spices .
    Or Grilled Salmon brushed with EVOO and ground black pepper, or broiled shrimp. with brown rice and steamed veggies. and/or a salad.
    Night snack: 1 slice whole wheat toast with pure peanut butter on it and an apple. OR sugar free jello.
  • hallusmc
    hallusmc Posts: 51 Member
    I am not a big breakfast person, so I like to have an Arbonne protien shake, I make sure to drink a lot of water throughout the day, for lunch I find it easiest to do a lean cuisine or something like that. I snack on almonds (they have the good kind of fat that they say help you to lose weight. For dinner I love fish and/or chicken with a salad or veggies.

    My exercise is running, I am trying to do better at the strength training.
  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    "Behold the power of cheese"....:laugh:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Oh oh, we're talking about food? I'm in :bigsmile: These are some of my favorites.

    1 Cup cooked oats or oat bran + 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese + splenda + cinnamon = thickest, creamiest oats ever!

    1 Cup Barley and Lima Beans + 4 oz Chopped Grilled Chicken Breast

    1 Cup Split Pea Soup with Turkey Ham added

    7 oz Tuna Steak on Salad or in 1 Cup Brown Rice

    Baked Fish w/ Homemade Whole Grain Breadcrumbs

    Favorite exercises...it's hard to pick :tongue:
    I love everything heavy...I think my favorites are Barbell Squats #1, followed closely by Barbell Curls and Dumbbell Bench Press. I really like Deadlifts too and just bought some wrist wraps to help my grip, I can pull way more than I can hold onto. I hate cardio though :grumble:
  • neverbeenskinny
    neverbeenskinny Posts: 446 Member
    Breakfast - definately oatmeal w/dried cranberries

    Lunch - Brown rice, chicken & broccoli or whole wheat pasta w/marinera sauce and grilled chicken breast.

    Dinner - any lean protien and raw veggies wrapped in lettuce

    Snacks - veggies, friuts, make my own smoothy w/fresh fruit and non-fat yogurt

    Exercise - kick boxing or anything outdoors, run with the kids, play on the swings, just plain act silly and laugh a lot.:laugh:
  • amandastamey
    amandastamey Posts: 67 Member
    b- homemade oatmeal pnut butter protein bar
    s-turkey, LF cheese and LF mayo on Low carb wrap
    L- salad w/ chicken
    S-protein shake made w/ water
    D-chicken n veggies or lean beef and beans
    S-cottage cheese w/ apple n cinamman

    workouts? 20-40 min tradmill (increase intensity up to 7-8 then back down) every other day switch out upper body and lower body on weights.
  • ddupree1
    Question when having tacos for dinner should i have only 2 or can I have 3 daughter included..:tongue:
  • bob9304
    bob9304 Posts: 87
    Eating right is the toughest part for me, my personal food groups triangle is hamburger, potatoes, corn and cheese..I can count on one hand the veggies I like. So this journey is going to have to include learning to like a lot of things, on the plus side though I love cinnamon and I understand it will actually help boost your meetabolism.
  • ddupree1
    :grumble: Ok, who ever said that working in a school district would be easy is crazy. With children's b-day parties, holiday parties, not to mention the Teacher's lounge on a daily basis and at the end of every month we have a staff breakfast...Help!!! The cookies are calling me....Eat Me..Eat Me...:ohwell: Right now I'm having soup and focusing my attention else where...I can do this...Could someone please pray for me....:sad:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    ddupree1....I here for ya, prayer and all! No worries! Keep your eye on the prize...a slim and trim bod! YOU CAN DO IT!!

  • ksgirl
    ksgirl Posts: 14
    I hear ya, Bob. Add Oreos and milk to that line-up, and you had my steady diet. I just started this fitness stuff myself. And I'll tell you, I'm amazed. I ate a half of a grapefruit 3 days ago for the first time since I was a kid. Not only was it better tasting than I remembered it, I find I am enjoying it more every day. I also have had 4 or 5 glasses a water a day for 3 days now. I know that doesn't sound like a lot to most of you, but for this gal, that's more water than I used to drink in a week. I have been stubborn as a mule where water is concerned, refusing to accept that it could give me all the various benefits that people kept telling me about for years. Well, guess what. I feel better already, have more energy, less food cravings, and more willingness to get up and be active.
    Last night I had enough allotted me to eat a "suggested serving" of ice cream covered with fresh strawberry halves. One-half cup of ice cream. Wow, did that look funny in the bottom of my bowl. My usual serving of ice cream would have been at least 4 times that. But I was amazed once again. I was perfectly satisfied when I ate the last bite.
    So good luck Bob, try to keep an open mind. Hey, if I can do it, so can you. (Granted, it's only been 3 days for me, but I'm psyched!!!)
  • kris2600
    kris2600 Posts: 149
    I always have a big breakfast to help give me all day energy and curb my cravings. One of my favorites is a slice of cheese, low fat ham, and an egg all on a toasted english muffin with a glass of skim milk and an orange (or some other fruit). I get at least one of each of the food groups this way and it keeps me satified for a very long time. (I could miss lunch if I don't watch myself) This is a higher calorie breakfast, but I have found that it ends up saving me calories in the long run. (I don't eat as much or as often during the day)
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    A snack I love is my own tuna 'melt'. A whole wheat pita (1/2) with canned tuna (packed in water, 1/2) and then a spoonful of condensed campbell's cream of mushroom. Spread it over and if you have a toaster oven, toast it and its sooo sooo good.

    In the summer during BBQ season. I would make turkey burgers from lean ground turkey and add lots of yummy spices and onions. Grill it up with weight watchers bread and add lots of veggies like cucumbers and lettuce and your fave dressing (i.e. LF honey mustard).
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    b- cereal skim milk latte (made at home)
    l - salad with soup or ww pasta with tomato sauce
    sn - fruit - lots
    d - grilled veggies and polenta or ww pasta or pizza

    my new thing is that half my plate has to be veggies - for at least one meal, better for both lunch and dinner

    like them all about equally