ladies- working out twice a day and showering



  • brittany2188
    I don't wash my hair every day. Surprisingly, if you stop washing it every day, it'll stop getting super greasy... Even after sweating from a workout.
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    sweaty girls are sexy, stinky girls are icky

    I too sweat twice a day. When I get to the office, after ride or run, I take a bird bath in the sink, and change my clothes.

    I have deodorant and body spray in my office.

    I burn 2 pairs of socks per day. On Sundays when I bring my food, I bring clothes for the week, and take the dirties home.


  • silverstarrlyte
    silverstarrlyte Posts: 83 Member
    work out a second time? Ya'll are better than me then, I'm proud when I get in the one workout!!
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,284 Member
    I always shower and wash my hair whenever I come from the gym I can't stand to not

    +1... exactly this!
  • fedup30
    fedup30 Posts: 141 Member
    On the rare occasion that I work up a sweat twice a day (:embarassed: ), I wash my body and hair both times. I cannot go to bed feeling dirty! Unless you plan on changing your pillow case every day, I would recommend at least rinsing your hair out, and using conditioner to keep it from drying out :happy:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    My hair is styled and I sweat like a mutha when I work out, so it's two showers a day for me anyway! Investment of time but I feel way better than I would all sweaty and gross! (However, I have been told that I'm overly hygenic, and I work with people who skip days...)

    I only skip days when I don't have workouts. So Thursday night is one of my one true OFF days- I typically won't shower- Sunday is hit or miss and it also depends on how bloody hot it is- my living room is insanely hot so Sunday if I"m working on my sewing projects- I will be sweating- and then I shower anyway.

    My BF is a MUST shower every day kind of person- workout or not.

    Different strokes.
  • estaticaa
    estaticaa Posts: 67 Member
    I pull my hair back in a head wrap while working out that way my hair doesn't get all sweaty. Then I leave it up while I shower. Hair doesn't get wet and my body gets clean.

    And in the summer, it's not unusual to shower more than 2 times in one day, even if I don't work out. But that doesn't necessarily mean I have to get my hair wet and go to the pain of styling it every time I need to feel my body clean. On a side note, I found out that washing my hair every day (I used to do this up until a few years ago) was not the healthiest thing I could do to it. Now that I don't, it looks shiny and healthy and it doesn't give me half the trouble it used to compared to when I washed it every day.
  • fitshantelle
  • ladylambeau
    ladylambeau Posts: 38 Member
    Lol this thread is making me feel sort of bad because I only wash my hair 2-3x per WEEK. I have super long, super thick hair and used to wash sometimes twice daily because I had really greasy tendencies. Surprisingly, if you STOP washing your hair all the time, the grease problems will go away. It also saves your hair so much damage from blowdrying/heat styling etc. It's a rough week or two in the transition but I'd say well worth it!! I used to spend 30 mins/day just DRYING my hair let alone styling! Forget that - life is too short!

    And for the record, I've tried them all and Not Your Mother's makes the best dry shampoo... and cheap!
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    Shower after a work out? what for?
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I usually work out in the afternoon, and always shower and wash my hair after that. When I was working out in the gym at work I would always do it last thing in the day so that I didn't have to put on make up or massively style my hair--just a simple pony tail. In the morning before work, I always shower again, but I use a shower cap and don't wash my hair since it's still pretty clean from the night before (and it always looks better after I've slept on it anyways). I just set it on velcro rollers, blow dry a bit, and go.
  • parmoute
    parmoute Posts: 99 Member
    I don't wash my hair every day. Surprisingly, if you stop washing it every day, it'll stop getting super greasy... Even after sweating from a workout.

    Oh how I wish this were true of my hair! If I skip a day washing it - workout or not - it starts to look heavy and greasy by the middle/end of day two. But this dry shampoo thing... I'll have to look into it.

    The microfiber hair wraps might be helpful, too, depending on how quickly your hair dries. I got one from the Dollar Store and it works just fine. I love having it on days when I need to shower at the gym.

    I don't mind washing my hair a second time, but I hate going to bed with damp hair, so if it's too close to bedtime I either put it up in the shower or skip the shower and rinse my skin with a washcloth, then wash my face with soap. I'm more likely to skip the shower if I know I'll be working out again in the morning, but the trade-off is changing the sheets/pillowcases more often. But, hey, doing extra laundry's kinda like a workout, right? :tongue:
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I wash my hair once a week. If it's sweaty after a workout, I just brush it and let it dry. I might use some rose oil to freshen it up. If it looks a bit greasy, I use a small amount of baby powder which I put on the tips of my fingers and sort of massage into my scalp to absorb the extra grease.

    Washing your hair too often strips the natural oils and prompts your scalp to produce excess oil to moisturise it. The longer you go between washes, the longer you'll be *able* to go between washes because your scalp isn't freaking out and producing more oil. So don't overdo it! :)