Does anyone else's weight loss graph look similar?



  • Texusmc
    Texusmc Posts: 129 Member
    What Pirate Chick said
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Mine looks even worse!

    Here's me for the last 30 days:


    Wow barely trying, right? NOT. Here's me for the last 4 months:

  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Yep, looks pretty normal to me. :smile:
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Looks pretty normal to me. I only log the losses so that I don't have to see the ups :)
  • nesto610
    nesto610 Posts: 107
    Mine looks even worse!

    Here's me for the last 30 days:


    Wow barely trying, right? NOT. Here's me for the last 4 months:


    ^^^Mine looks very similar to this one and I log everyday. I log it all BABY, the good and the bad!!! LOL!!

    54 lbs down!!
  • jtrack3d
    jtrack3d Posts: 91
    I also use the "Monitor My Weight" app for android. I like the clarity better than MFP's graph which usually looks like a wavy line than a trend.
  • CCSavage88
    CCSavage88 Posts: 191
    Thanks so much for posting that for me! And that's good to know.
    I guess that brings up another question. Does everyone usually just record the losses?

    Nope I record both
  • Flutterloo
    Flutterloo Posts: 122 Member
    I've been at this for 31 days as of today. I weigh everyday. Not because I'm obcessed with the loss but it maintains my motivation and gives me a visual my body's changes. Has anyone seen this pattern before? I tend to lose overnight by 2+ lbs, then gain back 3 or so, till I gradually dip down again below the previous loss. I'm working out, have cut out regular soda, and eating healthy.


    Sorry I can't seem to get the graph to show up.

    ETA: That is about what mine would look like if I included the peaks. I record losses only and then wait for it to come back down under where I was before.
    Same. If I were to weigh daily, mine would look similar to this. The peaks don't matter. Its that glorious downward slope that does. Best of luck!
  • feherd
    feherd Posts: 34 Member

    here's mine from excel checking in daily. the one on the bottom has a 7 day average.

    ETA: I'm not sure if my image is actually working or not. :/
  • Dragonborn79
    Dragonborn79 Posts: 161
    I just downloaded a free app for my Android phone called "Libra". You just put in your weight and it finds your average. There is also if you have a wifi scale. I haven't tried it myself because I don't own a wifi scale, but it's what made me search for an app that did something similar and find Libra.
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    That's what mine looks like. I only weigh in once per week - Sunday morning - the good, the bad, and the ugly!
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member

    here's mine from excel checking in daily. the one on the bottom has a 7 day average.

    Fixed. I don't think you can post from flickr like that, so I did a screengrab.
  • feherd
    feherd Posts: 34 Member

    here's mine from excel checking in daily. the one on the bottom has a 7 day average.

    Fixed. I don't think you can post from flickr like that, so I did a screengrab.

    Thank you!! :)
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    I have some aria fitbit scales, I also weigh everyday, every morning. This trends uot your weight but as you can see fluctuations are all over the place

  • MrsJennaKwasniewski
    MrsJennaKwasniewski Posts: 204 Member
    I have never post a picture before so here is my attempt....


    There! I figured it out! I started actively trying to lose weight in February of this year so the previous part of the graph was always up and down or nothing happening cause I wasn't really trying.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Mine is the same and I think I have about a 3 week rotation of the same 2 pounds.

    I weigh every morning and have a wifi scale, learned about TrendWeight here and connected them.

    In May around my birthday time I noticed I gained back a few pounds and it's slowly coming back down. I only keep the Monday weigh-ins after the week to help see the graph more clearly, but during the week I can tell when I've had a high sodium day!

    Also that I weigh more on Mondays than on Fridays - during the week I'm at work so I control myself better.

    I think you can manually put in your weight on TrendWeight but I'm not for sure.

    Tracking can help you recognize your patterns.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member

    Yup, a bit of a roller coaster ride lol
  • CoachDanJudge
    Hey smpleablissfu, I'm glad to see you're making progress. I think all of us at some point or another had a graph that's up and down, even though all of us don't track them all of the time. From reading your post, I'd suggest picking a day that you get weighed in. Say you choose Monday....on that Monday morning, before you eat or drink anything, and after you use the restroom, weigh yourself naked. There are so many variables throughout the day, and keeping the day and the way you weigh in consistent is key.

    Also, it's important to note that body fat percentage, not weight, is the best indicator of your progress. There are times where you may be the same weight on the scale, but dropped in body fat. This means that perhaps your jeans fit better, shirts fit better, etc, and it's important to understand that this is a better indicator of your progress rather than weight alone.

    Final thought: Pick a day to weight yourself once per week, and stick to it in the morning. Take your body fat once every 4 weeks.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    That's normal. Here's my chart for last August. The diamonds are my daily weight. The red line is the exponentially smoothed weighted average. As long as most weights are below the average, the trend is downward.


    John Walker explains how and why to calculate such an average in his free online book The Hacker's Diet, available here:
  • caitology
    caitology Posts: 50
    I only log losses as well, just passed the 90 day mark myself.
    Here is my chart: