Hi* I'm new and ready to see the OLD me!


I'm Nish and I am new to this site! I was put on to it by my sister Venita who is also on here! I have been on Jenny Craig and Weigh Watchers and have seen miraculous results! The problem with these programs is... YOU PAY TO SEE WHAT YOU WANT and once it's over the weight comes back!

I am off of all of it and.... you guessed it; the weight is back! I am in a relationship and my partners is mighty thin! My partner can eat whatever and not gain and ounce! Me on the other hand; if I eat 1 piece of fried chicken I get an extra jiggle on my butt cheek :ohwell:

NOW I AM BACK! It's 2011 and I am ready for the ME U used to love and know! I am ready to show off my tattoos and get into that bikini I love! I am READY and I need you all to help keep me motivated and VICE VERSA!

I can't and DON'T want to do this alone!! So if you have any EATING, WORK OUT, or/any random healthy tip... please share and I'll do that same!

Thank You!

100 days to lose 40-50lbs!


  • CobraBubbles
    You should be so proud of yourself for your mentality/attitude! You will get there if you maintain this mindset. :) As far as eating and working out go, 'healthy' is going to be different to different people. I'm a Paleo eater, so the "heart healthy whole grains" that are always talked about are a no-no for me. Haha. But for other's they may be great.

    Regardless, as long as you find something that works for you, you are going to get what YOU want! :)
  • alishajohnson
    I'm kind of new too. I really just started last week. I've tried it all too. I was very sucessful with weight watchers, then met my now husband, got comfortable, stopped going and all the weight plus a lot more can back. So now i'm ready to get this off for good. Good luck with your weight loss!!! I look foward to seeing your progress!!!:smile:
  • vburnett01
    vburnett01 Posts: 38 Member
    Yay! Happy to see u on here!!!!
  • Monroe121
    Monroe121 Posts: 358 Member
    HERE I AM!