Looking for weight loss buddies!

Hi there! My name is Cathy, I am 28 and just started my weight loss journey a month ago. So far I've lost only 3 pounds and getting very discouraged. I've been eating 1100 calories a day plus 60 minutes of cardio/strength training five days a week but the pounds are not melting off. I am looking for some friends to share triumphs and frustrations, to cheer each other on in tough times.

If anyone is interested please contact me:)

My current stat:
161.8 pounds (5'6)

goal weight: 130 Pounds


  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I am always looking to help others in this process.
  • benebabe
    benebabe Posts: 13
    I would love to add you and cheer you on! You could be gaining muscle. I know it sounds strange, but you might need to actually increase your calories as active as you are. Check out the group Eat More to Weigh Less. It has some very interesting info that helped me a lot :) Keep it up!
  • ange8896
    ange8896 Posts: 2
    Im on day 2 of my weight loss journey. I have 100lbs to lose.

    Im over 40 and 309lbs. I have a long journey ahead of me. Is anyone out there in my position ?

    Im trying to start moving, and I have not started a excersise program.

    Today will be my first 20 min walk.
  • reneecromer
    reneecromer Posts: 3 Member
    I will be 28 in a few weeks and just started using MFP yesterday. I had lost 14 pounds as of March and then had an injury that kept me from running 3-4 times per week and gain all of my lost weight back!! So I am now able to start running again and am going to be needing motivation also!! :smile:
  • Laurabelle120
    Hello all - I would like weight loss buddies, too! I'm just starting today, about 195 (was scared to get on the scale today, will probably weigh myself on Saturday morning). I lost about 10 pounds last month, but that diet was too restrictive. So now I'm counting calories with MyFitnessPal. I'm trying for 1200 net calories, which translates to about 1400 food, -200 exercise each day. If I'm super hungry today and tomorrow, I'm going to up it so that I can realistically stay on this.

    Cathy, you should have the weight just melting off with those calories, but I wonder too if you've been putting on muscle. Do you have a pair of tight pants or a tight dress that you can try on each week to see if you're losing inches?

    Ange, good luck on your first walk!

    ~ Laura
  • sara17sb
    sara17sb Posts: 18 Member
    You're probably right about that benebabe :)
  • cjaneplay79
    cjaneplay79 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I need buddies too!! :-) I have lost 46 pounds (of 75 total goal to lose). These last 30 remaining pounds have been tough. I have never consistently used MFP but, I am committed to using it now (along with everything else) to help me lose (and maintain) these last few pounds. Let's keep each other motivated. WE CAN DO IT and WE WILL DO IT!!!!
  • peacelovehhs
    peacelovehhs Posts: 16 Member
    I too, am in your same position--over 40 (I'm 51) and over 100lbs to lose. Care for a buddy?

    PS Congrats on your walk!
    Im on day 2 of my weight loss journey. I have 100lbs to lose.

    Im over 40 and 309lbs. I have a long journey ahead of me. Is anyone out there in my position ?

    Im trying to start moving, and I have not started a excersise program.

    Today will be my first 20 min walk.
  • peacelovehhs
    peacelovehhs Posts: 16 Member
    Congrats! I too need buddies. I have a long journey ahead of me.
    Hi Everyone,
    I need buddies too!! :-) I have lost 46 pounds (of 75 total goal to lose). These last 30 remaining pounds have been tough. I have never consistently used MFP but, I am committed to using it now (along with everything else) to help me lose (and maintain) these last few pounds. Let's keep each other motivated. WE CAN DO IT and WE WILL DO IT!!!!
  • fatkinson
    fatkinson Posts: 7 Member

    I am 28 and starting back on my weight loss journey. Would love to support and motivate you. Friend request on it's way. X
  • dimpledmorena
    I weigh exactly the same as you do, but I am a lot shorter:) I'd be glad to be your buddy! Everyone can send me a friend request so we can motivate each other.
  • onecatleadstoanother
    onecatleadstoanother Posts: 70 Member
    Congrats on starting - you'll learn quickly that you need to eat more than that to sustain loss and muscle growth. Look for some friends with open diaries for some inspiration!
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    You're starving yourself you need to eat some more calories or else the body goes into starvation mode and stores food. Look around, read about it.
  • rachface1234
    rachface1234 Posts: 227 Member
    Hello friend, 3lbs in a month is great! I would say if you are truly eating only 1100 calories and working out that much, its possible your body is retaining water, not knowing what your activity level is outside of workouts and how hard you work out, its hard to tell. I am 5'6 147lbs, would like to be around 135 again, but I'm always far more focused on maintaining muscle and feeling good versus an actual scale weight. Feel free to add me, but I may encourage you to eat a little more and make sure you are getting in enough nutrition!
  • trinacrick
    trinacrick Posts: 41
    I am new to MFP and recommitting to fitness. Would love a pack of friends on here to share daily motivation or OCCASIONAL whining. :) If you see my request.....I hope you add me.
  • ribye
    ribye Posts: 59 Member
    I'm pretty quit by nature but would enjoy having buddies and seeing how to do,
  • marylynn85
    marylynn85 Posts: 496 Member
    I'm also 28 and looking for new friends on here. Friend request sent.
  • tracie999
    tracie999 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi also looking for friends, i'm 44 and have so far lost 50lbs about 40 to go to get me to 160lbs which i hope i will be happy with. I watched Chris Powell on the TV and wanted some of what he can do with people, so far its working, my sister has lost 100lbs since sept.
  • schobbs09
    schobbs09 Posts: 5 Member
    I've been here a while and don't really have a lot of friends because I usually just record my stuff and do something else, but maybe that could mean all the difference. If anyone wants they can friend me. OP friend request on the way : )
  • amyn73
    amyn73 Posts: 241 Member
    Would love some buddies too!! Hubby and I are trying to get fit but sometime I need ladies to commiserate with and cheer for! Add me if you're interested! :).