Finally something works!

I am 47, active, and have loved to eat. I have tried several diets, listened to countless people, telling me so many different things to do. I have failed many times! I knew I could do, but never knew exactly what to do. This time I found Fitness pal, and to further that, I bought the up24! I helps I am a technology enthusiast, so this helps me Stay focused on goals logging my progress in. The wrist band syncs up with calories burned, very cool. Anyway I am close to four weeks, and have lost 19 pounds, I am only supposed to loose two ponds a week, but have been walking on average over miles a day like the up band recommends. Anyway, I am excited to find a combination that works, and hope I can keep going, I have a long way to go! Thanks Fitness Pal and Jawbone for showing me the way!


  • bestlife42
    bestlife42 Posts: 36 Member
    It's awesome that you found the combination of diet and exercise that works for you. That's half the battle right there. This is my first time using MFP and so far it has been a great experience as well. I have been here for 3 weeks now logging daily and this time the weight loss process seems different. I have never tracked my calories in the past so it really makes me aware of my intake. I also love that I was able to link my fitbit one to mfp. So far I think I may have finally found the combo that works for as well. It's about the lifestyle change....good luck to you in your weight loss journey.
  • kevinpike25
    kevinpike25 Posts: 5 Member
    I am happy today, lost 29 pounds so far! Is this really happening! I think I can go the distance!
  • kevinpike25
    kevinpike25 Posts: 5 Member
    Finally, technology to get off our *kitten*! LOL!