A Beer once in a while?

Just needing some advice for including a drink once in a while. I shoot pool on Wednesday's and I usually have a few drinks. I've been stuck on my weight for some time. This past week I didn't drink anything and I finally went past that weight mark. Any advise on how to lose and be able to have a social life?


  • Dare2BThin
    Dare2BThin Posts: 211 Member
    Are you logging your beer, I drink a glass of wine at least once a week and I log it. Im seeing weight loss
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    i started drinking low-cal beers - and sometimes non-alcohol drinks (sparkling wine, Beck's 0%), they still give me the feeling of having a drink (usually while watching hockey) but with a lot less calories...
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I love a beer or a glass of wine from time to time too. I make sure I account for it in my daily totals either by cutting back on food or stepping up the exercise.
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    I think as long as you put it in your calorie count you're fine. Besides...I truly believe that if you give up something you really enjoy, you'll end up giving up too quickly.
  • bedazzledmom
    I find that while trying to lose weight I eliminate alcohol for best results, but you still gotta live your live your life and be happy right?!
    I would try to fit an extra 10-15min walk into that day and allow yourself one drink. And make sure that you enjoy that drink!! ;)
  • copper33
    Well for me any kind of alcohol is a no no when I'm dieting. It's not just the calories in the drink itself, but it also messes up my blood sugar and appetite control and turns me into a carb-craving monster!
    In the summer of 2008 I made no other changes to be diet other than giving up booze and I lost 10lbs!
  • fatlass70
    fatlass70 Posts: 136 Member
    I look at this as a week by week challenge (not a day by day one) so today I knew I had invited a good friend to lunch and we'd share a bottle of wine between the grow ups (3 of us).

    I have aimed to come in a little under allowance for most of the week so I can 'save ' up a few cals for the weekend lunch. I also got on my exercise bike this morning and burned off 250+ cals which I knew would boost my allowance for the day.

    So despite having had 3 glasses of wine and a couple of choolates that she brought with her (she's a skinny thing and can eat what she likes!) I am under my calorie allowance for the week.

    I try and measure my weight weekly and know that so long as I'm moving in the right direction each week that I can afford to have some naughty days along with the good days. Losing weight needs to be something that you can maintain so if it feels like torture because you're torturing yourself and missing out on those beers whilst shooting pool, then you won't keep off the weight you lose.

    Another friend once told me that I am on a journey - if I choose to take the scenic route (and have some fun along the way) that's fine as long as I reach my destination. That sums it up perfectly for me!!

    And when you do have a couple of beers - make sure you enjoy and savour each mouthful!
  • tacomom
    tacomom Posts: 10 Member
    I enjoy my drinks as well especially watching sporting events. I just started dieting AGAIN! However I just make sure to count my drinks into my calories. It is hard but I feel like if you give up everything you love you are going to fail on your diet. Just don't overdue it.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. It is social but I will say that drinking leads to me eating more and worse foods. After next weekend I plan to go back to no alcohol to increase my weight loss goals, but if you want your beers just plan ahead. when I was still losing weight and drinking I would eat a low cal breakfast and a salad for lunch so I could enjoy the evening out. if you know you are gonna have 3 beers and what type start there and balance your day off of that. also stick to bottles to conrtol and be accurate with your serving size